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- . 1908 Jan 20 - Natal Note: Mr Mrs Harry Grow, Baird street, are the parents of a 9 pound son, born this morning.
. 1924 Dec 9 - Wendell Grow is the new president of the Good Samaritan Musical & Dramatics Club.
. 1926 Apr 6 - Milton Grow has returned to Ohio Wesleyan University, after spending the week end here with is brother, Wendell Grow & local friends.
. 1926 Apr 6 - Milton Grow has returned to Ohio Wesleyan University, after spending the week end here with is brother, Wendell Grow & local friends.
. 1926 Jul 26 - Wendell Grow, 18, former bank messenger at the American National bank, returned Saturday night from a month's trip through the western states. Grow hiked & caught rides with tourists. Grow left Benton harbor on June 21 & went to Ames, Ia, were he received a ride to Lost Angeles. He then went to Tia Juana, Mexico's famous gambling town, returning north through Santa Barbara, scene of last year's earthquake & on to Seattle & Vancouver. On his return trip Grow spent 3 days fighting a forest fire at mt. Hood & was lost in a Wyoming desert 2 days when he strayed from the main highway. He saw many sights of interest & met many interesting people, among who were Aimee McPherson, the evangelist, Millken & Gale, 2 fame scientist & many others.
In the west, Benton Harbor manufactured products are used extensively, he says. Many Ross Carriers are used in lumber camps & Baker Vawter products, EZ Bak baskets, spray pumps & many other products are seen frequently.
. 1926 Sep 2 Wendell Grow returned home yesterday from Fort Sheridan, Ill, where he has just completed his his cummer in training. If he returns next summer he will be commissioned as seconded lieutenant. He has been chose for the office from a group of 20 young men. Mr Grow leaves in a few days for Delaware, O, to enter Ohio Wesleyan university as a freshman.
. 1928 Jan 12 - Eau Clair Juniors Entertain in Chapel, Jan 12, The Eau Claire high school juniors entrained the student body with a program in chapel yesterday. ...George Grow recited a poem, ' Contents of a Lady's Purse'. Eva Rose Grow gave a poem, 'The Shiek.'
Ref: News-Palladium, Benton Harbor, MI.
Research & transcriptions by PJ Ahlberg. Thank you.