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- St Joseph Daily Press.
. 1908 Mar 6 - Harry Grow is confined to his home by illness.
News Palladium newspaper, Benton Harbor, MI.
. 1896 Nov 21 - Harry Grow & John Webster have returned form a trip south. The boys left on Sept 20 & went to Fort Valley, Ga. where they expected to get work in George B Talman's basket factory. They found the labor market clogged at that place & returned with our finding any work except for a few days in Illinois & Memphis, Tenn.
Ref: News Palladium newspaper, Benton Harbor, MI.
. 1897 Jan 23 - Vineland. Harry Grow of Benton Harbor has been visiting relatives here.
. 1901 Oct 25 - Benton Harbor, Harry Grow & wife left Tuesday afternoon for Kissimmee, Florida, where they will make their future home.
. 1904 Mar 1 - Surprise Party. Last evening was the occasion of a delightful"children's" party when Harry Grow was made the victim of a surprise in honor of his 5th birthday anniversary, he being a leap year boy, & not having had a party for 8 years. Harry's mother had invited him to take tea at her home after supper she decided she would accompany him to his home to spend the evening with him & his wife. When they arrived the house was filled with guests & he was completely over come with surprise. Many games such as only children enjoy were played & a jolly time was had. After the company became tired of being children, they suddenly grew to the age of grown ups & were very dignified for a time & played games suitable for their new condition, first prized for which were won by Miss Mollie Grow & second prizes by Miss Anna Hoffman & Garry Grow. After the games had been enjoyed to the fullest extent a dainty two course luncheon was served. Harry was the recipient of many pretty toys & even if he doesn't have a birthday to celebrate vey often he feels as if he was even for he thinks last evening's surprise was one of the best of his life.
. 1908 Sep 7 - Mr Mrs Harry Grow went to Paw Paw today to spend a week camping.
. 1908 Sep 15 - Harry Grow & family have retired from a pleasant outing at Paw Paw, where they have been in a camp for a week.
. 1910 Jun 11 - In the near future Harry Grow will build a home on his newly purchased lot on Superior St.
. 1912 Feb 24 - Drayman Harry Grow has moved his offices from Frank Noble's plumbing shop Pipestone St to an office room on the ground floor of the Benton Harbor State and building on Michigan St., New Telephone # is 940.
. Leap year, Harry Grow observed his 7th anniversary at a gather of Pleasure Seekers at the Grow home on Superior st.
. 1918 Apr 13, Harry Grow, confined at his home on Superior St.
. 1918 - 25 years ago, A business deal of importance has been committed between Mrs Mar Grow, owner of the Grow Transfer Co & HA Foeltzer, whereby taking over the transfer & storage business of the company. The new owners will use the old from name of Grow Transfer Company. Republished 1943.12.4.
. 1918 Apr 18 - Greatly beloved by all who knew him, the death of Harry L Grow of 668 Superior st., is sincerely mourned by the city of Benton Harbor today. His demise occurred at 7 oclock Wed. evening following an illness of several weeks, rheumatism & quinsy being the immediate cause of death. A severe heart leakage also hastens the end.
the general friendly young man, who was but 38 y of are, & was called to his last home while in the prime of live & amid successful business interest, will be missed in many circles of the city's activities, was well as by scores of personal fiends. For 14 y, Mr Grow has conducted a transfer business here. This industry flourishing & expanding under the careful management of the owners who has spend his entire life in the city. Always active, Mr Grow was engaged in various minor business pursuits before establishing himself in the one which he left only when filling health & strength demanded. He was a member of he Congregational church, of the Knights of Pythias & Elks loges of the city & as always the first to lend air where it was needed.
the filly who survive are the widow Cora L Grow, who gave her husband such unremitting & constant care during his illness, that her condition is very serious at the present time, 3 children, Milton aged 13; Wendell aged 10, Harry Jr, aged 4 years.
3 sisters: Mollie of chicane, Mrs Thomas Ollinger of holland, Mrs James Eastman of Kennedwick, Washington, one brother Frank Grow of Eau Claire. The mother & Myra Grow of Chicago & Miss Mollie were here at the time their son & brother passed away. Mrs Olinger arrived today. Funeral Friday at the congregational Church. Interment in Crystal Springs cemetery.
Research & transcriptions by PJ Ahlberg. Thank you.