Notes |
- Lawrence Avenue, Toronto, is named after John Lawrence & family.
. 1776 Apr 29, List of Letters remaining in the Post Office, at New York: John Lawrence.
Ref: New-York Gazette, & Weekly Mercury Newspaper, NYC, NY.
. Lieutenant John Lawrence, NJ Volunteers, 7 years Service, estate confiscated.
Court Martial For Dueling, Ensign John Lawrence.
. 1780 Jan 12th - (Commencing), Pistol Duel For Honor or Queen's Rangers
Summary: British Ensign John Moffet while drunk at John Wilson Tavern on Staten Island - (is this Kruse or Wilson Brook Rd., older roads on Staten?) - He insulted the NJ American Ensign John Lawrence by saying he was not a gentlemen & insulted his Regiment, the Queen's Rangers which was under the command of John Graves Simcoe... Moffat sent Lawrence pistols & a challenged to a duel on 13 Jan. 1780. The two met on that frigid January day with their seconds, marked the distance at 6 yards (as opposed to the 4 yards distance requested by Moffet) & fired simultaneously. Moffet's ball barely grazed Lawrence near the right breast, not even breaking the skin. Lawrence's shot however went true, straight into the Ranger's stomach. Moffet was killed, as he was good enough to tell his second, Lieut. George Pendred, looking up at him & declaring "My dear fellow I am killed" upon which he immediately died. Moffet was buried at Richmond Church. The burial was delayed several days because of an incursion of 2,700 Continental troops onto Staten Island. This forced Moffet to take one last tour of the island, his corpse taking a sleigh ride from tavern to tavern until the island was secured.
The court listened to the evidence & acquitted Lawrence.
. Richmond [Staten Island] 13th Jany. 1780. To Ens. Lawrence, Sir,
In consequence of your behaviour last night to me (when totally intoxicated) request that satisfaction due by one Gentleman to another. Mr. [Allan] McNabb sends you your side arms, & wishes that you should not consider yourself longer under an arrest by him. I now call upon you as a Gentleman & a Soldier with your Sword & Pistols to wipe off any Odium I might have received by your Ungentleman like treatment. Signed, John Moffitt.
. 1780 the 25th Feby., Friday. The Court being met pursuant to Adjournment.
The Prisoner being put upon his Defense, delivered himself to the Court in the following manner:
"Mr. President & Gentlemen of the Court,
I stand charged before this Court for the Crime of Murder. I am very unhappy that I have been under the necessity of acting a part that has subjected me to such a Charge.
Ensn. MOFFET (the unhappy Gentleman who fell) sent me a Challenge on the Evening of the 13th Jany. to meet him immediately - declined it - but as I was compell'd by the words of the Challenge, promised to meet him the next morning. I considered myself bound by the Laws of honor, to give him the Satisfaction he demanded. My reputation as an Officer & a Gentleman, in short my all was at stake - had I omitted meeting him in the manner he requested, I must ever after been treated as a Rascal & Coward - unhappy alternative-Called upon as I was, I humbly conceive (by the Evidence of Mr. Thompson, Mr. Penderd, & the Tenor of the Note of the 13th Jany. that Ensn. Moffet sent me) it has appeared to the Court, that I only acted in my own Defense & that I was not guilty of any unjust or ungentleman like behaviour on that occasion.
I humbly ask the Courts pardon for taking up so much of their time in my Defense. I have been careful to make it as short as possible, Knowing that justice will govern your Decrees, I cheerfully submit to your determination."
Ref: Court Marital of John Lawrence, Great Britain, Public Record Office, War Office, Class 71, Volume 91, Pages 201-213.
. Later General J G Simcoe promoted John Lawrence to Lieutenant from August 25, 1780. Loyalist regiment of Queen's Rangers was also known as the 1st American Regiment.
Ref: For an excellent complete transcription of the Court Martial of John Lawrence please see: The Institute of Advanced Loyalist Studies, (active as of 2017 at:
Quarter Master Stephen Jarvis of Danbury, Connecticut, & who died in Toronto, Canada, wrote in 1840:
"Early in the Spring of 1779 the Regiment left Oyster Bay, New Jersey & took up our encampment above Kingsbridge where we remained the greater part of the summer ... Our duty during the winter was not very severe, the harbor afforded plenty of oysters. Here a Mr. Moffet from the 15th Regiment joined as Quarter Master, a rough, noisy, boisterous Irishman, but I knew how to humor him & we agreed very well together. I spent the winter very pleasant. Our food was for some time rather coarse, our bread oatmeal biscuit full of maggots.
Much of our time was taken up during the summer, & in the Autumn we were moved to Staten Island & took up our winter quarters at Richmond. Soon after our arrival at this place a quarrel ensued between Mr. Moffet, now an Ensign in the Regiment, as well as Quarter Master of the Horse, with a Lieutenant, (Mr. Lawrence died in Upper Canada) Lawrence.
One day in his cups he fixed a quarrel on a Lieut. Lawrence of Jersey Volunteers, who had accidentally called at the Public House at Richmond. They got at fisty-cuffs & Mr. Lawrence bruised Mr. Moffit's face much, & as the vulgar expression is, bunged up his eyes". A duel ensued & Moffet was killed. Col. Simcoe was so enraged that he would not let him be buried with the honors of war. Lieutenant Lawrence was tried by a Court Martial & Honorably Acquitted."
XRef: Transcription of this Court Martial may be found in my book: Richard Lawrence & John Willson, North York Public Library.
Note1: The two duelist 's seconds marked out the distance at 6 yards (as opposed to the 4 yards distance requested by Moffet), & fired simultaneously. Miffed was shot in the stomach, died & was buried St. Andrews Richmond Churchyard. The invasion of Staten Island by 2,700 Continental troops delayed his burial by several days. His corpse was hauled by sleigh form tavern to tavern until the Staten was in British hands again.
. 1780 2 mo. 7day Shrewsbury. From the Preparative Meeting, it appears John Lawrence's son of William has been fighting formerly & since has bore arms in a hostile way, has left his habitation gone where he can't readily be treated with for which offenses this Meeting hath hereby disowned him from being a member thereof. [p525 /film p226].
. 1780 July 25 - Ensign John LAWRENCE Taken Prisoner, NJV1, Lieut. Col Jos. Barton Company.
Ref: National Archives of Canada, RG 8, "C" Series, Volume 1852, Page 25.
. 1780 Aug 2 - Refugees Sent to Philadelphia - On Sunday last, 8 to the infamous refugees, 5 of whom pretended to be officers in the tyrant's service, were brought to the commissary of prisoners ElizabethTown from Monmouth. When they were captured, they plead they came over with a flag & produced their orders; but their frivolous pretensions would not answer their end & they were sent to Philadelphia, to occupy a corner of the new gaol until exchanged.
. 1780 Aug 2 - Loyalist Also to Philadelphia - Yesterday were brought to Trenton town under guard, being on their way to Philadelphia, Col. Geo. Taylor, Lieut. Samuel Leonard, Lieut. John Thompson, Ensign John Lawrence & Chrineyonce VanMater, late inhabitants of Monmouth & 3 others. - They were made prisoners at Shrewsbury of Wednesday last by a part of our militia.
. The modern Richmond County Country Club approximates the location of community of Richmond on Staten Island as shown by Faden's 1777 map of New Jersey.
Ensign John LAWRENCE, Taken Prisoner, 25 July 1780, NJV 1, Lieut. Col Jos. Barton Company. Ref: National Archives of Canada, RG 8, C Series, Volume C1852, Page 25.
. 1782 Mar 24, Sunday - SALT AGAIN AN ISSUE, Toms River Block House, Monmouth, NJ. Summary:
There was an urgent need for salt, our shores where salt sea water was boiled down...mouth of Matawan Ck. [tidal estuary, Monmouth Co., NJ,] usually stationed a militia from 25 to 40 men.
Lawrence looks for laurels ...most important of these salt producing plants at Squan. - the British launched a late April, large & well disciplined body of American Loyalist Corps ('The Provincials' Under the command of Lieut. Colonel Elisha Lawrence.) ... purpose was to bring away prisoners & destroy the salt works.
Detained by head-winds Lawrence idled at the Hook for a full week, the British forced left the mouth of the Shrewsbury at dark & was off Squan before midnight. Lawrence attached the surrounding buildings & took captives. He caused a bugle to be sounded to summon the Americans to surrender... they wrecked the plant & returned to the Hook.
. Capt. Joshua Huddy was captured here hiding in a house. On Apr 12, 1782 Wm. Franklin & Ass. Board of Loyalist, ignored the prisoner's rights & in secret orders to Capt. Richard Lippincott to hang Huddy at Gravely Point, Navesink R, a mile beyond the Highland Light House. At his Court Marshal, Lippincott was found to be following orders of the Ass. Loyalists Committee.
Note2: Further, Lieut. Col. John Lawrence is identified as the son of Wm. & Margaret Lawrence, His wife is Mary Rezeau of Staten Island.
The last time the NJ Volunteers would see their home state was in October 1782 when the NJV removed from Paulus Hooke (Jersey City) to Newtown, Long Island. On 10 Oct. 1783 the NJV was muster out on the St. John's River, New Brunswick, Canada.
. 1780 Aug 2 - Yesterday were brought to town under guard, being on their way to Philadelphia, Col. Geo. Taylor, Lieut. Samuel Leonard, Lieut. John Thomson, Ensign John Lawrence & Chrineyonce Van Mater*, late inhabitants of Monmouth & 3 others. They were made prisoners at Shrewsbury on Wednesday last by a part of our militia.
Ref: Penn. Evening Post. & New Jersey Gazette 1780.8.2.
Note3: Chrineyonce Van Mater, b 23 Jan 176 Monmouth, NJ, d 24 Mar 1803 Middletown, NJ.
. 1783 Aug 24 - Lawrence, John, Lieutenant, 1st Battalion NJ Volunteers.
Ref: British Military & Naval Records, Film C1853, p. 102, RG 8, C Series.
John Lawrence on one side of the Saint John River at Lot 101;
& Richard Lawrence, Lot 169 &
sister Margaret Lawrence Nicholson, at LOT 52 on the other river side adjacent to brother John;
& also important Lawrence family friend, Rev. J Odell of NJ, was adjacent to John Lawrence's land grant.
Their other sister, Alice Lawrence Leonard, was located at Lot One, Saint John, N.B. Neighbour's Jonathan Odell house still stands at 808 Brunswick St., & is designated as a historical house by the Fredericton Heritage Trust. - PJA.
1. NBLP 1784, York Co., Microfilm F1024, John Lawrence & 10 others, inc. Loyal Am. Regiment.
2. NBLP 1785, York Co., Microfilm F1025, John Lawrence & 10 other, inc. NJ Volunteers;
3. NBLP 1785, York Co., Microfilm F1027, John Lawrence & 3 others, inc. NJ Volunteers.
4. NBLGrants #125, Vol B, pg. 173, Queensbury Parish, York Co., 1788.01.14, Microfilm F16302, Guides & Pioneers, John Lawrence granted 490 Acres, (& others inc. brother-in-law, Arthur Nicholson, 378 A.) John was granted a prime location at Lot 101 on the St. John River.
'John's first grant was for a piece of land near Mill Creek that he was obliged to later surrender to the Crown for use as common land in the new Frederick's Town. We have a letter of complaint that he submitted to the government regarding the retraction of this first grant. In his letter he states that "he had built a house 26 feet long & 16 feet wide, with a secure, commodious cellar & other conveniences". He had also cleared a quantity of land at considerable expense & requested compensation for the improvements he had made to the land.'
5. NBLGrant #154, Vol B, Pg. 346, Fredericton Parish, York Co., 1788.03.25, 10 Acres, Microfilm F16302, (70 others, inc. Benedict Arnold, 13 A.) Land Grant signed, 6 Feb 1793, 1 Lot containing 4 Acres & 3 rods on St. John River, Great Bear Island rights, York Co., which was close to his Lot 101 grant. The Great & Little Bear Islands were so named because bears like to fish & to forage on the butternuts.
6. Northumberland Co. Deed Registry Books, Summary
1796 Sept 2nd. Indenture #482, John Lawrence, Esq. & his wife Mary Lawrence of the Parish of Queensbury, York Co., Prov. NB to Lemuel Wilmont, Esq., Lincoln, Sunbury Co., NB.,
Paid £10 currency for Lot 9, lying near Mill (Mile?) Creek, Fredericton. Together with all regular houses, outhouses barns, stables, gardens, orchard, fence improvements, ways water watercourses.
Lemuel Wilmont also to pay 4 shilling 3 pence yearly unto Reverence Samuel Locke, Rector of Fredericton, Jonathan Odell & Beverly Robinson, Esq., as Trustees of the Academy of Free School maintenance always to be supported & maintained & the further sum of 1 shilling yearly from the year 1806.
Witness: Samuel Clayton, Isaac Heddon, Signed & Sealed, J. Lawrence & Mary Lawrence.
2 Sep 1796, Isaac Hedden, Justice of Peace, York Co., NB.
Justice of the Peace, York County Marriage Records, Books A
performed by John Lawrence, Justice of the Peace:
. 1816 Apr 23, Robert Hustes married Frances Kelly of Kings Co. . - .
. UCLPetition 51, Capt. John Lawrence, L Bundle 11, York, Ontario, 9 Jun 1818:
Petitioner native of NJ. Served in American Rebellion as an officer in 1st Battalion NJ Volunteers & lost considerable property which he never received compensation. At Peace of 1783 he settled in NB & received 490 Acres for his service & no more. Removed to this Province about 20 months ago (Jan. 1816). He has a wife, 7 sons & 4 daughters, except for two, all are in this Province of Ontario. Commissioner of the Peace in NB for 29 years. Prays for land. Also Captain of Militia in New Brunswick. Granted 600 Acres.
One or 2 old farm houses of an antique New Jersey style, of two storeys with steepish roofs & small windows ... Lawrence's Tannery ... In the hollow on the left [i.e. East side of Yonge St.,] Some way further on, but still in the low land of the irregular ravine, another primitive rustic manufactory of that article of prime necessity, leather, was reached. This was the "Lawrence's Tannery.
A bridge over the stream here, which is a feeder to the Don River, was sometimes spoken of as Hawke's bridge from the name of its builder.
In the hollow on the left, close to the Tannery, & overlooked from the road, was a cream-coloured respectable fame-house, the domicile of Mr. Lawrence himself. In his garden, some hives of bees, when such things were rarities, used always to be looked at with curiosity in passing. - by Henry Scadding.
Quarterly Sessions of Peace, York County:
. 1818 Jan 13, York.Grand Jury sworn: John Lawrence. Proclamation of Silence made, King VS Wm. Marshall Assult discarded as Prosecutor not appearing. King VS Allan N M Nabb Assault, settled by consent nonpaying costs. Order that Public Notice in Upper Canada Gazette that the remaining 5 building lots on Market Share will be sold at Public Auction Sat 24 Jan.
. 1818 Jun 2 June, Date of WILL of John Lawrence.
Ref. UC Heir & Devisee Commission.
* Research Note4: Verify with Archives of Ontario, Will Instrument BWR, p210, undated, John Lawrence.
. 1819 Jun 2, Markham, Joel Beeman & Marr Carfrae married by Rev. Jenkins. Witnesses: John Lawrence & James Ellerton.
. 1820 Jun 21, Witness, Affidavit for Sister Elizabeth Lawrence Nicholson:
Home District, Upper Canada} Personally appeared before me James Miles of Vaughan, Esq., Justice of Peace, aforesaid John Lawrence, Esq. of Vaughan, a lieutenant on half pay of his late Magestys late first Battalion of New Jersey Volunteers who being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelist deposeth & say that he ware present when Adjutant Arthur Nicholson of Late Kings late American Dragons & Elizabeth Lawrence were lawfully married the 7th day of August 1787 & the Arthur & Elizabeth Nicolson were married in the Parish of Fredericton, New Brunswick by the Revered Jonathan Odell*, late Secretary of this Late Majestys Council in Province of NB.
Signed, Jno. Lawrence & Sworn before James Miles, JP, 21 Jun 1820, Vaughan, UC.
Note5: Rev. Jonathan Odell, Burlington, NJ. friend of cousin John Brown Lawrence, friend of the Lawrence family & apparently also a friend in Fredericton, New Brunswick! Interestingly, this also demonstrates the Lawrences continued to communicated over time & distances! - PJA 2015.
. 1821 York Almanac & Calendar: John Lawrence, Commissions of the Peace, Judges.
. 1821 Dec 30, John Lawrence died & was buried by the Rev. William Jenkins.
. 1822 Oct 12. By Order of Geo. Stacy Smith, Lieut. Gov. Prov. NB.
These Certify that John Lawrence & Ward Chipman, Esquires were at the time of signing certificates, Judges of Supreme Court of Judicature & Members of Council for this Province & that full Faith & Credit are due to their Acts & Attestations. Signed, Wm. T Odell, Fredericton, NB.
. 1822 Jul 10. Affidavit, of Hugh McGuigan, attended late Adj. Art. Nicholson in his last sickness at Presque Isle, 5 Sep 1821 of decay that appeared natural. Signed, Hugh McGuigan.
Recorded for further research: W.O. 28, volume 9, Folios 103 & 40, often a petition, Appendix B, Great Britain. War Office 28, Headquarters Papers.
Ontario Land Registry
Lot 42, Con 1 West Side Yonge, Richmond Hill, Book 170, p127
. 1817 Mar 4, Bargain&Sale, John Lawrence, £500.10., All 210 acres.
. 1818 Jun 13, WILL, John Lawrence, to Mary Lawrence etal, All acres
. 1833 Nov 28, B&S, Mary Lawrence etal, Alexander C Lawrence et al, £500 & £800, Part E 40A. & W pt 160A.
. 1846 Jan 10, B&S, Chas E Lawrence, etux, to Sarah C Lawrence, £150, Pt Half Acres, NE angle.
. 1855 Jan 31, Release, John W Lawrence et all, to Peter Lawrence, Executor, £25, ALL.
. 1856 Apr 26, Mortgage, Sarah C Lawrence, to John Duncomb, £50, pt. Half acre.
. 1868 Dec 11, WILL, Charles E Lawrence.
. 1869 Oct 12, William H Lawrence, etux, to John Duncomb, $300, Pt & Water Ft. 9 acres.
. 1870 May 7, Mortgage, WHL Etux, to John Veilie, $300, Pt 8 Acres;
. 1870 July 9, Mortgage, WHL Etux, Western Can Loan Society, $1141.92, Pt 8 acres.
. 1871 Dec 1, Grant, Alex C Lawrence, to John Layton, $3500, E 49 A.
. 1872 Mar 26, Alex C Lawrence, to John Layton, $3100, E 49A.
The Queen's Rangers
. 1777 Dec 3 - "No regiment in the army has gained more honour this campaign than (the Queens) Rangers: they have been engaged in every principal service, and behaved nobly, indeed most of the officers have been wounded since we took the field in Philadelphia."
Ref: Pennsylvania Ledger.
Note: By this quote, I wish to draw attention to gentlemen's conduct of the requirement of principles of war for the Rangers, Gen. Simcoe himself & to the 'gentleman' John Lawrence (as noted in his Court Martial). - PJ Ahlberg, 2020.
. Under the distinguished leadership of Lieut. Col. John Simcoe who commanded it after the battle of Brandy wine the corps became noted for discipline & bravery. It was usually the van guard of the attacking & the rear guard of the retreating army. Under all circumstances it could be relied on to give a good account of itself. Perhaps the hottest fight in which the Queen's Rangers ever engaged was the battle of Brandy wine where the British gained a victory which, if it had been energetically followed up by General Howe, would have resulted in the annihilation of Washington's army. At Brandywine the Queen's Rangers lost 72 killed & wounded, 11 of whom were officers.
heir most noted achievements was a raid on the 29th October 1778 in which they marched some 50 miles into the heart of the enemy's country in the teeth of the American forces. The corps, led by Colonel Simcoe, in the course of the expedition destroyed a large number of boats & military stores at one point, released a number of loyalists imprisoned in Somerset court house which, with a quantity of stores there collected, they burned, & finally after a sharp encounter with a considerable body of the enemy whom they charged & dispersed, returned to their head quarters. The boldness of the stroke created a sensation at the time in both the British & American Camps.
The Queen's Rangers in 1781 accompanied General Benedict Arnold in his raid on Virginia where they quite maintained their reputation. Afterwards they served under Lord Cornwallis in the unfortunate campaign in the south ending in the capitulation of Yorktown, October 19th 1781. At the close of the war they came to New Brunswick & received grants of land in parish of Queensbury which derives its name from the Queen's Rangers. In all, three tracts of land were laid out for the accommodation of the corps, one on the Main river above Bear Island in Queensbury.
Ref: Wallace Hale, 1895.5.29, NB Provincial Archives, Canada.
Research & transcriptions by PJ Ahlberg. Thank you. - - - [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
British Headquarters Papers (Carleton Papers or American Manuscripts):
Lieutenant, John Lawrence, 1st NJV, (Skinner's Brigade) Pay Lists
1782.8.24 etc. Micrfilm M357, Doc p5405, 9 Items 31671 -31681.
. 1778 Jan. Muster Roll of Capt Alexander? Brigide of the First Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers commanded by Lieut. Col. Elisha Lawrence (i.e.his 2nd cousin), based Staten Island, NY. #3. Ensign John Lawrence.
. 1778 Mar, JL, Ensign 2dy NJV, Film C1851, p7
. 1778 Jun 24, JL, C1851, p23, 1778 Aug 24, p21; 1778 Oct, p17.
. 1778 Nov 27, An expedition with 2,000 troops sailed from Sandy Hook for Savannah, Georgia, & 6 days after landing at Tybee Island, off the harbour of that city, they took part in the fight, December 29th, on Brewton Hill. A detachment of the New Jersey, Volunteers, Lieutenant-Colonel Allen commanding, went out with this party & suffered considerably in the battle just mentioned. Ensigns John & William Lawrence & James Moody were together on the same expedition.
Ref: NJV in the Revolutionary War, Wm S Stryker.
. 1779 May 25, 1st Batt., Commanded by Lieut. Col. Commandant Joseph Barton, Staten Island NJV, present on muster as well Ensign John Lawrence, also counter signature for names on this Muster Roll. Vol. 1852, p3, 9 (= c3873, p762 & 11.
Note6: 1NJV Muster alternates with Ensign William & John Lawrence. - PJA.
. 1778 Dec 25 - Ensign JL, C1851, p35.
. 1779 Jul 20, Ensign JL, c1852, p19
. 1779 Aug 13 - John Lawrence not listed as Ensign on this date c1852, p28;
. 1779 Sep 8, Ensign John Lawrence, 1st NJV, page 23;
Note7: Again brother William Lawrence was Ensign the day before, 8 Sept, also under Lt. Col. Jos. Barton 1st NJV - PJA;
. 1779 Fall - A division of the Queen's Rangers went into winter quarters, [near Hell Gate (?), Staten Island].
on the farm owned by George Brinckerhoff & later by William Bragaw.
. 1779 Mar 28, Ensign JL, Staten Island, p50;
. 1779 Nov 3, Ensign JL, C1852, p34,39
. 1780 Mar 20, Ensign JL, C1852, p.50
. 1780 May, Ensign JL, Staten Island, p66;
. 1780 Jul 14, Ensign JL,, 1NJV, C1852, p70;
. 1780 Dec, With Lt. Col. Jos. Barton, Lieut. John Lawrence, 'Injury with the Rebels', Muster Roll 1NJV, Staten Island, C1852, P97.
Note8: By the next Dec 1780 Rolls it appears Gen. Barton is on Staten Isl., but Lawrence still sick? - PJA
. 1781 Apr 24, Private JL, C1864,p17;
. 1781 Jul 25, LIEUTENANT JL, 1NJV, Staten Island, c1854,p96; 1781 Oct, p72;
. 1781 Oct 24, Private JL, QUEEN'S RANGERS, C1284,p13;
. 1782 Jan. Returned from Yorktown Battle (Oct 10 1781): Lt. Col Stephen Delancey, Lt. John Lawrence, James Moody. NJV2 - Quartermaster John Felker, Capt. Daniel Cozens. [XRef: Upper Canada relations.]
. 1782 Feb 20 Lieut. JL, 1NJV, c1853, p3; 1782 Feb 23 Queen's Rangers Dragoons, c1864, p57;
. 1782 Paulus Hook, Lieut. John Lawrence, of Col. Delancey's Company in the 1st NJV, also JL counter signed the Muster Roll.
. 1782 Sep 17, Lieut. JL, 1NJV, c1853, 26; 1782 Oct 24, c1853, p35; 1782 Dec 24, p30;
. 1783 Jan 25, c1853, p42; 1783 May 7, p91;
. 1783 May 1, New Town, Long Island, Muster Roll, Col Delancey's Co. commanded by Col Cortland Skinner, Esq., 1st Batt. NJV, Lieut. John Lawrence, 'Went by Home', c1783, p91;
. 1783 Aug. 24, Camp Newtown, Commanded by Col Cortland Skinner, 1NJV, Lieut. John Lawrence, who also signed the Muster Roll, C1853, p99.
. Camp Newtown, NY, Lieut. John Lawrence, 1NJV. 30th (?) June to 3rd of Aug, John Lawrence, who countersigned Muster Roll c1783, p102.
Note9: on next muster or camp Long Island, Aug 23, 1783.
Ref: British Military & Naval Records, RG 8, C Series & Carlton Papers.
Some Research required:
British Headquarters Papers, Carleton Papers or American Manuscripts, Microfilm M355, Ref: MG23 B1, Archives of Canada:
. 1779 - Ensign John Lawrence. 1st NJ Volunteers, Skinner's Brigade Return of Troops, British, Foreign & Provincial Troops, at NY, #Item 31672, pg 10436.58, Item Number 31672.
. 1782 May 1 - Lieutenant Lawrence, 1NJV, Return of Troops on Duty at Decker's Ferry, NY, pg 10286.1, #31673.
. 1782 May 1 - Lieut. JL, 1NJV, State of Provincial Forces in NY on Duty at Decker's Ferry, NY, pg 180288.1, Film M368, #31674.
. 1782 Jun 14 - John Lawrence [identify?], Bills drawn on Harlely & Drumond, New York, pg 4973.4. #31671
. 1782 May 1 - Lieut. JL, 1NJV, Pay List, Period 1783.2.24 - 4.24, pg 7515.3, #31675.
. 1782 Aug 24 - Lieut. JL, 1NJV, Pay list, Period 1782.6.25 - 8.24, pg 5405.3, #31676.
. 1782 Feb23 - Lieut. JL, 1NJV, Pay list, Period 1782.12.25 to 1783.2.23 pg 6968.3, #31677.
. 1782 Dec 24 - Lieut. JL, 1NJV, Pay list, Period 1782.10.25 - 12.24, Pg6502.3 #31681.
. 1783 Jun 24 - Lieut. JL, 1NJV, Pay list, Period 1783.4.25 - 6.24, pg 8163.3, #31678. XRef: as above, at Camp Newtown, NYC.
. 1783 Aug 24 - Lieut. JL, 1NJV, Pay list, Period 1783.6.25 - 8.24, pg 8821.3, #31679. (Skinner's Brigrade)
. 1783 Dec 24 - Lieut. JL, 1NJV, Pay list, Period 1783.8.25 -10.24, pg 9449.3, #31680.
XRef: British Military &Naval Records (RG 8, C Series) - INDEX. See Arch. of Canada - . [8, 9, 10]