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- NOTE 1./ Dooly County GaArchives News.....Grand Jury Presentments December 2 1846
Albany Patriot [newspaper] microfilm Apr 16 1845-Nov 1847
Georgia, Dooly County.
The Grand Jurors, sworn, chosen and selected for said county, at November
Term, eighteen hundred and forty six, in bringing the business of the present
term to a close, respectfully ask leave to make the following Presentments:
We congratulate, with feelings of emotion, the return of plenty, and the
prosperity of the country.
We present, with feelings of deep regret and condemnation, the continued
commission of crime by the citizens of our county, professing to live in a
Christian country and a civilized community, of petty and frivolous offences,
swelling the criminal docket to an alarming extent.
We recommend to the Inferior court of our county to cause a safe and
suitable Jail to be erected as near our Court House as can be conveniently
We recommend to the different Justices of the Peace in the several
Districts, to cause the public roads to be put in good order, as they are much
neglected, and some of them almost impassable.
We further recommend that they enforce rigidly, the Patrol laws in the
several districts.
We recommend, and make it a special request, that the Inferior court, or
the Commissioners of the Poor School Fund of our county, cause the same to be
properly applied—and placed in such a situation that they can at all times be
applied to the object for which they were intended, as we hear of much
complaint of the misapplication of that fund.
We allow to Seth Kellum, Tax Collector for the year 1836 [sic], sixty-six
dolloars and six cents, for his insolvent list on the amount, of the State Tax,
and forty-four dollars and five cents on his insolvent list on the County Tax.
And we further recommend to the Tax Collector to return and pay back to William
B Maddox, as Guardian of John T Webb, the sum of eight dollars, as over-charged
and collected from him on his tax for the present year.
We have nothing more of a publich character that we deem worthy of our
consideration. In taking leave of his Honor, Judge Warren, he has our
approbaton and high regard for the fidelity vigilance, and impartiality in the
administration of Justice to parties in litigation, and particularly in dealing
out to offenders and violators of law, good order, &c.
We also tender our regard to William J Patterson, for his attention and
politeness to our body during the present Term.
We request these, our presentments to be published in the Albany papers.
James M. Graham, Henry Pettee.
Matthew Smith, Lewellen Mashburn,
Nathan Youngblood, Thomas Whitsett,
John C Ross, Duncan L Flemming,
Jacob Watson, Jacob J Swearingen,
Allen Waters, Alexander Merriwether,
Oliver P Swearingin, Martin Roberts,
Raiford Royal, Abner Tison,
John W. Come, William Roberts,
Thomas Johnson,
A true extract from the Minutes of the Court, this November 26, 1846.
THOMAS H KEY, c.s.d.c.