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- Schodack is a corruption of the Indian name Esquatak, meaning the fireplace of the nation," because the of the Mohican Indians held their council-seat here. Henry Hudson visited here in 1609.
* UCLPetition 96, M Batch 4, C 2193, p 363: [Summary]
. to Lt. Gov. Peregrine Maitland, Petition of Thomas Mulloy. He has been 38 years [1779] in the Canadas, served faithful the former war with the USA. Himself & 2 sons served in Flank Companies of Glengarry Militia Regiment; also in the Secondary Militia in the year 1794 at Mississgua Bay. He resided in Lancaster, Glengarry Co., he has borne a general good character, has a large family & never received any lands or renumeration whatever for his services. Wants lands form him & his sons.
He moved his family to this part of the country for the benefit of health.
Signed, Thomas Mulloy. [undated, but envelope reads 12 Feb 1817]
Envelope, Granted 300 Acres as a solder, was ordered 14 June, 1798, but no location found.
Signed, 19 Dec 1818, Survey General Office, T. Ridout.
. To Peter Russell, Petition of Thomas Mulloy Lancaster Twp.., Eastern District, Glengarry Co.
He served as a prime solder in Indian Dept. under the command of Captain Joseph Brant & has received no lands.
Signed, 10 October, 1797, Co. Glengarry. Thomas Mulloy.
. Walter Sutherland, Esq. informs me the Captain Brant acquainted him & that the Thomas Mulloy served in Indian Dept. due the late Rebellion. Signed, Wm. Filker, JP., 12 Oct 1797.
. UCLPetition 429, M Batch 12, C2202, P309-319.
To Lt. Gov. Frances Gore, Petition of Thomas Mulloy of Lancaster Twp., Yeoman
Petitioner resided in the Colones previous to the revolution in the Province of New York. He joined the Royal Standard in 1780 & served in British volunteers Corps, in the Indian Department, until the reduction there of in 1783. He resided in this Province from its first settlement. In 1797 he Petitioned the Government by the late Robert J D Gray, Esq., to have his named inserted on the UE List to receive land but he never heard whether his Petition was ever granted or not.
doing the late war [1812] he & his sons did their duty in defense of the Province without suspicion of aiding or assisting the enemy. John H Campbell of Charlottenburgh to be take out the deed when completed.
Signed, Thomas HISXMARK Mulloy, Charlottenburgh, August 24, 1816.
Sworn before Alex McKenzie, J.P., Thomas HISXMARK Mulloy.
Note: Petitions are written in the same strong & neat handwriting of John Cameron, JP.
. Affidavit1: Home District, James Young of Markham, yeoman, late of Lancaster Twp. where he resided since infancy, till about 2 years past, taketh oath that has been for many years reacquainted with Thomas Mulloy, the elder, now of Vaughan Two, Home District [York Co.], yeoman & also a resident of Lancaster. Mulloy resided nearly 10 years preceding 1804 & he removed to Lower Canada. Mulloy returned to Lancaster about 1808 & resided in Lancaster about 12 months ago when he removed to Vaughan where he has ever since remained.
Signed, 21 December, 1808. John Small, JP, James HISXMARK Young.
. Affidavit2: Home District, Wincy Mulloy, wife of Thomas Molly, Vaughan Twp., yeoman, late Lancaster Twp., East District, makedth oath, 52 years of age [1766]. She was brought up at Schoodick, the late New York Province, USA. She was acquainted with Thomas Mulloy at the age to 10 or 12 years , who a that period went to the same school with herself at Schoodick.
Signed, York, 21 Dec, 1808, John Small, JP, Winey HERXMARK Mulloy.
. Affidavit3: I certify the petitioners Thomas Mulloy did his duty in defence of the Province during the late war the the United States & his 3 sons served in the Flank Companies of the First Reg. Glenegarry Militia, the first years of the War & then afterwards 2 of them into the Provincial Dragoons.
Signed, York, 19 Sept 1816. John H. Campbell, 1st Reg Glengarry Militia.
Affidavit4: I certify This Molly joined his Majesty Standard at Niagara in the year 1780 & served in captivity Joseph Brants Corps as a Volunteer,.
Signed, York 9 July, 1819, David Secord, M.P.
Affidavit5: Before me John Cameron, Justice of Peace.Thomas Mulloy of Lancaster Twp., Glengarry Co. makekth oath he resided in the US previous to the Revolution. He joined the Royal Standard in 1780 & served in Brant's Volunteers until the Peace in 1783.
Signed, 23 Jan 1817, John Cameron, JP, Thomas Mulloy
Affidavit6: I do hereby certify from he recollection I known the bear Thomas Mulloy. I believed he serve in the revolutionary was as a Forester (or Volunteer) in the Six Nation Indian department at Niagara.,
Signed, Robt. Nelles, York 1st March 1820.
Affidavit7: Before John Cameron, Esq, JP. Jeremiah Snyder, Lancaster. maketh oath he was acquainted with Thomas Mulloy's father in the US, that the was a Loyal Subject. One the the above mentioned, Thomas Mulloys brothers joined the Royal Standard with him in 1776.
Sworn, at Glengarry, 23 Jan 1817, John Cameron, JP & Jeremiah HISXMARK Snyder.
Envelope: Entered into UE List, 22 March 1820.
Ontario Land Registry Abstract Book Peel County
Lot 19 South, Con 3, AlbionTwp.,
. 1834 Nov 23, Patent, The Crown to Thomas Mulloy, 100 Acres West Half
. 1833 Aug 1, Reg. 1834 Dec 22, Bargin&Sale, Thomas Mullory, to John W Brown, Part A
. 1833 Aug 1, B&S, TM to Hugh Mulloy, Part
. 1839 May 19, B&S, TM & wife, to Mary Mitchell, £11, 1s., part acre.
. 1863 Apr 25, Hugh Mulloy etux, to James Wilson, $100, 50A NW Quarter.
. 1872 Sep 7, B&S, Hugh Mulloy, to Barnibus Mulloy, $1000, 50 A SW Quarter.
. 1878 Feb 19, Mortgage, Banibus Mulloy, to Landed Banking & Loan co., $919.44, 50A SW.
. Transcripts by PJ Ahlberg. Thank you. - - - [1]