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- . 1903 Apr 8, Detroit, to wife of W. E. Tisdale of Simcoe a daughter.
. W. E. Tisdale, K.C., Registrar of Norfolk County.
. Date? Congratulations to W. Edgett Tisdale is among the list of the successful candidates at the late Primary Examination before the Law Society.
. 1913 Jul 31 - W. E. Tisdale's little daughter Margaret was injured when her long hair got caught in a boat engine during a pleasure outing.
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Obituary: Death of Dr. John Wilson
The many old friends of Dr. John Wilson, in whose memories he had a warm place, were shocked by the intelligence of his sudden death from an attack of bronchial pneumonia last Friday, at the residence of his son, Dr. Wm. Wilson, at St. Joseph, Michigan.
Dr. John Wilson went from Simcoe to Detroit over 25 years ago, where he has since resided. A few days ago, not feeling well, he went on a visit to his son at St. Joseph & while there died very suddenly.
His remains were brought to Simcoe on Sunday morning by his sons William and Douglas, & taken to the residence of his daughter, Mrs. W. Edgett Tisdale, & in the afternoon at 2:30 o'clock were interred in the family plot in Oakwood cemetery, many of his former friends attending the funeral.
The late Dr. Wilson is survived by his widow, 2 sons & 2 daughters. He was born in Simcoe in 1838, received his earlier education in the Simcoe Grammar School, & finally matriculated in Arts in Toronto University. He then attended McGill College, Montreal, & subsequently completed his studies in London, England, obtaining the diploma of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons.
He returned to Simcoe in 1859 and resided here until his removal to Detroit. By his courteous manner & enterprise for the benefit of the town he became very popular, & for several years was elected to the Town Council, & for a number of terms was Warden of Norfolk. He was the first Mayor of the town of Simcoe at its incorporation in 1878. He was a Past Master of Norfolk Lodge, No. 10. A. F. & A. M., and a Past Principal of Ezra Chapter, No. 23, R.A.M. He was also a member of Lynn Lodge, No. 28, A.O.U.W. - - -