Notes |
- Jane' is the daughter of Margaret, (born Ohio) & Oliver Crawford, resided Pennsylvania.
. 1880 Jun 5 Census Benton, Berrien Co., Michigan
Jane Lawrence, age 69, /b. 1811 in Ohio, Father born Ireland, Mother born Ohio,
Daniel T Lawrence, Farmer, age 74, b 1806, Canada,
John C Lawrence, age 38/ b 1842, Ohio, son, school teacher,
William Lawrence, age 46, b 1834, son, born Ohio, Farmer.
Icey Crawford, age 13, b 1867, Niece, b. Indiana, parents b. Ohio, going to school.
Samuel Crawford, age 22, b 1858, Nephew, Single, b Indiana, works on farm [i.e. Uncle Daniel Lawrence.]
. Jane Lawrence, Died: 17 Mar 1886, Benton, Berrien, Michigan,
Parents: Oliver Crawford, Margaret Crawford;
Died: 17 Mar 1886, Benton, Berrien, Michigan, Aged: 71 years 1 month 17 days /1815,
Born Ohio, marital status: Married, Housewife.
. 1886 Mar 26 - Obituary, Mrs Daniel Lawrence
Jane Lawrence died of senile infirmity at her home near Benton harbor Wednesday evening, March 17, 1886, aged 75 years 1m 17days [= b Mar 17 1811]. Her maiden name was Jane Crawford, born Ohio in 1811. She married Daniel T Lawrence Jan 6 1831 having lived with him a happy wedded life for more than 55 years. They resisted in Ohio until 1852, when they moved to Jennings Co., Indiana & in 1857 came to Berrien Co & settled in Benton Twp. - 29 years ago. Of her 8 children, 4 son & 4 dau. all strive her except her second daughter who died in 1846.
Mrs. Lawrence was an estimable woman & possessed in a rare degree virtues of mind & heart that endeared her alike to relatives & acquaintances & made poignant the sorrow succeeding her demise. The esteem in which she was held was expressed in the large attendance upon the funeral services which were held at the Hull School house on Friday afternoon. Rev. L Wearl officiated.
. CARD of THANKS: It is with feelings of gratefulness that we tender to our friends & relatives our most heart felt thanks for their kindness in the care of & administering to the wants of our beloved one during her late illness & demise; for the many words of condolence & sympathy givens during this, the most trying of all bereavements; also to the choir for the solemn anthems which made the last sad rites more impressive: & when afflicted similarly may you, one & all, be treated with the same benevolence & respect is the sincere wish of D. T. LAWRENCE & FAMILY.
Ref: Weekly Palladium Newspaper, Benton Harbor, MI.
. 1930 Feb 14 - PTA of Gard school met yesterday for a business & patriotic meeting. Miss G G Jost wore an interesting costume, over 100 years old that belong to Mrs D T Lawrence, great grandmother of the teach Mrs Marie Lewis. Mrs Jost in a short talk, paid a tribute to Mrs Lewis' great uncle, J C Lawrence, who was one of the schools commissioners 50 years ago & is credited with replacing the old form system with the grades, besides teaching nearly half the residents of the locality the three Rs. Mrs. Jost & Mrs MP Dwan were hostesses.
Ref: News Palladium newspaper. Benton Harbor. MI.
Recorded for further research: Parents
Warren Co. Marriages: 1811 May 9, Oliver Crawford of lawful age, to Peggy Nealy of lawful age. Also by const of Father & Mother.
join in marriage by Andrew Little, JP.
Research & transcriptions by PJ Ahlberg. Thank you. - - -