The Patents

of Orlando Whitney Norcross


patent no name filed granted description
#396593 Fastening for Roof Slates Nov. 23, 1888 Jan. 22, 1889 Wire purlin fastener for metal-framed roofs
#401202 Snow Guard Dec. 1, 1889 Apr. 9, 1889 1/2 Thomas O'Gara, 1/2 O.W. Norcross) (sheet metal and wire
#417500 Fireproof Floor Feb. 4, 1889 Dec. 17, 1889 Corrugated iron spanning beams w/ timber floor, grooved timber hung ceiling, plastered
#429770 Fireproof Floor Mar. 5, 1890 June 10, 1890 Encasement of the undersides of the beams and planks used in slow-burning construction with corrugated iron
#511965 Saw for Cutting Stone   Jan. 2, 1894  
#526730 Fireproof Partition Mar. 8, 1894 Oct. 2, 1894 Vertical matched boards, grooved, meshed, plastered
#526731 Fireproof Floor Mar. 8, 1894 Oct. 2, 1894 Corrugated iron spanning steel beams w/ wood and plaster sub-floor, grooved mesh-plaster hung ceiling
#526732 Fireproof Door Mar. 8, 1894 Oct. 2, 1894 Tongue and Groove plank door with iron edge, grooved, meshed, and plastered
#531210 Fireproof Floor Oct. 31, 1894 Dec. 18, 1894 (Corrugated iron spanning steel beams w/ wood and plaster sub-floor, suspended mesh-plaster ceiling
#553657 Saw for Cutting Stone Nov. 14, 1895 Jan. 28, 1896 Improved
#596534 Fireproof Floor Mar. 8, 1897 Jan. 4, 1898 Concrete arches with corrugated iron centering between steel beams with tie rods
#625968 Stone-Planer for Curved Surfaces Oct. 5, 1898 May 30, 1899 1/2 J.N. Durkee, 1/2 O.W. Norcross
#628252 Fireproof Partition May 11, 1898 July 4, 1899 Spaced wooden studs, mesh, plaster
#698542 Flooring for Buildings Nov. 22, 1901 Apr. 29, 1902 Flat slab reinforced concrete floors supported by columns
#698543 Flooring for Buildings Dec. 23, 1901 Apr. 29, 1902 Flat slab reinforced concrete floors supported by walls
#701337 Concrete Column Nov. 22, 1901 June 3, 1902 Reinforced with tubular wire mesh network, platform capital
#1133658 Concrete Floor Construction Sept. 30, 1914 Mar. 30, 1915 Independent, non-continuous flat slabs
#1247865 Reinforced Concrete Floor Construction Dec. 11, l916 Nov. 27, 1917 refinement of flat slab with buckle plate and non-protruding column capital


Copyright 2004, Philip Norcross Gross

For more information please contact me at [email protected].  All this information is based on family stories, or documents listed in the References.  Official documentation is not common except for recent generations (1850 or later) and may not necessarily be referenced herein.