Notes |
- . 1660. richard Gildersleeve Jr. collected the tax rate at Cowes Neck with William Thicken £1.12sh.
. 1667 Apr 26 & in ye 19th year of our Sovereign Lord Charles.II Deed of Abraham Smith, Long Island assigns lot of meadow ground in lot lying on ye neck commonly called Mr. Coes Neck ye one formerly bring in ye possession of William Thicken. Signed, Abraham Smith Sr.
. 1678 Nov 24. Deed of Peter Johnson Scooll (S), Hempsted. Witnesses Adam Mott junior, Adam Mott Sr., William Thickston, Jos. Pettit, clerk & 24 others.
A true copie entered in ye Records, by Jos. Petit, Clerk.
.1681 William Thickstone Senior {?} caused to have entered in the Town records all his lands & meadows:
viz: one home lot which he liveth on which was given him by ye town & also 50 acres of wood land lying between Sherman's Hollow & Rockaway old path, laid out by Nathaniel Persll. This 50 scares of land waylaid out to William Thickstone as his right of Proprietor & also 20 Acres of meadow lying at ye near Rockaway budded by a lott of Joseph Williams on ye east side & by a crick [creek] on the west side; also his last division of meadow laid out in ye yer 1681, lying at ye far Rockaway at a placed called Case meadow bounded on ye East by a to laid out to Edward Rainer & on ye west by a cricked & also one homel ott which he had of William Scadins with the devisions belong to it on ye plains & ye deviation on ye plains belong to his own Lott. Entered by me, Joseph Petit, Clerk. p.195
. 1687 Feb 8. I ye underwritten doe testify that in ye year 1666 or there abouts I heard an agreement made before ye townsmen of Hempstead between William Thickstone & Wm Scadding ye time of his life & in consideration thereof William Scaddin did then make over to Wm. Thickstone all his hole Estate he ye sd Wm. Scadding then possesed of in Hempstead whatsoever this I am free to test as to ye best of my Remembrance as I was Constable of ye sd town February ye 18, 1687-8. Signed, Simon Sewing.
. 1687-8 March ye 6. These are to request you are ye owners of ye Cow Neck. You would be pleased bestow on me Thomas Becar your rights to a small parcel of land doubt 30 or 40 Acres by ye town surveyors to make me a small plantation not being in a capacity to buy ye place. I would have it going to Capt. Nicholses land at ye East side of his land at ye fork of ye fresh water brook where ye path begins to go form Apt Nicholses fence to ye br each right over Gildersleeves Creicke [Creek] & you are willing I would interest you to set your hands as being will to ye same.,
Signed John XMARCKE Smith, John Seamn Sr., William XMARCKE Thickstone, Richard Gildersleeve, Simon Sewing.
. 1686 October ye 20, I under written do testify ye some time in ye year 1666 or there about I heard an agreement made between William Thickstone & William Scadin before ye townsmen of Hempsted & that Wm. Thickstone did engage to ye townsmen of Hempsted to maintaine Wm. Scaddin ye time of his life & inconsideration of Wm. Thickstone terms Wm. Scaddin did then & there make over to Wm. Thickstone all his hole estate that he stood then posses of in Hempsted what so ever this am free to test if need to ye best of my remberance.
Remberance, signed, Thos. Hickes & these 2 evidence above record by me Feb ye 23 1688.
. 1693-4 March ye 9th, Susan Frost certain meadow containing 15 acres, being part of 50 A of land my husband, bought of William Thickston. It beginning on ye north side of ye said 50 A, running 17 rods long & rods wide bounded North by land belongeth to Thomas Martin &
not given deeds according to Law.
. 1688 Jan 4 - To all Christian People to whom these presence shall come or anywise ascertain, Greeting. Know ye I William Thicken of Hempsted, on Long Island, alias Nassau in Queens Co., NY Province do by these present, grant from me my heirs, executors, administrators &haven given granted, bargain & sold unto them mart of ye town aforesaid, a certain Lot lying on Madnans Neck, it being Lot 26, 15 Acres, as first lid to Richard Sites& lying between a lot laid out to Timothy Halstead & a lot laid out to John Jackson. Said William Thickstone do one by these presence granted all land, privileges appurtenances with ye upper woods & under woods & all ye timber lying & standing thereon. I said William Thickston do sell & make over land & premises to Thomas Martin. In consideration of a valuable sum as full satisfaction. Set to my hand & fixed my seal this Jan 1, 1688.
Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of us:
William Thickstone, William HISXMARCKe Thickstone, Senior, Joseh Pettitt, clerk.
. 1701 May 2. To all Christian People to whom these presence shall come or anywise ascertain, Greeting. Know ye I William Thicken of Hempsted, on Long Island, alias Nassau in Queens Co., NY Province do by these present, grant from me my heirs, executors, administrators & signs a certain parcel of meadow & land near Rockaway now possession of Joseph Williams, bounded as followers: East ye meadow of motts [Adam Motts], west by ye meadow beginning one west by a marked white oak tree* & running southerly to stone in ye salt meadow mark ye one & from thence forward to ye cove & from ye white oak tree aforesaid*, northward by ye now standing fence & one home lott which Samuel Williams bough of ye sd Joseph Williams, all which meadow & land & home lott as aforesaid with ye appurtenances I ye said William thicken do by these presence give grant bargain & sell from m, my heirs & assented unto Joseph Williams to hold forever, & in consideration of meadow adjoins one west side of it, received in full satisfaction before ye signing & I gave hereunto set to my hand.
Signed, William Thickston (S). In presence of Jos. Pettit, John Spragge, John Rushmore, Jos, Pettit, clark. Pg. 135-6.
Note1: 1696-7 Mar 20. Compare the deed of neighbour, Thos. Ellison: land that the bounds between Thomas & his brother John Ellison beginth at the sea cove on a straight-line to a stake from the said stake Eastwardly to a white oak tree* upon the point. page 255.
Note2: (no direct connection, but of interest:) 1705 Jan 16, At request of Adam Mott & John Rushmore, Hempsted, I surveyed ye following land which was formerly laid & the first & last corner trees marked of the old with these letters (AM: TR: JR), beginning at a black oak tree. Tho. Cardalle, D. Surveyer.
. 1696 May 27 - Land extract of J. Williams, Hempsted on Long Island… An allotment on west side ye mill River & bounded west by ye meddo (meadow) of William Thickston, East by ye meadow of motts North woods.
. 1697 Dec 31, Will & Deed of Phillip Sciller, Witnesses: Jos. Petition, William Thicksto, & Thos Smith.
. 1706? Aprill the 9. I Jos. Landon, do testify that I heard William Thickston say that he had sold all his right of gats? at the Cowsneck & all the right of ye undivided land with tin the township of Hemsted unto Elias Durland & I also know that he had also so received one Bairl of Malasos in part of play for the same I say all the rights of gats & undivided land which was Wm. Scadins deceased, & to the best of my remberants to hollows. Signed, John Redwell, & this is a true copy compared with the orignall & entered by me Thos.
Gildersleeve ], Clarck.
Ref: Records of the towns of North and South Hempstead, Long Island
Research & transcriptions by PJ Ahlberg, Thank you. - - [1]