The Norcross Family Tree

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Information for Sale

I have gathered a great deal of information on this family in various forms and am willing to share it with all who wish. Because there are significant costs involved in gathering and organizing this information, in preparing and displaying it on this web site, and for the production of copies and shipping, I need to charge for these materials.

Prices and payments are all in U$ Dollars and include whatever taxes are applicable. Bank drafts or Money Orders are preferred.  Not being a business means no credit cards and no credit facility.

The transcribed compendium of Joel Warren Norcross’s manuscript dated 1882, in Microsoft Word format, including the Family Tree Data in Family Tree Maker format, all on one CD-ROM costs $25.00 plus $5.00 for shipping.

A complete copy of the Joel Warren Norcross original Manuscript dated 1882 on deposit at the New England Historic Genealogical Society, in *.tif format all on two CD-ROMs, costs $50.00 plus $5.00 for shipping. There are 575 handwritten pages.
The History of the Parish of Ribchester in the County of Lancaster, by Tom C. Smith, Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, and The Reverend Jonathan Shortt, B.A., Vicar of Houghton, published in London by Bemrose & Sons, in Preston by C.W. Whitehead in 1890.  This is a CD-ROM with the images of 216 pages and costs $25.00 plus $5.00 for shipping.

I am collecting family member email addresses. I would be happy to add yours to the list and circulate it only to bona-fide Family members and only with each individual personal permission.  Please advise me if that would be your wish. At this time, I have at least 50 names and addresses in Great Britain, Canada, the United States, and New Zealand.


Copyright 2004, Philip Norcross Gross

For more information please contact me at [email protected].  All this information is based on family stories, or documents listed in the References.  Official documentation is not common except for recent generations (1850 or later) and may not necessarily be referenced herein.