Notes |
- Town Book of Monmouth, William Lawrence, Clerk:
. Robert Lawrence, the 2nd son of Wm. & Ruth, born 25th day of Sep 1692.
. 1720. He owned land at Crosswicks, in Freehold.
. 1722. Robert Lawrence was indicted " for a fraud.'' Court Records, Freehold, NJ
. 1724. Appointed Constable, of Freehold. Court Records, Freehold, NJ.
. 1725. Received a license to practice as an attorney. Court Records, Freehold, NJ.
. 1725-6. Executor of his brother, Richard Lawrence's will.
. 1733, Mch. 26. Robert Lawrence, attorney-at-law, of Upper Freehold, mortgaged, to the Loan Commissioners, for £26 -13-4, land, at Upper Freehold. Richd Saltar was a witness.
. 1731. Apr. 1. Assessed for 376 acres, in Upper Freehold.
. 1758. Robert Lawrence, Esquire, he was assessed for 796 acres, in Upper Freehold.
. 1743. Represented Monmouth County, in the Thirteenth Assembly.
. 1744. Fourteenth Assembly.
. 1745. Fifteenth Assembly.
. 1746. Sixteenth Assembly.
. 1749. Seventeenth Assembly.
. 1751. Eighteenth Assembly.
. 1754. Nineteenth Assembly.
. 1746-7, & from 1754 to 1758, he was Speaker of the House.
Legal Work:
Robert Lawrence, Monmouth, Surrogate Court, Crosswicks, Upper Freehold, New Jersey:
. 1732 Dec 23, WILL of Ellison /Elosone, Richd. of Freehold.
. 1732-3, WILL of Daniel McKay, of Freehold, Miller.
. 1733 May 14, WILL of Richd. Clark, Freehold, Yeoman.
. 1733 June 13, WILL of Wm. Winter, Middletown, Yeoman.
. 1738 9th month 2day, Friends Meeting held in Chesterfield.
Moses Robins on behalf of himself 7 Friends thereabout made application of this meeting to build a meeting house near Robert Lawrence, which is referred to the judgement of the Quarterly meeting. John King to made a report to the next mostly Meeting.
. 1740 Jul 5 - Chesterfield Monthly Quaker Meeting, Burlington, NJ
To all Christian people to whom whose present shall come, GREETING, WHEREAS Robert Lawrence, of Upper Freehold, Monmouth Co, Eastern division of New Jersey, by a certain Deed of Bargain & Sale was made tho said Robt. Lawrence on one part & Jos. Holly, Abraham Tilton, Joseph Robins, John Wortherill, Rich. Clayton & Thomas Clayton*, yeoman of the other part being equal with those present. hath given, granted, bargain & sold one certain acre Lot of Land part of the plantation of the said Robert Lawrence with the buildings & apparetrences thereto belonging unto the said Jos. Holly, [*etc, as above] & their heirs & assignees forever by the said RL by the said Deed , is only in Trust to grant & convey the said Lott of Land & premisses to the people called Quakers belonging unto the monthly meeting of the said people held at Chesterfield or the Survivors of them, the road; putt boom for a Meeting House & Burying ground to be & remain a free & undivided right in common & by those persons acknowledge & decay the Dee of Bargain & sale, by, for & on the behalf of the said People & Successors. That they do not pretend or claim to have any right or interest in the said premise or any part thereof by the said conveyance or otherwise to their own use or benefit, but only for the sole use & benefit of the Persons.
As witnesses our hands & seals the third Day of fifth month called July, 1740.
Signed, Joseph Robins, Abraham Tilton, Joseph XMARK Robins, John Wortherill, Rich. Clayton & Thomas Clayton.
. 1748 Mar 2, Chesterfield Monthly Meeting - The Meeting be informed there seem to be a Declaration of the Meeting next Robert Lawrence: This Meeting concluded it proper to Visit the said Meeting one every month on the 5th day succeeding each monthly meant so long as they thin it necessary.
. 1751 Jan 21 - The Laws of the Province of New Jersey; from the time of the surrender of the Government, in the year 1702 to the present year 1750. The boy of the book will contain all the Acts & Laws now in force in the said Province, with proper marginal notes, tables of titles, 120 sheets in Folio £ 1 5 shillings, NJ money. Subscriptions will be taken in & delivered to the subscribers, by the following persons:
Robert Lawrence, Esq., at Upper Freehold.
N.B. The subscriptions being not yet returned to the Editor from several parts of the Province of NJ, he had thought it convenient to delay the putting of the work to the press, until 1 April next, when it will certainly go forward with out further day.
Ref: New York Gazette & Weekly Post-Boy.
. PENNA. GAZETTE JULY 28, 1757. To be sold by Robert Lawrence, Upper Freehold Monmouth Co., NJ. Three Plantations of good land, with a dwelling house, barn & orchard on each of them & are very well accommodate with rich meadows, lying near the houses. Any person inclined to purchase all, or any part of the said lands, to be taken off said Plantations in such manner as may best suit, they may come & view the premises before the 17 August next. If not sold before, the said Robt. Lawrence will then sell by public venue, at his dwelling house, at ten of the clock in the morning, on Wednesday, 17 day August next, when the conditions of the vendue may be seen... lies within half a mile of Allen's Town. July 5, 1757 Robert Lawrence.
. 1758 Mar 16 - Penna Gazette: Philadelphia, Mar 10, 1758 (Similar to the above:) Upper Freehold near Allentown, Monmouth... apply to Robt. Lawrence, for a reasonable price. Robt. Lawrence.
. 1759 July 9 - New York Mercury: To be sold by way of public venue, the Plantation whereon Robert Lawrence, Esq. now lives, Upper-Freehold, Monmouth, containing 540 Acres of up land & meadow, well watered & timber'd, 4 orchards, 2 tenements, barns & some out houses. ...up land is good for grass or grain, the meadows rich, long cleared & under the best sort of grass, as Timothy &red clover, etc. & very seldom overflows... is so rich, that the ditch banks make the bEst sort of dung, when carted on the tillable land. Said venue will be at the house on the premises the 28 day of July next.
. 1764 March 9 -"Allens Town
Sir: I am sorry that I am obliged to acquaint you that I am at present quite incapable to discharge my bond on account of several Loses which I have of late met with therefore I have fell on a method which I hope will give satisfaction for at least part of yr money which is I have a letter of license which several of my creditors has sign'd. In order to give me some longer time for ye Payment of my said debts & upon ye signing of said letter of license I am to deliver up all my Estate to be divided amongst my subscribing creditors therefore if you will come up soon you will not be debarr'd from yr Robt. Lawrence, Jr.
P:S: I would Have Come to you But Have no Horse. Pray Come Soon For ye Venue Will be in a few Days.
For Mr. James Mott in Middletown."
Ref: Cherry Hall Papers.
. Obituary Notice of the Death of Robert Lawrence, Esq.; from a newspaper of 1781. Received from Mr. James Lawrence:
1781 Oct 31, Thursday, at Upper-Freehold, depart his life in the 90th year of his age, ROBERT LAWRENCE, Esquire, & the next day his remains, attended by a numerous concourse of his friends & acquaintance, were decently interred in the Friends Burying-Ground there.
He was bred to the profession of the law, which he practiced in his younger life; was a member of the General Assembly of the state & Speaker of the House upwards of 20 years; & highly & universally respected for his integrity, ability & steady attachment to the interests of his country.
The present revolution found him beyond the age of business & activity; but the hoary patriot, even in the last ebbing of life, would rejoice in the successes of this countrymen, & pray that he might see their liberty & independence established before he was called to his long home.
Ref: New jersey Gazette, Trenton. - - - [1]