Notes |
- Date of Birth for William Ladner Willson: Estimated between 1787 (UCLP) to 1791. In old fashion handwriting the letter L and S appear quite similar. As we it will appear William's middle name is Ladner, named for his paternal grandmother Sarah Ladner.
. 1784 May Census Miramichi, New Brunswick:
John Willson, 8 in family, house, 2 acres cleared.
Note1: Suggest these are John, Rebecca, & children: Stillwell & wife Sarah & Wm. Ladner Willson, John Willson, Jr., wife Sarah Lakerman & either son Abraham who was b. 1783 & died by 26 Apr 1793 in Miramichi, or Mary Willson not yet married to Richard Lawrence who was probably still in Prince William, NB - PJA, 2008.
. UCLPetition 13, Markham: William Ladner Willson of the Twp. of Markham, farmer, is the son of John Willson, Senior, a UEL of Twp. Markham. When Gov. Simcoe governed this province, he was please to set your petitioner down for Lot 26, East Side of Yong St., Twp. of Markham. Your Petitioner then being too young to obtain a grant for said Lot but now being 21 years old & upwards [=1787]. Please grant him a deed for said Lot. Signed, 1808 Oct 26, William L Willson.
Ref: UCLP13, W Bundle 9, C2952, p666. Water stained. 200 Acres, granted 31 Jan 1809.
. Yonge Street Indian Trail
Balsar Munshaw had gone up the Indian trail some time before first settler Nicholas Miller arrived. Munshaw arrived with his from Pennsylvania in a conestoga wagon pulled by a team of oxen & a team of horses, & accompanied by 3 cows & Christian Henricks. They had slashed & hacked their way up the trail, wade through the so-called Black Ash Swamp south of present day Richmond Hill.
Ref: Markham, 1793-1900, Committee for History of Markham, Twp., 1979.
The first log house in Vaughan Twp. was on Lot 29, Con (1?), assigned to Asa Johnson on 19 Nov., 1794. In Jan 1796 Gov. Simcoe order a sleigh to be sent to Lot 29 with a fortnights' provision for the Queen's Rangers who were cutting the Yonge road to Lake Simcoe. Later Lot 29 was owned by relative John Arnold & Elizabeth Mile Arnold.
Ref: Thornhill 1793 - 1963, History of an Ontario Village.
Two Surveys of settlers actually living on Yonge Street:
. York, 3 Aug., 1797, Lot No. 26 East: ' Nil ' person present-
(Is he still out on the Humber River working with his father?)
. York June 1798, Lot 26 East, * (no name), Lately commenced improving, a few trees cut down.
Ref: Surveyed by David W. Smith, Esq., Surveyor General.
Note2. Is Wm. now living next door with sister Mary Lawrence ?
Note3. Lot 26, Con 1, Markham Twp. continued the numbering from the adjacent York Twp. Later the numbering was reconfigured to read Lot 1, Con 1, Markham Twp., East of side of Yonge Street. Vaughan Twp. is the West side of Yonge St. - PJA 2011.
. Description Lot 26, Con 1 Yonge St., Vaughan Twp., Ontario:
William Ladner Willson used this ravine to build his saw mill. The pond would have spilled out onto the present day Bayview Avenue as Willet Creek follows the junction of Vaughan & York Twps. which in turn is at the base of a steep hill. The similar terrain in adjacent Lot 25 York Twp., belong to his brother-in-law, Richard Lawrence & on the north side of at Lot 27, Markham Twp., was another relative, John Arnold.
William Ladner Willson used this ravine to build a saw mill. The pond spilled out onto the present day Bayview Avenue where Willet Creek follows the junction of Vaughan & York Townships, which in turn is at the base of a steep hill.
Near Bayview & Steeles Avenues there is a beautiful forest glade at the very end of the street. The area is surrounded with houses. It is like stepping into another world with white pine trees soaring everywhere overhead. The mature thick pine & beech forest prevents little undergrowth plants. Covered by a carpet of pine needles & fallen branches, lies the traces of a foundations of a house. A fifty foot pine has now fallen over the ruins Once this building overlooked a small deep ravine & the mill waterway. Just 15 feet from their door William & family could collect nuts from the beech tree sitting on the edge of the cliff. Some years before an ancient white pine had fallen on the slopes leaving a stump of 6 feet or more in diameter at the bottom of the ravine. Even sitting in the valley bottom land, it too would have been the tallest tree soaring into the blue sky. A pair of woodpeckers darted here & there. Fair to say this place was & is a magnificent site. - P J Ahlberg, Toronto, 2008.
. 1813 April 27 - William Willson, John Willson Sr., Parole at York Garrison, 1st York Reg. Surrendered Prisoners of War to the Americans at York 2 Apr 1813.
On Parole under the Terms of Capitulation. During this period Fort York was referred to as the Garrison.
Ref: t103383, p1128, UC Nominal Rolls & Returns.
. 1813 Jun 10 - Jun 27. Corporal William Willson, Days 18, pd £1 15s. Commanded by Maj. Sam. Wilmot, 1st & 3rd York Militia.
. 1837 Toronto & Home District Directory:
John Wilson, Con 2, Lot 1, Markham. [Bayview & Steeles Avenues, Markham.]
Robert Wilson, Con 2, Lot 1, Markham.
Robert Wilson, Con 2, Lot 1, Markham. [Two entries. Duplication or is there a second Robert Wilson here?]
William Willson, Con 2, Lot 2, Markham.
. Yonge Street, somewhere near the present location of the Imperial Esso Gas station, Abraham built the original GREEN BUSH INN, a well known stopping place for travelers & for farms on their way to & from various mills. Finally in 1831 Willson sold the east 100 acres to James Robinson, who already owned land on the south side of Steeles. [Wm. Robinson, & Jas. Abraham, W. Gordon, 1879 Markham Map. L26,C1]
Ref: The Liberal Newspaper, Richmond Hill, article by Doris M Fitzgerald, published 1969.3.10.
Quarterly Session of Peace, York, Home District:
. 1822 Jul 16,York
. 1825 July 5, York, Present. Alex McDonlle, Stephen Jarvis, Esqs. Grand Jury Sworn: Barnard, John & Peter Vanderburgh, James Marsh, John Langstaff, William Willson, Bowley Arnold. Chris Hilts & Geo Bishop Recognizances; Henry Church & John Size to be in dusty until they find Bail to appear at next Assizes. King VS. Alexander Montgomery, Assault & Battery on John Oxtaby. On being arraigned, plea confesses. Sentenced to pay a fine of 1 shillings with costs, which was paid to Deputy Sheriff in Court.
. 1848 Nov 3, Thrus. Queen VS Ann Donovan, 2 charges Larceny: Guilty of first charge.
Queen VS Daniel O'Boyle & others, Riot & Assault, QA True Bill.
Swore Cornelius Johnson Jr to prove service of Copies {?} of age on the parties, preliminary to proceedings by Indictment, or otherwise for contempt. Jury: Geo Sheppard, Jos Wilson, William Willson.
. 1821, 1823 &1824 York Almanac & Calendar: 1st York Militia: Ensigns John Willson, William Willson, Thomas Willson.
. 1826 - 1827 York Almanac & Calendar: 1st North York Militia: Ensigns William Willson, Thomas Willson.
. 1831 York Almanac & Calendar: 1st North York Militia: Lieutenant William Willson from April 1, 1828, Lieut. Richd. Vanderburgh from Apr 8, 1828;
Ensigns Abner Arnold from Oct 7, 1826; Alex L E Lawrence, from April 1, 1828; E C Lawrence, from April 4 1828, Isaac Arnold, from 8 April 1828.
. 1831 York Almanac & Calendar, 2nd North York Militia: Captain, John H Willson from 10 Jun 1826. Lieut. Titus Wilson, from 7 Jun 1926, Aaron Playter from Jun 6, 1826.
1836 May 5, Claim for compensation by Thos. Cooper The. Montgomery & Stanous Daniels, for certain lands in Etobicoke Twp., taken for a new road as reported by Mr. Gibbins at Quarter Sessions in November last. Jury sworn. Ed Lawrence, John Miles, William Willson, Chas Lamoreaux. Claims assessed by the jury, be paid out of District funds.
. 1836 May 4, Darcy Boult Esq., JP, Chairman. King VS Brook & Gage, Larceny, Pleaded Not Guilty, Jury empaneled, William Willson, Verdict Guilty, 3 months imprisonment. King VS Hamill petal, Assault, placed not guilty, Jury discharged & parties settled which was allowed by the Court.
. 1836 May 5, King VS James Campbell, John McDonald, Arson, True Bill, Bench Warrant issued by order of court for Campbell, King VS Alex Band, Nuisance, True Bill, Jury: Wm. Willson, Chas Lamoreaux. verdict: compensation £`4.
. 1837 Toronto City & Home District Directory
Lot 2, Con 2 Markham, William Willson
Lot 6, Con 7 Markham, Willson [ Verify this Wm. Willson]
. Between 1830 - 1844 William Ladner Willson sold off parts of his property. A 60 acres section at the south west Yonge corner being sold to Joseph Abraham, proprietor of the Green Bush Inn, to become a landmark. The Inn is reported to have built as early as 1820. The hotel involved in this deal was on the northeast corner of Yonge & Steeles & was supposedly built in 1847 & was demolished c 1975-6. It was an unpainted clapboard, with return eaves.
Ref: Helen Schwab, Richmond Hill Library.
. 1842 - Saw mill on Lot 25, Con. 2, built by Peter Franklin in 1842. It was used for 20 years until 1862. [Lot 25 would be in York Twp. at Steeles.]
. 1843 May 18 - More Effects of Intemperance - Abraham Wragg, a carpenter & Joseph Holt, a saddler, were both drowned in the Toronto (Canada) Bay, on Sunday week, owing to the boat they were in upsetting; there were 3 others in the boat at the time of the accident, who where saved by the prompt & manly exertions of the crew of the steamship City of Toronto. The unfortunate men were intoxicated at the time of the sad event.
Ref: New York Evangelist newspaper, NYC.
. 1843 Aug 5 -Schedule: Daily [4 steam boats] between Lewiston & Ogdensburg, via TORONTO, Rochester, Oswego, Sasket's Harbor & Kingston, as follows:
Downward: Leave Lewiston at 3 pm. Leave Toronto 7 pm. Oswego 5 pm. Upwards Leave Toronto 7 AM & arrive at Lewiston at 11 am., in time for the cars for Niagara Falls & Buffalo. Travellers taking this rout will view by daylight Queenston Heights, Brock's Monument, the beautiful sentry of the Niagara, giving passengers the interesting view of the St. Lawrence with its thousand islands. Passengers passing between NY, Toronto & Hamilton will find this a most expeditious, cheap & comfortable route, meeting at Toronto a morning line of steamers. NB No freights will be received or delivered by the above bots on the Sabbath.
Ref: Commercial Advertiser, NYC, Albany Evening Journal, NY Observer.
. 1843 Aug 11 - 14 - CAPT. WM. L. WILLSON OF THE TORONTO:
Protest, Captain Wilson of the Schooner Toronto. Left at the custom House for Information of all Concerned. 15th August, 1843. Canada, Home District Toronto}
Be it remembered that on this the 15th of August, 1843 at the City of Toronto aforesaid. Before me, George Duggan, the younger, a Notary Public by Royal Authority duly commissioned & sworn in & for that part of this Province formerly constituting Upper Canada residing at the said City - personally came & appeared William Willson, Captain of the Schooner or vessel called, The Toronto, freighted at Oswego on the 11th of August cast out & bound with her cargo consisting principally of salt for the ports of Toronto, Beamsville & Hamilton.
Note4: Oswego to westward to Toronto is 172 miles by lake, but 176 miles westward! - PJA.
He, the aforesaid Captain declares & makes known to whom it may concern by the tenor of these presents, that he proceeded on his said voyage & that on the 14th instant, the sea was running heavy & the wind blew fresh & strong from the south & that it became necessary & proper to keep up a he was & free from any defect or unseaworthiness of the said Schooner or from any want of attention or assistance of sailors & men to work her, she became strained & leaked & let in water & also had the sea thrown on her decks. The said William Willson as the captain of the said Schooner now lying within the port of Toronto, on behalf of himself & the owners of the said Schooner & also of all concerned in the cargo doth protest & by these presents hath protested against all damages, losses, injury & consequences resulting & occasioned as aforesaid & that the same may be borne as & according to usages of Trade & Commerce & the laws of the land & that He the said Captain & the said Schooner are all Things pertaining thereto may be protected accordingly.
In Witness where of I have hereto set my hand & seal notarized this, 5 August, 1843. E. Duggan, National Public Archives of Canada.
Alex Martin, mate of the Schooner also protests being pricing in the within, after the Judgement was executed, [the judgement]. E. Duggan, Jr., Nat P. Upper Canada.
Note5: The storm was on July 14th, 1843.
. 1843 Apr 1 - NY Salt Tax: Upon each bushel of salt delivered at Toronto, in the province of Upper Canada, or ant any port East of Toronto, in the said province, 5¢. Rec. Spectator Newspaper.
. 1843 Aug 12, Saturday, NY Spectator Newspaper, Shipping Intelligence: The packet stop Toronto, for London, will be detained until Friday, the 11 Inst. (Verify identity.)
. 1846 Brown's Toronto Directories, Canada:
Richard Lawrence, Con 1, Lot 26, Markham, ON. Cabinet Maker 1846. [i.e. his nephew].
Wilson, William, Con 2, Lot 2, Markham, Ontario.
Willson, Robert, Con 2, Lot 2, Markham.
Willson, James, Con 1, Lot 2, Markham.
. 1850 Toronto Directory
Rott Auburn, Charles Hailey, David Munholland, Wm. Robinson, Lot 26, Con 1 ESY, Markham Twp.
. 1852 Census Markham Twp., York Co.:
William L Lawrence, age 61, b. 1791 Canada, Labourer. 1½ story frame house,
Eliz'th, b. US 1792*, age 59,
Note6: * Two years too young. Born 23 Mar 1794. - PJA
John Willson, b. Canada 1826, age 25; Hellen Willson, b 1834 Canada, age 17, Church of England.
. 1852 Agricultural Schedule Census, Markham Twp., York C., Page 129 Line 44. [Formerly L27 C2 Bayview]
William Willson, Con 2, Lot 2, Total 27 Acres
Under Cultivation, Under Crops in 1851: 8 Acres. Under Crops in 1851 5 Acres,
Pasture 3 Orchard or Garden 1 A.. Under Wood or Wilds: 12 A.
Wheat 8 Acres - Produced Bushels [still growing?];
Peas 1 A - Produced 11 Bushels
Oats 2 A - Produced 30 Bushels;
Potatoes 1/4 of an Acre - Produced 10 Bushels.
Hay produced 4 Ton.
Wool 30 Lbs, 12 Yards Flannel;
Milch Cow. 50 pounds Butter.
. 1861 Agricultural Census Markham Twp., York Co./ p9537.
. William Wilson, Part East Lot 2, Con 2,
19 Acres, 3 A. under cultivation. Under crops in 1860 was 7.5 Acres. Under pasture in 1860 was 7 A. Orchard or Garden .5 Acre. Cash Value of Farm $1,500.
Fall Wheat 3A produced 72 bushels, Peas 5 Acres produced150 bushels,
Potatoes 1 Acre produced 100 bu./ Hay 1.5 bundles of 16 lbs.
. James Wilson, Part Lot 1, Con 2, 22 Acres, 20 Acres under cultivation, 2 A under wood,
Value of Farm $70. [?}
Fall Wheat 7 A poured 40 Bushels; Peas 2A produced 32 Bu, Oats 9.5 A produced 100 bu; Potatoes 1.5A, produced 150 bu.
. There were 57 carters in Toronto in 1843. The "Act to Regulate Common Carriers" has been superseded by other designed to apply under conditions of motor transport; but for nearly a century the older order ruled, & the disappearance of the last livery stables has occurred within the memory of most adults.
William Wilson's Livery Stable, in fact, still remains at 586 Yonge Street. "I still keep a couple of old horses around," says the proprietor, whose establishment is now largely a motor livery & even yet one or 2 private carriages continue to appear on the streets in leisurely, in congruous, progression - objects of curiosity in a world of speed.
The provisions of the 1843 Act may be found in Wm. Brown's Toronto City & Home District Directory, 1846-7, pp. 7-17.
Ref: Toronto: Trading Post To Great City, 1934.
Recorded for further research:
British Steamers running on Lake Ontario & St. Lawrence River, 1856: Champion, Commander W. Willson, 350 Tons, from Toronto to Oswego. - . - [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- Page Two:
Lot 26, Con 1 E Yonge St., Markham, Abstracts Book 91, p4-6,
{Later renumbered as Lot 1, Con1 ESY, Markham.]
. [date missing], Patent, Crown, to William L Willson, all 190 acres.
. 1828 Dec 24, Bargain& Sale, Wm. L Willson, to Robt Wiles, £100, Pt Front, 10 Acres.
. 1829 Jan 27, B&S, WLW, to Robert Willson, £100, pt West, pt 10 A.
. 1830 Jan 11, B&S, WLW, to Robt Wiles, £100, pt Front pt 10 A.
. 1830 Nov 29, B&S, WLW, to Jos Abraham, £350, part 60A.
. 1830 Dec 30, Mortgage, WLW, to John Anderson, £125. E Half 100A.
. 1831 Mar 11, B&S, WLW et ux, to James Robinson, £250, E Half 100 A.
. 1833 Dec 30, DiscM, John Anderson, to WLW, £125, EHalf 100A.
. 1844 Jan 27, Wm L Wilson, to Wm. Robinson. £10, Centre Part 3r 9p.
. 1831? Sep 12, Registered 1849 Jun 9, B&S, Robert Wilson et ux, to Robt Wiles, £25, Pt W pt 10A.
. 1897 Dec 31, Mortgage, Wife Jennie & Wm J Robinson, to Samuel Wilson, David James & Wm Beatty, Executors of Johnston Wilson, $1000. E Half
. 187 Dec 31 Mtg., Wm J Robinson & Jennie his wife, to Samuel Willson & avid James & Wm Beatty, Exors. of Johnston Wilson, $1000, E Half Reg in full
.1898 Mar 23, Disc M., Samuel Wilson, to Wm Robinson $1000. East Half.
NOTE8 to Researchers:
The following land transaction appears to be the unrelated to this Willson Family & are recorded here for clarification purposes:
Johnston & Samuel Wilson. Robt Wilson, b 1760 Ireland -1850.9.28 Markham, Ont., Buttonville Cemetery, Markham. In 1851 Markham Census: Robt Wilson lived beside Dan. Johnson family, both from Ireland. & including, James & Wm. B. Willson
- However, the John Wilson listed below, needs identity verification. - PJ Ahlberg 2018.
Lot 26, Con 2 ESYonge, Markham, Abstracts Book 97, p5-8
[Renumbered Lot 1, Con 2]
. 1799 Jun 8, Patent, Crown, to James B Maccauley, 200A
. 1841 Feb 1, B&S, John Ewart, to John Willson, £50. NW Quarter.
. 1843 Oct 9, B&S, John Willson, to Ben Fish, £143, PT SW 10A.
. 1844 Aug 5, B&S, Robert Willson etux, to Ben Fish, £290. NW Quarter.
. 1845 Oct 9, Mortgage, Ben Fish etux, to John Wilson, ¢106.5, PT SW.
. 1846 Oct 18, Ben Fish etux, to Ben Thorne, £312.10.9, pt 10A. {Note: Thornhill named for him),
. 1849 Dec 12, Discharge Mortgage, John Willson, £106, PT SW Acres.
. 1850 Nov 27, B&S, Ben Fish etux, to James Willson, £62.10, Centre Pt. 10A.
. 1852 May 25, Registered 1852 Jun 15. WILL, John Willson. {i.e. John Willson.7, son of Wm L Willson?] . 1855 Feb 28, B&S, John Willson, to Ben Fish, £1.8.9, PT 14 perches.
. 1855 Jul 18, B&S, John Wilson etux, to John Cope, £470., SW Quarter 27A.
. 1859 Feb 23, Mortgage, James Willson, to Jos Keller, £25.
. 1861 Apr 19, Mortgage, James Willson to Robert Willson, $216.
. 1876 Mar 8, Mort., James Wilson, to Johnston Willson, $400, Pt W 22A.
. 1881 Apr 28, DiscMorg., Johnston Willson*, to James Wilson, $400, W 22A.
. 1886 Apr 28, DiscMorg., Samuel Willson* et al, to Thos S Humberstone, $593, Pt 22A.
Lot 26, Con 2 ESYonge, Markham, Abstracts Book 97, p 81-82
{Renumbered Lot 2, Con 2]
. 1799 Jun 8, Patent, Crown, to James B Maccauley, 200A
. 1854 Dec 18, Grant, John Ewart etux, to William Willson, £28.10, Pt 19A
. 1860 Jan 18, Mortgage, James Wilson, to Jos Keller, $159.20.
. 1863 Jan 30, Dis Mort, Robt Willson, to Ben Fish, $1400, Pt. SW quarter.
. 1866 Sep 15, Q.C., Francis Willson, etal, to Robert Willson, 5 shillings, Pt Half 19A.
. 1866 Nov 28, QC, Robert Wilson etux, to May French, $600, Pt W End Quarter 19A.
. 1869 Feb 13, Grant & Q.C., Robt Wilson teal, to Mary French, $600, Pt 19A.
Lot 1, Con 3 / formerly Lot 26, [ renumbered to Lot 1 Markham Twp.
Con 3 Leslie Street]
. 1802 May 27, Patent, Crown, to John Simcoe Macaulay, All 200.
. 1839 Feb 26, Henry Sanders, to Robert Willson, £400. east Half.
. 1860 May 24, Mort. Wm. Johnston, to Eliz Hardy, $150,
. 1868 May 1, Grant, Robert Willson, Et ux, to Samuel Willson, $6,600 Half 100A.
. [undated doc] but, Registered 1899 Dec 15, Affidavit of Samuel Willson, RE. Boundary {Lot 1, Cons. 3 & 4.
. 1881 Mar 8, Grant, Samuel Willson Etux, to Township of Markham, $80, SE for 1/5 A.
. 1897 Nov 25, WILL, to Robt A W Wilson, All in al subject to legacy.
. 1916 Apr 20, Release, Mary E B Johnston, to Robert A W Willson, $1 & Premise, All in al.
. 1934 Jun 14, Robert A W Willson & Margaret his wife, to E J Bennet & Urusla A C his wife, $11,344., Pt 56 A.
. 1940 Jan 15, Grant, Robt A Wilson & Margaret his wife, to Wm J Harman, $1, All ex lands & Given Rd.
. 1934 Jun 14, Mtg., Urusual & E James Bennett, to As Joint Tenants & Robt. A W Willson, $7562.67.
. 1939 Jul 26, DM, Robt A W Willson, to U & J Bennet, $7562.
. 1944 Ju 13, R A Warren Willson, to Eliz Herma, $3300.
. 1945 Apr 15, Grant & Q.C., Martha & Timothy C Eaton, to A Skaith, J Crookston, & Virginia N Willson, $25,000.
. 1948 Jul 31, Grant, Virginia N Wilson, to Allan L Skaith, J I Crookston, $5539.
. 1818 Oct 15, Ind., Babington Nolan, to John Willson, All West Half 100A. [no sale registration found - PJA]
. 1876 Mar 1, Mort., Samuel Willson, to Vincent Johnson, $2,500, Half 100A. {Lot2W, Con 3
. 1873 Aug 1, Mortgage, Vincent Johnson Etux, to Wm O Farrier, $2500, NHalf, 50A {Lot 2, Con 4, Markham Twp.
. 1881 Mar 1, Morg. Vincent Johnson, to Johnston Wilson, $2,500. 50A. { Lot 2, Con 4.
. 1883 Apr 2, Mort. Thos. Cherry Etux, to Vincent Johnson, $2900, H1/2, {Lot 2, Con 4.
Lot 3, Con 3, Markham:
. 1804 Sep 8, Patent, Crown, to William Berczy, All 200A.
. 1818 Oct 15, Ind. Babington Nolan, to John Willson, All 200A.
. 1856 Apr 16, B&S, The Dale, etux, to Samuel Willson, #150, pt 50A
. 1865 Mar 31, John Cummer etal, to Samuel Willson, 5 shillings, part.
. 1870 Feb 22, Samuel Willson etux, to Wm. Cherry, $3,6000 SE pt.
Lot 5, Con 3, Markham
. 1818 Oct 15, B&S, Babington Nolan, to John Willson, All 200A.
Lot 6, Con 3, Markham
. 1870 Mar 28, Grant, Robt Willson, to Angelina Henricks, $5,500 NHalf 100A.
. 1878 May 1, Mort, Johnston Willson, $1,700, Half 100A.
. 1881 May 2, DM, Johnston Willson, to Wm Hord, $1700. NHalf 100A.
Lot 7, Con 3, Markham
. 1867 Apr 29, Mortgage, Rob Scott Etux, to Samuel Willson $1000
. 1896 Jul 2, DM, Sam Wilson & Wm Beatty, Executors of of Johnston Willson, to John TB Scott, Admr. of Emily Scott, $400, NE Quarter.
Lot 8, Con 3, Markham,
. 1881 May 9, DM, William B Willson*, to Michale Cross, $2000, Pt 64A,
Lot 1, Con 4, Markham:
. 1799 Aug 8, Patent, Crown to John Simcoe Macauley, 200A.
. 1899 Dec 15, Certif. Affidavit Re boundary, Samuel Wilson, SW angle [7]