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- . 1863 Civil War Draft Registration, Samuel B Lawrence, born Ohio, registered at Mahaskha, Iowa.
. 1878 - New Sharon established 1856 Lawrence, S. B., dealer in grain, stock & agricultural implements, New Sharon; born in Warren county, Ohio, in 1832, & came to this State in 1862; owns 160 acres of land; has held office of town trustee; married Miss Kittie Benedict in 1856; she was born in Ohio.
Ref: History of Prairie Twp. Mahaska Co., Iowa by H J Vail.
. 1878 - Methodist E Church - In the spring of 1863 were added S B Lawrence & wife & some few others. Soon after, the class was organized into a church. Meetings weregild at the residence of H Wincer, J Howl, S B Lawrence, & in the blacksmith shop.
Ref: The History of Mahaska County, Iowa: containing a history of the county.
. 1882 Feb 3 - They Continue to Come to Bismarck.
During the holiday season S B Lawrence, of new Sharon, Ia., arrived her on a land & businesses locating hunting trip. He was so well satisfied with Bismarck & vicinity that repurchased 3 quarter sections near town. Upon returning to his old home in Iowa he pictured the features of this country & the desirable geographical situation of Bismarck, in such bright colors & with such persistent enthusiasm as to infect a number of his business fiends there with the Bismarck fever. Mr T S Thompson arrived by last evening in west bound train, & is now at the merchants, was one of the victims of Mr. Lawrence's enthusiasm & came out here as the agent for the converts referred to. Mr Thompson decision should determine them in the mater of removing out her. He is much more favorably impressed that he had any idea he could be. He informed the Tribune that Mr. Lawrence had sold all his property in Iowa & would move, bag, baggage & a 2:20 trotting ouse, out her during the present month.
. S B Lawrence, of New Sharon, Iowa, who recently purchased the RM Douglas property on Apple Creek, has arrived with 8 head of horses, a car load f household goods & various utensils for farming. Mrs. Lawrence arrived las evening. Mr L. will prove a very valuable addition to Burleigh county. …Several families arrived Wed. At least 50 letters have already been received by the proprietors of the townsite.
. S B Lawrence, who bough the Douglas farm of 400 acres near Bismarck recently is now here ready to begin operations. He started from his old home in Illinois with 17 head of horses but sold 9 at St.Paul. His family will arrive in a day or 2 , also his household effects & farming implements. Mr. Lawrence, who interviewed Fargo on his way here, says that is a good dandy of a horse market, for those who desire to purchase horses, but a depressed market for those having the equines for sale. There are at present, according to his estimate, over a thousand horses for sale & no buyers. Fargo has reached the end of its string.
. 1883 Jan 1 - Real Estate Transfers Dees Recorded: Henry H Douglas to Samuel B Lawrence, E hlaf SW quarter, Sec 15, T 138, R 80 west, $4,320. Published 1883.2.2.
. 1882 Apr 14 - S B Lawrence, the Iowa granger who purchased the Douglas farm & is now putting in a large corp , writes a communication to his home paper, the New Sharon Sr, from which the following excerpt is clipped:
Bismarck is going to be a second St Louis in the nee future - but don't tell ole the Star family, I am afraid we will be too crowed out here. the trains are so loaded now it take to engines to pull therefrom Fargo to Bismarck. Said gentleman from Oskaloosa to me this morning: The cars were crowded with the most intelligent business men I ever saw. From nearly every state are found shrewd businesses men hunting locations. The best land in the world is between Steel & Bismarck on the North Pacific railroad. The inhabitants of this fr off country are not all buffalo & Indians but first class members of society. The most genial gentleman are found in the proprietors of the Merchants Hotel - visit them when you come to Bismarck. Come to Bismarck.
. 1882 Jun 9 -Advertisement: Woods cord binders & mowers. For sale by S B Lawrence. All machines warranted to work well. Will sell for as little money as any first class machine. A general stock of repairs on hand. Farmers instructed so that they can operate the machines without difficulty. Office at residence, Crn. Fifth & C St.
. 1882 Jul 7 -The races at driving park half a miles east of the city. 1000 spectators, among who were many ladies & gentlemen of our best class of comity. Trotting contest, best 3 in 5, mile heats. Horses entered c. m. Dusky Maid, by S B Lawrence. First Heat, Lehigh at pole, Gipsy Girl the cent, Dusky Maid the outside who left her feet a hundred yards from the wire, the gap bet. Maid closed, the Maid opened daylight between them, but losing her grip before reaching the home stretch on the first half mile. Lehigh won. On the second head only the Maid refused to work & was run the great portion of the mile, yet failed to get a position where she would come 2nd place. …About 30 citizens, young & old, went to Apple creek to spend the day in romping on the ambrosia banks of that stream.
. 1882 Aug 26 - Bismarck, Missouri Slope. Last year a great many people of the Missouri slope came here to investigate for themselves, found that the statements made were true & are not among the most successful enterprising farms along the North Pacific one. Among these should be notices S B Lawrence of New Sharon, Iowa who is largely interested in stock culture. Joseph F King of New Sharon, Iowa will settle down in Burleigh county & raise 500 heads of sheep.
. 1882 Oct 6 Burleigh Co. commissioners met & resolved 3 election precincts of general election first Monday in Nov. 1882. S B Lawrence as judge of Precinct 2.
.1882 Nov 17 - S B Lawrence has sold his residence on Avenue C, bet. 4 & 5th sweets, to J Crum, of Illinois, who will bring his family to Bismarck b before spring. The consideration was $2,000.
. 1884 Sep 26 - SBL & H Sinclair left yesterday for Iowa. Sinclair will move to Clear Lake, Iowa, & take possession of the farm lately owned by Mr Lawrence, leaving the latter in possession of his farm at Menoken.
. 1884 Oct 17 SBL of this city, met with a very serious injuries yesterday morning & it is almost a miracle that the was not killed. He had intended to take a party of Ohio friends out into the country, in harnessing the horses he gave them smooth bites instead of the wire to which they were accustomed. Just as he was passing though the gate the animals began to run, apparently from no fright, but pure deviltry and cussedness & soon became unmanageable. Mr Lawrence attempted to quit the horses agains the roadhouse, but filed & was facing them for the round table when they suddenly sprang to one side, throwing him out of the carriage on to a piece of railroad iron, breaking 2 of his ribs & otherwise injuring him. He was taken to this house & Dr. Lambert immediately summoned. The doctor pronounced his injuries very serious but not fatal. At last accounts he was resting well. After throwing him, the horses confined running until they reach some shade trees at the corner of 7th St. where they were completely demolished the buggy & upset themselves. Here they were caged.
. 1884 Nov 12 - District Court convened Tues. The courtroom presented a very neat & dignified appearance, having been carpeted & other adorned, while the cars & general furnishing of the room are new & elegant. Grand jury empaneled: SBL.
. 1885 Sep 11 - US Grand Jury, SBL, Bismarck: Col. Thos. Magill Homicide Case. Officers compelled to hunt for him.
. 1886 Feb 5 - Joint stock association selected SBL to report & set rules & bylaws for Bismarck assoc.
. 1886 Apr 23 - The last city council meeting empowered the committee to purchase a suitable fire department team. Looking about the city they failed to find the required team, therefore, negotiated with SBL who goes east in a few days to effect the purchase of a suitable team. Mr. Lawrence will not above the confidence reposed in him by the people & mayor.
. 1886 May 21 - J W Waller in company with SBL left for his Iowa home yesterday & will return in a few weeks. He has purchased over 300 head of cattle to increase in interests in the Slope.
. 1886 Aug 27 - S.B. Lawrence has ten C W Thompson tree claim on Apple creek.
Ref: Bismarck Tribune newspaper, North Dakota.
. 1886 Apr 3 - Land Decisions: Residence - A homestead or preemption claimant, who accepts an office, is not thereby relieved from the necessity of actually residing upon & cultivating his claim to the same extent as is required of other claimants. Cir. to Samuel Lawrence, March 8, 1886.
Ref: Devils Lake Inter Ocean Newspaper, Ramsey Co., ND.
. 1887 Feb 11. Registered deeds o for a railroad over & across 100 feet of land: S B Lawrence & wife, South half section 13, twp. 138, range 80.
. 1887 Jul 8 - No doubt wheat has been damaged in some sections of the country by the very dry weather of the past few weeks, but it is certain that in other sections the grain is in good going condition There was brought to this office yesterday a specimen of Non 1 hard as it flourished on the Antelope Park farm, S B Lawrence proprietor, 3 .5 miles southeast of the city. The stems are thick & full of sap, heads are long & heavy and altogether it is about as fine a sample of grain as has been found in previous years. The specimen must been see to be believed & appreciated and it is on file for public inspection at this office.
. 1887 Nov 4 - Notice of Summons, Territory of Dakota, Burleigh Co., 6th judicial district court: SBL, Plaintiff Vs. Frank E Stone Deft. …complaint against you for $158.29 for feet cattle sold & delivered to you at your request on Sep 9, 1887.
Ref: Bismarck Weekly Tribune newspaper.
. 1888 Oct 5 - The Republican county committee constitutes is as follows: Samuel Lawrence.
. 1889 Feb 4 - The report of Commissioner Edgerly as committee on bridge at Samuel &' closing at Apple Creek, received & filed for future reference.
. 1889 May 24 - Commissioner District Samuel Lawrence, road district 4.
. 1890 Jan 10, Editor Tribune: In reply to the articles appearing in the last issue of Mr. Moffet's paper reflecting on the engineer who located the bridge-to be-over Apple creek near Samuel Lawrence's place, said article calling attention to the altitude of that structure, I wish to make the following statement of facts:
On August 12th last at the request of M. J. Edgerly, commissioner of the First district, 1 in company with Mr. Edgerly as he directed, located & measured a certain ditch to be constructed & also marked the location of an iron bridge to be built. In measuring for the same 1 was assisted by Samuel Lawrence who asked Mr. Edgerly what height the new bridge would be laced at. Mr. Edgerly asked Mr. Lawrence where high water had come. Lawrence replied not quite up to the floor of the old bridge. SV Thomas, Hebron, County Surveyor. Bismarck, Jan. 1, 1890.
. 1890 Jun 13 - Bismarck, To Hon W H Winchester, Judge, Your grand jury of 6th district has the hour to report. 3. We have visited Apple Creek bridge near Samuel Lawrence's place & find that the bridge is none too high to be protected from high water.
. 1890 Oct 10, Commissioner District 4, shall consist of that portion of Twp. 183, range 80, out of the city of Bismarck & outside of Fort Rice military reservation & vote at school house on section 26. Judges - Samuel Lawrence.
. Editor Tribune: What about the game law? If the bird hunters & shooters could realize the harm they do this wet weather - running their dogs through the grain fields - we have charity enough for them to think they would not do it. Making paths through the growing grain at this time is very damaging, to say nothing of shooting a month too soon. It has already been repeated & we want it distinct understood that those dogs are not welcomed at Antelope Park. We have no birds to spare.
Signed, S B Lawrence, Antelope Park, July 13, 1891.
. 1891 Jul 31 - Notice of Final Proof, Bismarck Land Office. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim & will be registered at Bismarck, on Sept 12, 1891:
Geo. Procter names the witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon & cultivation of said land, Sam B lawrence.
Ref: Bismarck Week Tribune Newspaper, North Dakota.
. 1894 Jan 26 - Notice of Mortgage Sale - Default existing in a mortgage executed by Samuel B Lawrence & Kittie Lawrence, his wife, to the Missouri Valley Land Mortgage Company, April 8,1889, recorded April 9, 1889, at 10:30 o'clock, a.m., in Book 56 of Mortgagee, page 76. of the records of Burleigh County, then Territory of Dakota, now State of North Dakota, afterwards assigned to Warren 6. Farrington, executor, on the south half 8.5 of section 13 in township 138 n. of range (80) w. of the 5th principal meridian, in Burleigh county, State of North Dakota, now due on said mortgage $4,118.47, said mortgage will be foreclosed & said premises sold to the highest bidder for cash, at from door of the court house, in the city of Bismarck, county of Burleigh, & State ND, March 12,1891, at 10 o'clock, to satisfy said debt & cost.
Warren G Farrington, Executor, Assignee. January 25,1891.
Ref: Bismarck Week Tribune Newspaper, North Dakota, published 2.2.1894.
. 1893 May 12 - Death of Samuel B Lawrence.
The death of Mr Lawrence as an unexpected event by most of his friends & acquaintances. On May 12 at 3:15 a.m. he peacefully passed away. He had not been able to attend to the chores since March 15, but was not confined to his bed until the 6th inst.
25 years ago he was married to the companion that now is left. Some years ago he joined the Methodist church & was identified with the Odd Fellows for some years. Mr Mrs Lawrence removed from near Oscaluss, Iowa, to Bismarck in 1882. They resided in the city for several months & then moved onto the farm, familiarly known at Antelope Park, 4 miles southeast of he city.
The funeral services were held at the farm last Sunday afternoon, in the presence a large number of sympathizing friends. There services were conducted by Rev J R Deckard of Mandan. Text Palm 55, Cast they burden upon the Lord & He shall susie thee. The following indicates the line of thought of the sermon: We are a burden bearing people. Burdens come from financial distress, sickness, disappointment & breaking up of families. While in Sioux City, Iowa, a few weeks ago a financial crash came.
Calling upon a pastor of one of the city churches, there were manifestations of disturbance in the pastor's heart. The case of disturbance was easily divined. Some of his parish were among the heavy losers. He was sharing their burdens & laying them before the Lord, the chief burden bearer. Fortunate indeed, were those men to be identified with a man of God, who had the intelligence & the cart to tome to their assistance & in faith lay the adversities of his people before Him, who is so abundantly able to sustain them by His grave, in the hour of their great need.
A sermon recently heard led to the conclusion that most of our trails have no foundation in fact. We are given too much imaginary evils. We worry over possible results if certain conditions are fulfilled; which conditions are not fulfilled & the results never have anything more than an imaginary place. It is enough for the average mind to battle with facts, with grasping it with imaginary evils, which seldom produce the anticipated sorrows.
There are many burdens which we must bear. Let us manfully & with concerted hearts meet the issue. But let us not be so foolish as to carry them aline. Cast they burden upon the Lord. God never intended for us to be left alone the midst of such trails. He has made ample provision to help us, & He has sought out the better way of relieving us; the way of intelligence. He would have the sorting ones sear of hIm. Call upon Him. Why so? He shall sustain thee. We aught to exercise the wisdom, with which he has endowed us & go directly to Him, in the name of His crucified Son & claim His grace to receive our burden souls. There is no garment so thoroughly befitting us, under trails the garment of humanity. There is no time where said garment is more needed than an occasion of dark providence such as calls us together today. We can offer no better exhortation to the bereaved wife - than that found in the text: Canst they burden upon the Lord & He shall sustain thee. May we all be ready for these special entrances.
The floral offerings were vey fine. The remains were borne from the late residence to the Bismarck cemetery, where the last sad rites were performed. Mrs. S B Lawrence expresses gratitude for the assistance & sympathy extended to her many friends.
Bismarck, ND. May 16, 1893
. Sam B Lawrence, one of Burleigh county's oldest & most highly respected farmers, died about 3 o'clock yesterday morning, at his home 4 miles, se of the city. Mr. Lawrence came to Burleigh county in 1882 & for 11 years has been number among the county farming population. Since 1885 however, he has struggled with reverse & illnesses, & his last illness was a complication of physical troubles, to which was aded a nervous strain & mental worry, used by financial distresses. Mr. Lawrence was 57y of aged & lease a wife to mourn his decease. Funeral will occur from the farmhouse. Friends of the family are invited to attend.
Ref: Bismarck Tribune, North Dakota.
. 1910 Sep 21 - Necrological. Death Phoebe M Brooks of McKenzie, Monday evening. Born Ulster Co NY 1861, aged 49y. Married 1882 Mar to Geo. Brooks, a prosperous young farmer of Ulster Co. The young couple came immediately to Burleigh Co., ND. Brooks entered the employ of the late Samuel Lawrence, who lived on what was known as the Barnum place in Apple Creek. Since her husband's death Mrs Brooks had continued to run the farm & to raise cattle & hogs. She had already shipped 2 carloads of hogs to Chicago markets.
Research & transcriptions by PJ Ahlberg. Thank you. - - -