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- . 1932 Aug 18, Eramosa Barn Destroyed
Fie Occurs During Threshing Operations & Building, Machine & Stock are Destroyed
On Saturday afternoon the barn on the farm of Lloyd Johnston at Lot 7, 7th line, Eramosa Township, was completely destroyed by fire. Threshing operations were being carried on at the time, but just what was the cause of the fire is not known. Mr Johnston & the hired manger the only 2 in the building & were in charge of the separator.
The first warning was noticed by Lloyd Johnston, who was on top of the separator when a burst of flame seemed to envelope the machine& all around the lower part. He had just sufficient time to frighten the team from the building & warn his helper & escape himself before being trapped. In a few moments the entire barn was a mass of flames & although neighbors soon gathered to render assistance, the L-shaped structure was soon a seething mass of flames & nothing could be saved.
The barn & pig pen & driving shed attached, along with crop of hay, wheat & barley & 15 pigs & the separator & some implements, were a total loss. Some Insurance was carried on the premises.
. 1980 Nov 19 Everton, Mr Mrs Robert Johnston & family have moved from their home at the Everton Scout Camp to their new home with Robert's parents Mr Mrs Lloyd Johnston, RR 4 Rockwood.
Ref: Acton Free Press newspaper. - - -