Notes |
- . 1927 Jan 1 - Eau Clair Team Gets An Award
for the distinction of entering the only girls' teem in a recent horticultural show at Grand Rapids.
The fruit judging honors were won by Eau Claire Team, high school girls winning third place in a competition with 15 teams. The team composed of Pauline Dunaetz, Eva Rose Grow & Katie Butzbach, finished only 4 points behind the leaders. Dunaetz & Miss Grow were tied for 6th place out 45 contestants.
. 1926 Apr 6 - Milton Grow has returned to Ohio Wesleyan University, after spending the week end here with is brother, Wendell Grow & local friends.
. 1928 Jan 12 - Eau Clair Juniors Entertain in Chapel, Jan 12, The Eau Claire high school juniors entrained the student body with a program in chapel yesterday. ...George Grow recited a poem, ' Contents of a Lady's Purse'.Eva Rose Grow gave a poem, 'The Shiek.'
. 1933 Aug 30 - Eau Claire. Miss Eva Rose Grow, daughter of Mr Mrs Frank Grow, & Lawrence Bower, young farmer living near Eau Claire, were quietly married at the home of the bride's parents on Sun. Aug 27.
Mrs Irene Allinton, pastor of Eau Claire community church performed the ceremony in the presence immediate members of the family. After a wedding breakfast, the young couple left for a cottage on Keeler Lake, where they will spend a few days. The Bowers will be at home at their farm residence after September 1.
Ref: News-Palladium, Benton Harbor, MI. - - -