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- St. Thomas Weekly Dispatch, Microfilm, St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada, Oct 12, 1865. "OBITUARY. We are sorry, this week, to have to chronicle the death of the wife of our townsman, Sheriff Munro, which sad event occurred on Sunday night last. The deceased lady was ill but a few days, when death terminated her sufferings; she was in the prime of life, being only 27 years of age; amiable, cheerful, and friendly to those with whom she was acquainted. She was beloved by her husband, who spared no expense in procuring the best medical advisers, but to no purpose. Her remains were followed to the cemetery on Tuesday last by a large assemblage of people, where she now sleeps beside her eldest child a beautiful boy of two years. We sympathize with the Sheriff in his bereavement."
The Canadian Home Journal, Microfilm, St. Thomas Library, St. Thomas, Canada, Oct. 12, 1865. "DIED. Munro--In this town, on the evening of Sunday, October 8th, Alma, wife of Colin Munro, Esq., Sheriff of the County of Elgin, in the 27th year of her age. Deceased was the daughter of Lindley Moore, Esq., Port Bruce, and granddaughter of Elias Moore, Esq., one of the first members returned for Middlesex to the United Parliament of Canada. She was very much beloved by a wide circle of friends and her remains were followed to her last resting place on Tuesday, by an unusually large concourse of mourners."