1st Lord of Cardigan GWAETHFOED


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  • Name 1st Lord of Cardigan GWAETHFOED 
    Born Cardigan, Wales Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Person ID I13144  Bob-Millie Family Tree
    Last Modified 22 Jan 2025 

    Family MORVYDD
              b. Cardigan, Wales Find all individuals with events at this location 
     1. Aeddan Ap CEDRYCK
              b. Abt 1075, Wales Find all individuals with events at this location  [natural]
     2. Meuric Ap CEDRYCK  [natural]
    Last Modified 22 Jan 2025 
    Family ID F5693  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Notes 
    • NOTE 1./ THE NAME AND FAMILY OF MAT(T)HEWS "Y fynn duv a fydd."

      Compiled by "The Medra Research Bureau", Washington D.C.

      The name of Matthews, or Mathews is of Anglo-Saxon derivation and was originally taken from the name Mathes, in which form it is still occasionally found. The name is also found in the forms of Mathis and Mathes on the ancient records of England, Scotland, and Wales, but the first two forms mentioned above are the most generally accepted today.

      Families of this name were early settled in Wales and Scotland and about the end of the sixteenth century branches of the family made their way into Ireland and England. It is said that the family is descended from Gwaethfoed, Lord of Cardigan, Wales, in the early eleventh century, who married Morfydd, daughter of the King or Lord of Gevant, and had Aydan, who had Gwilim who had Sitsylt, who had Jevan, who had Garadoc, who had Meyriao, who had Madoc, who had Griffith, who had Sir Evan, who was the father of Sir Mathew, from whom the Matthews family took its name.

      Sir Mathew ap (son of) Evan was knighted in the year 1386 by King Richard the Second of England and married Janet Fleming, by whom he had David, Robert, and Lewis, of whom the first was the progenitor of the families of Mathew of Landaff Court (Earle of Landaff), Mathew of Radyr, and Mathew of the Countie of Devon and Cornwall.

      Robert Mathews, second son of Sir Mathew ap Evan, resided at the Castle-Mynech, in Wales, and was the progenitor through his great-great-grandson Tobias, Archbishop of York in the early sixteenth century, of the Virginia line of the family in America. Tobias married Frances Barlow and was the father by her of Samuel Mathews, who came to Virginia at an early date and became Governor of that colony in 1657, Samuel had issue by his wife, who was the daughter of Sir Thomas Hinton, of at least two children, Samuel and Francis, and probably of others.

      NOTE 2./ Cydifor -- Caradoc : <<http://www.users.qwest.net/~butchmatt/page8.html>>

      Cydifor, Lord of Caerphilly.
      Einudd, m. Morfudd ferch Odwyn abt. 950 from the line of Ceredig ap Cunedda (see Usai ap Ceredig ap Cunedda). Morfudd, mother of Gwaithfoed of Ceredigion, but given as wife of Cloddien ap Gwrydr Hir.
      Gwaithfoed Vawr, of Gwent; Prince of Cardiganshire, Lord of Cibwyr & Caredigion, married Lady Morfudd ferch Ynyr ap Meurig ap Ynyr Gwent.

      NOTE3./ Gwaethvded Vawr
      Was summoned to Chester by King Edgar. Lived in the 11th century. The great Prince of Cardigan, who married the Lady Morvydd, daughter and heir of Ynyr, King of Gwent. He died in the reign of St. Edward the Confessor, circ. 1057. Arms of Gwaethvoed - Or, a lion rampant regardant, sable, crowned, armed and langued gules. Crest - a blackcock proper.

      Children of Gwaithfoed Vawr:
      * Aeddan (Aydan) of Grosmont, m. Nun ferch Sir John Russel of Kent Church
      * Y Bach, of Ynysgynwraidd (Skenfrith)
      * Gwyn Anwy of Castell Gwyn & Trewyn (Whitecalste & Wynston)
      * Cedryck Gwilyn.
      * Cydifor, (per Welsh Genealogies)
      * Ednywain, (lay Abbot of Llanbadarn Fawr, living in 1188) (per Welsh Genealogies)

      "Welsh genealogies has the Mathew direct line from Aeddan ap Gwaithfoed Vawr, but other sources places the direct line from Cedryck ap Gwaithfoed Vawr, then Aeddan ap Cedryck.
      "The Genealogies of Glamorgan" by George T. Clark dated 1886 states Gwaethfoed Fawr line as; Aydan ap Gwaethfoed, Gwilim ap Aydan, Sitsylt ap Gwilim, Jevan ap Sitsylt.

      The Mathew line continues from:
      Cedryck (Lord of Gwynfai and of Cardigan), who received as a gift from Fitz Hamon the Castle and Lordship of Ruthyn.

      NOTE 4./ Quick Summary of Mathews lineage from Wales

      1. GWAETHFOED, 1st Lord of Cardigan, Wales m. MORVYDD daughter & heir of OWAIN, Lord of Cardigan
      2. AYDAN
      3. GWILIM
      4. SITSYLT
      5. JEVAN
      6. MEYRIC
      7. JEVAN
      8. CARADOC
      9. MEYRIC
      10. MADOC
      12. SIR EVAN m. CECIL dau. of ?
      13. SIR MATHEW m. JANET, dau. of RICHARD FLEMING and had 3 sons, ROBERT, Lewis and Sir David (the eldest).
      SIR MATHEW was knighted by Richard II in 1386 and is the source of the Mathews surname.
      (Sir David Mathews was "Grand Standard Bearer to Henry VI" and was one of the most distinguished men of his time.)
      14. ROBERT MATHEWS, the 2nd son of SIR MATHEW, of Castle-Mynech, Wales
      17. JOHN MATHEWS
      [Note: Tobias Mathews, Archbishop of York m. FRANCES BARLOW was, most probably, not related to the below Samuel Mathews. (Sam Elswick, July 2001)]
      18. SAMUEL MATHEWS (1592/3? - Mar 1660) m.1(?) FRANCES HINTON. Samuel m.2(?) Frances Greville West Peirsley, her (m.3) She imm. Jan. 29, 1620/1 on the ship Supply. Recent information from Linda Lawhorn indicates that Samuel Mathews "may" have been married previously in England, and that his son, the governor, was by that wife (Samuel's 1st of 3 wives).
      SAMUEL MATHEWS was sent to VA ca 1615 (bef. 1619) by King James I.
      19. LT. COL. SAMUEL MATHEWS, jr (1718/19? bef. 1629 - 1660) He was Governor of the Colony of VA from 1656 until his death in 1660.
      20. JOHN MATHEWS m. ELIZABETH TAVENOR - ca 1674? She was the dau. of MICHAEL TAVENOR & (?).
      21. CAPT. SAMUEL MATHEWS (m.1) MISS PAULIN (she d. bef. 1706), of King George Co. VA She was the dau. of COL. THOMAS & ELIZABETH PAULIN.
      22. ELIZABETH MATHEWS (ca 1695 - 1751) m. ROBERT TALIAFERRO - ca 1720 (ca 1688 - Feb 1, 1728)