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- Saginaw News:
. 1905 Mar 9 - A Delightful Concert: Given by the Employees of the State Employment Institution for the Blind. Wednesday Evening impromptu program in the chapel. ...Vocal solo by Miss Elie Johnson followed by a clever recitation by Master Kenneth Hamilton. One of the most enjoyable numbers of the evening was the singing of "Dainty Dorothea" by Mrs. J P Hamilton.
. 1906 May 23 - The repetition of "The New Professor" at the Michigan Blind Institute Tuesday evening was in every way as successful at the initial performance & reflected great credit on the participants. A vocal solo by Miss Helen Hamilton & a violin solo by Master Kenneth Hamilton added to the pleasure of the evening.
. 1907 Mar 22 - To Give Asters & Nasturtiums - City Federation of Women's Clubs to give both seeds - Following Business Session at Home of Mrs. J P Hamilton Fine Program was given.:
Women Federation held its meetings at Mich. Employment Institute, Thursday afternoon as the guests of Mrs. J P Hamilton. Plans for the coming season were talked over in regard to the seed distribution to the public schools. Following the session the assembly which was a very large one, listened to an exceedingly fine program which had been arranged for the occasion by Mrs. Hamilton & the people of the Institute: The program was as follows: "Behind the Curtain" Miss Virsa Engle & Kenneth Hamilton.
. 1907 Mar 29 - Saginaw Social Life. A large crowd assembled Wednesday evening at the Michigan Employment Institute for the Blind to hear the program that had been arranged for the occasion. All the solos both instrumental & vocal were very good as was the monologue of Miss Vira Angie. Monologue, "Behind the Curtain" Miss Vera Angie assisted by Kenneth Hamilton.
. 1915 June 20, Sunday - Scotch club Meets, in spite of the showers a goodly number of the Scotch club met in Pythian Hall on Tuesday evening, June 15th, Many matters of interest were discussed during the business proceedings. Mr. Kenneth Hamilton was admitted to membership his parents, Mr & Mrs James P Hamilton being already valued members of the organization. Mr. James Hamilton sang a rosary song which was greatly enjoyed.
Ref: Emp Tribune.
- 1919 Jul 25, Party for Sergeant & Mrs Hamilton, was given Wed. evening at Hamilton Heath, home of Mr & Mrs J P Hamilton, in honor of their son, Sergt. James Kenneth Hamilton, who recently returned from France after 10 months service at first sergeant of the 10 months service as first sergeant of the 106Engineers & his bride Mrs. Genevieve Hamilton, who he marrieds shortly before leaving for overseas. About 40 friends joined in extending felicitations the the young couple, who have established themselves in one of the pretty bungalows of Health cloth on theHillsborough River & surprised them by giving themas after marriage show. members of the local Scotch bagpiper organization serenaded them, dancing was indulged.
. 1922 Dec 9 - Hamilton Piano Co. Secures Piano Agency - JP Hamilton of Hamilton Piano Co. of Tampa is very much elected over the fact that his company has been awarded the agency in this section for the well known Gubransen Player Pianos.
KennthHamilton associated with his father in the piano business, leaves tonight for Rome, Ga. to assist incurring for the Christmas trade of their thriving jewelry business intuit city. he expects tone gone about 3 weeks, during his absence Tampa music lovers will be taken care of by the senior member of the firm, who b the way looks forward to gib business in their particular line, that is if the early season orders can be judged as any criterion.
. 1930 Apr 5Officials of City to Attend Funeral Rites for Hamilton
Funeral services for Alderman Kenneth Hamilton, whooped in a NY hospital Saturday, will be held tomorrow afternoon at 4 at the Seminole Heights Methodist church. Services will be in charge of USS Tampa post, am. Legion & will be attended by the board of alderman, Mayor McKay & other city officials.
The body will arrive from NY this afternoon & will be buried in Myrtle Hill cemetery full military honors will be accorded at the grave. Buglers from the legion post, of which Mr. Hamilton was a member of the executive committee, they will play bow taps. The mayor yesterday ordered the city hall flag flown at half staff during the period of official mourning.
Mr. Hamilton was the youngest & one of the most aggressive members of the board of aldermen. He entered politics during the campaign resulting in the overthrown of commission government & was elected to the board by the residents of the north seminole Heights district.
As a soldier, Mr. H. served with Company G of the Florida national guard infantry on the Mexican border & was among the first American troops sent to France. He was severely injured during an artillery engagement. Returning to civil life, Mr H. was associated with this father, JP Hamilton in operating a water company in Hamilton Heath. The survivors, besides his parents, include the widow, a daughter, a brother & a sister, all residing in Tampa.
Ref: Tampa Tribune, Florida, published Apr 8 1930.
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