Sylvanus DYGERT

Male 1762 - 1849  (87 years)

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  • Name Sylvanus DYGERT  [1
    Born 1762  [1
    Gender Male 
    Died 6 Nov 1849  Oxford County, Upper Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I1538  Brick Street Cemetery, London, Ontario
    Last Modified 12 Oct 2022 

    Father Warner DYGERT 
    Relationship natural 
    Family ID F8  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Last Modified 12 Oct 2022 
    Family ID F9  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 2 Magdalena HERKIMER 
     1. Warner Sylvanus DYGERT
              b. 1791
              d. 20 Jul 1826  (Age 35 years)  [natural]
     2. Eleanor DYGERT
              b. 1792, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [natural]
     3. Anna DYGERT
              b. 1793  [natural]
     4. Catherine Jane DYGERT
              b. 21 Feb 1794, Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 17 Feb 1872, Oakland, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 77 years)  [natural]
     5. Henrich DYGERT
              b. 1795  [natural]
     6. Lena DYGERT
              b. 1799  [natural]
     7. Gertrude DYGERT
              b. Abt 1801, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 1868, London, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 67 years)  [natural]
     8. Joseph DYGERT
              b. 1805  [natural]
     9. Isaac DYGERT
              b. 1806  [natural]
     10. Archibald Herkimer DYGERT
              b. 1808
              d. 1889  (Age 81 years)  [natural]
     11. Nancy DYGERT
              b. Abt 1822, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [natural]
    Last Modified 12 Oct 2022 
    Family ID F562  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsDied - 6 Nov 1849 - Oxford County, Upper Canada Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Notes 
    • []
      Warner Dygert of Fall Hill (Little Falls) was killed and his 10-year-old son Suffrenes was taken prisoner. Warner Dygert/Tygert was a brother-in-law to General Herkimer. He had been an active patriot since the beginning of the war, the first meeting of the Tryon County Committee of Safety having been held at his house. It had made him a target. Dygert had gone to build a corn crib. He stopped his work to light his pipe when Indians shot him down, tomahawked and scalped him. [Beers. History of Montgomery & Fulton Counties 1878].
      [Pension Application for Soverinus (Safrinus) Dygert File # S.10598 found online at]
      (Born September15, 1766, Resided at entering - Herkimer Co., N.Y.
      1845 Resides London District, Upper Canada
      Died Nov. 6, 1849.)
      State of New York
      County of Fulton
      Court of Common Pleas
      Declaration, Act 1832 SS
      On this third day of August one thousand eight hundred and forty six, personally appeared in open court the same being a court of record before the Judges thereof now sitting at Johnstown in said County Soverinus Dygert Aged about eighty years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made in Act o Congress passed June 7 th 1832. That he is a son of Capt. Warner Dygert deceased & Magdalena his wife also deceased. That he was born in the Year One Thousand Seven hundred and sixty six and as appears by the record of declarants babtism, [baptism] recorded by the Rev'd Mr. Rosencrants & now in the possession of his grandson Abm G. Rosencrants, he was babtised on the fifteenth day of September one thousand seven hundred and sixty six.-

      Declarant further saith that he was a private soldier in the War of the Revolution and served as a volunteer in guarding a fort at a place called Fall Hill on in Herkimer County and State of New York, that the said service was performed under declarants father the said Warner Dygert in Col. Clyde's Regiment.

      Declarant further saith that when thus engaged as a volunteer as aforesaid fully equipped for the service, and in the service as aforesaid declarant was taken prisoner & his father killed by the enemy at the same time. That declarant was taken prisoner on or about the fourth day of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty was taken to Canada & there kept a prisoner by the enemy one year and ten months at which time viz on or about the fourth day of August one thousand seven hundred and eighty tow, this declarant in company with a large number of other prisoners were exchanged and permitted to return to their homes, and this declarant among others did return home from Canada by way of Lake Champlain and the City of Albany. Declarant also saith that he now resides in London District Upper Canada and having been recently informed that he was entitled to a pension by virtue of the Laws of the United States during the time soldiers were imprisoned as so much service & have been informed that it was required by the pension Department that his declaration for a pension must be made before a court of record in the United States he accordingly this declarant has come explicitly from Canada as aforesaid to attend the court in the county and state aforesaid.

      Declarant further saith that the reason he had not heretofore made application for a pension are first that he did not know until recently that persons residing out of the United States, were entitled to a pension under any circumstances and service. That he did not know that time of imprisonment was counted as in such service, & having removed so far from his old Associates had no means of knowing (even if he had known he was entitled) whether or not he could prove his services & thus he has never made any effort until within the last few months & that declarant rec'd information as to time of imprisonment being counted as so much service, some few months since through the medium of Wm. Valentine of Albany, N.Y. Declarant further saith that at the time he was engaged in the service as aforesaid he resided in what is now known as the County of Herkimer & State of New York with his father who then owned & occupied a farm in that place and that Declarant resided in said County and State until about thirty five years ago, from whence he removed to Canada, as aforesaid where he now resides. Declarant further saith that the names of the persons who he recollects were, David Schuyler, Nicholas Schuyler, John Casler, Nicholas Forbush, but at present can not recollect any others. (Signed) Safrinus Dygert.

      Subscribed & sworn to before me this third day of August 1846. The words “of some” inserted before execution. Stephen Wail, Clerk of Fulton County Courts.
      State of New York
      Herkimer County SS.

      John Dygert of the town of Little Falls in said County of Herkimer being duly Sworn Says that he is Sixty one years old in April last past. And that he is intimately acquainted with Soverinus Dygert and has been ever since this deponents childhood. That the said Soverinus Dygert now resides in as said Upper Canada where he has since the year 1811. That the said Soverinus Dygert was born in the said State of New York where he lived until he removed in 1811 to Canada as aforesaid. My knowledge of his residing in Canada if from frequent Correspondence with him at that place. That this deponent further says that his father was his own brother to the sais Soverinus Dygert & that he has been informed by his father who was Captain in the Revolution War that the said Soverinus Dygert was taken a prisoner of war during the said Revolutionary War by the Indians & the English and Carried to Canada and detained such prisoner one year & ten months and this deponent has also been informed of the same & life facts by other persons who were prisoners at the same time with the Said Soverinus Dygert.

      The said Dygert was taken prisoner near Fort Bell on Fall Hill in the said town of Little Falls a short distance from where this deponent now resides as this deponent now resides as this deponent has been informed and further this deponent saith not. (Signed) John Dygert.
      Sworn before me this 4 th day of August AD 1846.

      State of New York
      Herkimer County SS.
      Abraham G. Rosecrantz of the Town of Little Falls County and State aforesaid being duly sworn according to law deposeth and says that he has in his possession the ancient Record of Marriages and baptisms which he always understood the believes was solemnized by his Granfather the Reverend Abraham Rosencrantz who was the early Pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church of the vicinity and that he has this day Examined said Record and finds Recorded under the running head of baptisms the following viz. September the fifteenth one thousand seven hundred and Sixty Six. Werner Tyghart and Magdalena Child Severines. That the following is true extract from said Record except the date which is expanded on said record in fair legible figures as follows. Viz.
      1766 Parents. / Infants
      N.D. Werner Tyghart und /Severenus
      B.A. 15 SeptemberMagdalena and further this deponent saith not. (Signed) Abraham G. Rosencrantz
      Subscribed and sworn before me on the 5th day of August 2846. Robert Casler Justice of the Peace.

  • Sources 
    1. [S51]