Notes |
- William Simons.1 married Sarah Hadlock, b Sep 1659, Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts - 1739 Enfield, Connecticut.
They are both buried in Enfield Street Cemetery. Conn.
Originally Enfield was part of Massachusetts, but later was transferred to Connecticut.
. Enfield, Hartford Co. was established in 1749 & was part of Massachusetts. Enfield became part of Connecticut Colony in 1749. William Simons land was between Thos. Geer & Nathaniel Norton farms. It was not far from the beginning of the Town of Windsor.
. 1687 At a meeting of the committee upon the desire of the inhabitants:
Granted to Wm. Simons, the inhabitants admitting him & desiring him, 35 acres of field land & acres of meadow & a home lot of 12 acres provided he settle thereon in a 12 month & continue 7 years & it is granted to him his heirs & assigns forever, he attending to all the orders of the place.
. William Simons Besides his home lot lying betwixt John Burroughs & Thomas Geers home lots which is Recorded in page 25 & is 12 acres, is further possessed By grant & measuring it out to him (Viz) 1703 he is also possessed of a lot lying in the south Field in the river Division Containing 10 acres more or less, the length 80 rods & Breadth 21 Bounded North with Shubel Geers & south with James Pease, East with the Country road & west with the Great river. [Conn R.]
. 1708 he is possessed of his 2nd division lying near the mountains which lyeth in 2 peaces ye 1"'peace is 30 acres more or less the length is 160 rods & breadth 30 Bounded west on Common Land, East on John Howard south on the Highway North on Common Land.
The other piece is 60 acres more or less ye length is 160 Rods the Breadth 60 Bounded west with Wm Hulburd East with the Bald Mountain south with ye Highway North with Commons.
. 1710 also of A Schantuck lot which is Bounded with Nathl. Horton south with Ephraim French North, & East & West with the Hills it is 7 acres more or less.
He is further possessed of Land lying in the south field in ye 3rd Division which land he posseseth partly on the Town grant and partly on his grant by the Committee, this land lyeth For 40 acres more or less, the length is 120 rods breadth is 55 Rods Bounded west by the Abbes south by James Ferman the Ends by the Highway that lies between the divisions.
. Next the lot of William Simons lies on the south the lot of Thomas Geer Lot 2 rods in breadth and in length 160 rods from the street on the east back to the Great [Connecticut ] River on the west side. John Burroughs on the other side of him.
. Wm Simons 3 Acres of meadow, 4 acres of field land.
. Ordered also that those persons returned who neglected their days in cutting bushes in August last according to warning, shall make good and perform a days work for the same in cutting bushes on the commons where the select men shall appoint them, some time about the full of the moon, in June next. WS & many others.
. 1680 Mar 16, Indian Deed of Enfield Tract, Totals, alias Nottatuck (Indian), to committee of English settlers:
Samuel Vining, planter, to William Hulburd (Warrant) 10 acres in the South field 3rd division: Samuel Vining north; William Simons south, Israel Phelps east, country road west.
. 1793 - Shaker settlement was established in Enfield, Conn. Shakers were originally called Shaking Quakers.
. 1687 Jul 27 - William Simons admitted as an inhabitant, Grant Home, Lot 12 acres & a field of land of 35 A & meadows, provided he settle there for 7 years. Lot along Connecticut River, between Thomas Geer & John Burroughs.
. 1687 Nov 10, Deed 10 Acres, Salem, Massachusetts. Wm. & Sarah Simons sol 10 Acres.
. 1691 Dec 28, Enfield Town Meeting, Wm. Simons to be fined 2 s 6 pence if they failed to perform their days of work of cutting brush on the Town Commons.
Ref: Hartford Town Records
* 1735 Mar 22 - WILL of William Simons: Book 6, Leaf 186.
Wife Maragaret.
Children William, Stephen, Hannah, Margaret, Joseph,
"to Timothy, my well beloved son £20 to he paid by John Allen Jun' when his time is out."
Wit: Edward Collins, Joseph Pease, and John Simons.
* Probate Records: William Simons, Book 6, Leaf 186
1743 May 19 - Timothy Simons made guardian unto Joseph Simons a minor under 14 years of age, son of William Simons, late of Enfield, deceased
. Simons, William - first settler on the 6th Lot south of Ferry lane, died 1738, aged 79, left sons, viz.
John B 1695, m. Sarah Geer 1722, died, left numerous descendants most of who have removed from son, sons, John. 1 1724,
Paul, b 1726, Ebenezer 1731, Asahel 1734, Edward Simons1740, Titus 1744, William b 1696, married Hannah Randall 171, married Margaret
Pasko 1717, died, left a family of one.
won William b 1718, Timothy b 1720, Stephn b 1723, Joseph b 1729,Benjamin b 1731 settled & died in Enfield 1805;
james b 1699, m. dorcas Foster 1730, settled in EAst Windsor;
Philip Simons, b 1702,m. Martha Bemeant 1727;
Philip son of Philip born 1734, Abel son Philip 1742;
Caleb Jones, married Esther Simons, d. of Philip Simons 1759; One daughter married Joel Meacham.
. -0 -
. 1702 Jan 27 recorded 1715 Oct 19. Deed Hester & John Adams & John Gleason (War.) Agreement as to setting up a damm & grist mill on the stream running through William Simons home lot. Signed, William Simons, Zach Booth, Isaac Pease Edmond Bemanet John Pease Jr. Witnesses: Hannah & Jos. Sexton, Sam Partridge, Wm Randall, 25 Feb 1709, recorded 15.9.1713
. 1703 he is also possessed of a lot lying in the south Field in the river Division Containing 10 acres more or less, the length 80 rods & Bredth 21 Bounded North with Shubel Geers.
1705 May 11 - Did an Inventory of goods for deceased Simon Rummerel, Wm. Simons.
. 1708 possessed of his 2' division lying near the mountains which lyeth in 2 pieces ye 1 piece is 30 acres .
. 1708 May 4, recorded 1709 Apr 13. Ephraim French to William Simons Senr. (War) B, p167. 2.5 A. on Scantick river: John Pierce deceased north, William Simons south, hills east & west.
. 1708 May 4, rec. 1712.10.24. James Pease Senr. & wife Hannah, to William Simons senr. (War.) 8 A South field river division, Great River west, country rd was, of Sam Allen south. Wit: Ephraim French, Samuel Osborne, Wm Bement.
. 1708 May 5, recorded 1713.9.1. Ebenezer Warriner & wife Elizabeth to Subael Geers. (Warrant). 4 acres onBukhorn book, Ephriam Colton north. 10 acres in the South field third division, Reserved lands east, hwy. south, west & north.
Wit: John Pease Sent, Margaret Pease Jun, William Simons Junr.
. 1708 May 5, recorded 1746 Aug 8. (Deed) Schubael Geers & wife Sarah, to Edmond Beament. 6.5 A half homelot n: William Symon senr. north Edmond Beament's Town st. east Great River W. [Conn R.]
. 1710 further possessed of Land lying in the south field in year 3rd Division which land he posseseth partly on the Town grant and partly on his grant by the Committee, this land lyeth For 40 acres.
. 1713 Nov 3, rec. 1715 May, William Simons senr & wife Sarah to John Strong, trader. (War.) 12 acres homeland.
. William Simons, Senr & Wife Sarah, to John Strong, trader, 60 acres near the mountains: Commons north, highway S, Bald mountain east, Wm Hulburd. west.
. 1714 Apr 5, At a legal Town Meeting, Enfield, voted that y' Select men shall Choose & Send men to joyne with Springfield men to run out ye North Line between us and them. Voted to abate Sundry persons their wood rate to the Schoole for ye Yeare Last past, viz. Wm. Simons.
. 1717 Jan 3, recorded 1717.3.19, William Simons senr to Israel Phelps. (War.) 2 acres on Buckhorn brook: Israel Phelps, N & W, banks of Buckhorn brook S, south, falls of Buckhorn east.
. 1719 Apr 27, rec. 1719.1.6. James Pease Senr & wife Hannah to Abraham Pease Jun. 50 A. below the South field:, William Simons Jun. on the north, Wit: Philip Simons.
. 1719 May 2, rec. 1719 Jan 8. William Simons Junr & wife Margaret to John Allyne. (War.) 26 A. in the South field 4th Division, my own land north& east, James Pease Sen south, Country rd W.
. 1721 Jan 29, rec. 1723 Mar 29. Israel Phelps & wife Rachel, to Shubael Geers. 10 Acres S field 3rd div, sequestered land west Thomas Abby Sr, E highways N & S. Wit: James Simons, John Simons, Samuel Allen.
. 1722 Apr 13, record 9 Jul 1725. Witness: Wm. Simons [jr.] Deed JohnAbby to Israel Phelps (War), D page 484. Deed to my father Thos Abby.
. 1722 Apr 13, rec. 1725.7.9. John Abby to Israel, 2 A W side of Scantick river by my father Thomas Abby. Wit: William Simons, Nathaniel Pierce, Daniel Sexton.
* 1723 Feb 13, rec. 1725 Sep 13. Philip Simons to John Simons (War), D p520. 34 A. in the South field 3rd Division: Why north; Philip Simons south, James Simons West, Philip Parsons east. 20 A. in South field 4th Div, commons or Colony line south, Shubael Geer west, Wm Booth E, above land north: Wit: James Sirnons .
* 1723 Mar 29, recorded 1724 Apr 24. John Simons, to Philip Simons, (War) D. p364.
. 30 acres in the South field 3rd Div, Hwy. north: "my father William Simons senr. S & W, Philip Parsons east.
* 1723 Mar 29, rec. 1724 Apr 8, William Simons Senr. to his son James Simons, D P263 (War): Half of 10 Con Scantick river, Philip Simons, N & E, Windsor lands S, Thomas Geers west. 35 A Southflield 3rd Div., Why N, Samuel Allin s, Philip Simons E, Thomas Abby Sent., west.
* 1723 Mar 29, rec. 1724 Apr 8. William Simons Senr. to his son John Sirnons. D P263, (War). 35 acres in lower part of Enfield: Wm. Hulburd north, Samuel Allin, South, street east, Great River west.
* 1723 Mar 29, rec. 1724 Apr 8. William Simons senr to his son Philip Simons. Half 10 A. on Scantick river: Thos. Abbe Jun north, James Simons south, hills E & W.
. 1724 Jul 2, recorded 1725.10.20. Philip Simons to John Simons (War.) , 34 Acres in south field, 3 div, Highway north Philip Simons south, James Simons west, Philip Parsons East. 20 acres in the South field 4th division, Commons or C0109)'
line south, Shubael Geer west, William Booth east, above land north- *,
Witnesses Shubael Genre, Samuel Allen, James Simons.
. 1724 Dec 10, rec. 1727.3.19. John Simons, husbandman, to Samuel Allyne sen, husbandman. 5 A on Scantick river.
. 1725 Jan 10, 10 A. South field 4th div, & was deeded by James Simons to Col. John Pychon, decd.
* 1725 Jan 10, rec. 1741 Dec 30, James Simons, husbandman, to John Pychon Esq, Springfield. (War). 20 A. in South field 4th div, Windsor lands s J Pynchon, bought of my brother John Simons N & E, Thomas Geers west.
* James Simons, husbandman, to John Pynchon Esq' of Springfield, 35 A. south field 3rd Div.
- 1727 Jul 10, rec. 1727 July 11. James Simons, husbandman, to Wm Pynchon Jr, Springfield, gentleman. Half of 10 /a on Scantick river; Wit: Philip Simons.
. 1745 July 11, Rec. 1749 Aug 5. 20 A. in south field, bought by Col. John Pynchon of John Simons.
. 1727 Oct 6, Rec. 1727.3.23. William Simons Jur, weaver & Margaret Simons to John Allyn, yeoman. 30 A. South field , 4th Div., Wm Simons Jun North: Wit: Sarah Geer, Johns Simons.
. 1728 Philip Simons, 20 A. lower end of Twp. Common right made over to the Commissioners by his father William Simons, laid out By Thomas Jones Town Surveyor, Jany 21st 1728.
. 1728 Jan 21, Recorded 1731.11.22. Philip Simons, husbandman, to Wm Pychoan Jr, Springfield, gentleman, 5 A Scantick River
. 1728 Jan 24, Rec. 1744.11.26, John Prior to Jacob Osborn of Windsor, Conn. (Quit Claim), 148 A East Precinct, Commons n, country rd S, Wit: James Simons.
. 1728 Dec 19, Deed of Land, Wm. Booth, Witness: Phillip Simons.
. 1729 Oct 22, Dan Collins of Milford, Conn. weaver, son of Dan. Collins decd. to Nathan Collins of Brimfield (Quit Claim). Wit: Eb Stebbins 2nd, Philip Simons.
* 1728 Nov 22 - William Simons, Sen' upon good & valuable Considerations & especially for 30y acres of Land Granted to his son Phillip Simons ajoyning to his Land at Scantick near Howards meadow; & ye other Common Lands which Lies in Common & is belonging to the said Commoners in Enfield.
Signed, sealed & delivered, 1728 Nov 22 AD, William HISXMARK Simons, Wit: Ben Jones Jos Sexon, Common Book A, Book 2 Original Deeds.
. 1729 Feby 6 Thous., 12 o'clock. Voted I. Meacham shall ye Commons Meeting proceeded to Draw Lotts & Every proprietor Lott fell to him as followeth: William Simons Lott 16.
. 3 Mar 1729, Record 30.4.1731. Samuel Vining Jun. to John Simons 14 or 15 acres house & orchard, street west, Shubael Geer north, ministry land east Roger Griswold south.
. 1730 Oct 10, rec. 1730 Oct 19. Joshua Booth to J. Hanlet of Rehoboth, 40 A with my now dwelling house, Wit: John Simons, Sarah Simons.
. 1730 Nov 14, recorded 30.4.1731. Deed Joshua Booth to John Simons (War.) F p15. 10 A in south field west division, Great River west, street east, Shubael Geer north, John Simons south.
. 1730 Dec 15, rec. 1733.8.28, Obadiah Hulburd, husbandman to Wm. Booth, of Windsor, Con. (War.) Wit: Philips Simons, Ebenezer Allin.
. 1731 Mar 13 - William Simons Jun. chosen fence Viewers for the year ensuing.
. 1731 Jun 23, rec. 1731.10.20. Jos. Pease Jun., husbandman, to John Simons, F p128. 88 Acres Second div, Coal meadow s. & Jos. Pease 2nd., yeoman to Nath Pease. 2.5 A on Freshwater brook; Wit: Nath Collins, John Simons.
. 1731 Oct 20. John Simons, husbandman, to J Pynchon Esq., Springfield (Mortgage) 88 A 2nd Div, Coal meadow S, commons W.
. 1731 Oct 20. John Simons, husbandman to Zachariah Booth, husbandman. 12 A homelot. Wit: Shubael Geer, Philip Simons.
. 1732 Apr 4 - Granted to Philip Simons 30 Acres adjoining to his Land at Scantick near Howards Meadow in Case he ye said Simons makes it appear to the Committee for pricing of Land that he has a good right of Commonage to ye one half of his father William Simons' Common right; & that he the said Simons Doth well secure the said one half of said right to ye Commoners that it may be free to y'e Commoners & to their dispose in Commonage for Ever. Edward Kibbe Desents to this Grant. Wm. Simons Lot # 16.
. 1732 May 23, recorded 21.7.1741. Z Booth, yeoman to son Joseph Booth (War). 3 adjoining lots, homely originally Isaac Gleason's, now Nath Pryor's north, Zechariah Booth bough of John Simons south Commons west, Town St. West.
. 1732 May 29, Record 4.7 1739. Wit. James Simons, Deed John Abbe to Dan Markham, yeomen.
. 1734 May 20, rec. 1735.2.10. Philips Simons, husbandman, to Israel Phelps, yeoman. (Quit claim) 10 Apart of 30 A granted to me by the town, west of Santick River, Pychon's land E & N, Zachariah booth S & W.
. 1734 Mar 11 - At a legal Anniversary Town meeting for choosing Town officers, John Simons & Willm Cooley were chosen constables far the year ensuing.
. 1734 Aug 22, rec .1737.8.3. John Simons to John MaGrigory of Windsor Conn.
both husbandmen. (War.) 68 acres near Freshwater and Cold Meadows, 30 acres near Freshwater meadows.
. 1734 Nov 8, Ezekiel Pease, tailor, to A Pease Jr. 50 A South field, William Simons, now John Allen north.
. 1734 Dec 19, Philip Simons, husbandman, to J Pynchon, Springfield. (Mortgage). Total of 47 Acres, various locations.
* 1735 Nov 10, recorded 1738.2.12. William Simons, husbandman, to his son Philip Simons. (War.) 93 acres "Petition Grant" land to be taken up. Wit: Nathaniel Pierce, Isaac Gleason.
. 1737Jan 6 - At a Legal Ton Meeting Enfield; Work done at Scantick Highways, May, Aug. & Nov 1736, John Simons, 1.5 days, paid, 4s. 3p.
. 1736 May ye 10 - Phillip Simons & Blodgits Shall have Their proportion of School money to hire a woman to keep school.
. 1736 Jun 25, Philip Simons, husbandman, to J Pynchon, Esq. Springfield. (War.) Total 47 Acres various locations.
. 1737 Apr 14 - Voted by ye town ye Philip Simons Shall have some land upon ye
knoll between ye 2 ponds by widow Strongs, to set a house upon.
. 1737 Aug 3, John Pease to John Simons, both yeomen. 13 A. on Job's hill, party in Enfield & partly in Somers, being part of the farm lately laid out today father John Pease, Dec.
*1737 Dec 19 - Town Debts; allowed as followeth for highway work June & Nov' 1737 - John Simons, 1 day & team, 5 shillings;
Philip Simons 1 day 2 s 6p;
Wm. Simons, 1 day & team 5s.
. 1738 Feb, recorded 1739.3.30. ) Philip Simons, husbandman, to Jonathan Terry, yeoman. (War). 93 Acres 2nd Division to be laid out which Right I purchased of my father, William Simons, Decd.
. 1742 Dec 28, Acknowledged. John Simons, yeoman, to James & Matthew Carter of Windsor, Conn. (War. 17.7 acres partly in Enfield & partly insurers, lying on the North end of Jobs hill.
. 1742 Dec 9, Enfield Town Meeting: John Collins as Chosen to Beat ye drum on ye Sabbath Days & Lector days town meetings and funerals on Sabbath days. Then ye town Voted & ordered ye town treasurer to Certify ye Excise master they are fully satisfyed as to there part of ye fine Respecting ye Complaint or Information ye Philip Simons made to ye Excise master relating to Eben Allins selling Cyder.
. 1743 Mar 12 - the Town Granted liberty to Philip Simons to set a house upon ye town Street or highway fronting on ye land called Pynchons Land at ye lower end of ye town by Edmond Bernents as also ye use & improvement of 6 Rods of ground to him & his heirs so long as he ye Simons keeps a house thereon.
. 1743 Mar 12, Annual Town Meeting, Enfield, Johns Simons chosen & sworn hog reeve for ye years ensuing.
Note: Hogreeve is a New England colonial term for a person charged with the prevention or appraising of damages by stray swine. Hog reeve was among earlier elected duties in New England.
. 1743 May 12, Recorded 1749.627. Ben Root to Ebenezer Chapin, boy yeoman, acre on Scantick river in south part of Enfield, bounded by Hwy. Chapin & hills. Wit: Timothy Simons.
. 1794 Nov 26, Eliphalet Terry, Treasurer, by an order to sundry persons, Bildad Simons Rate: 4s 6pence.
1794 Jun 10, Enfield payment to: Bildad Simons,4s 4.5pence, Elijah Terry 3s 6p.
. 1745 July 11, Rec. 1749 Aug 5. 20 A. in south field, bought by Col. John Pynchon of John Simons.
* 1745 Nov 4 - Surveyed Land …Right ye was William Simons, Deceased & 30 acres & 10 Rods upon the Right ye Geers.
* 1745 Nov 6 Entered: Voted ye Proprietors have land to take up of their former Divisions to proceed to have it laid out within a month from this time. Proceed to Draw lots for ye above: Wm. Simons, Lot 4. Surveyed & laid out to John Simons 13 A & 20 rods of land in Somers, near Jobs Hill on the right.
. 1746 Feb 25, rec. 1748.5.17. Wm. Pynchon Esq. of Springfield to Israel Pease, 10 A., above 20 A. west. This land was sold to me by James Simons & Philip Simons.
. 1746 Apr 8 - Joseph Markham of Enfield chosen to be guardian to Benjamin Simons a minor over 14 years of age & one of the heirs of William Simons, late of Enfield, Decd. book 7, Leaf 37.
. 1747 Mar 14 - Then Isaac Kibbe, sworn, & Wm Simons, not sworn, were Chosen to take Care for ye preservation of Deer for ye year ensuing.
. 1747 Dec 29, rec. 1749.1.31. Wm Pynchon Esq, of Springfield to Eleazer Wright, wheelwright, (War.) Four tracts sold to my father John Pynchon Esqr by Philip Simons dec. which Philip Simons bought of Josiah Hadlock.:
i) 15 A in South Field E Div., originally Thos. Hales;
ii) Obadiah Abbe, N highways S & W, Philip Simons land sold as above said east;
iii) 19.5 A Hwy. E & S, Philip Simons land sold as above said north, above 15 Ares west;
iv) 3 A. above 19.5 A south, Obadiah Abbe west, why east, Philip Simons land sold as above said north.
. 1748 Mar 13 - Annual Town Meeting: John Simons was chosen Surveyors of Highways for the year ensuring.
. 1751 Jan 2- By your paying John Simons junior. & Sm Pease Jr towards satisfying them for building ye bridge over Scantick, £50, 5s. Ref: Enfield Treasurer's Book.
. 1752 Apr 13 - Chosen as a Committee, John Simons & 5 others, to agree with a man or men to under take to build what bridge or bridges are necessary for the towns use upon the towns charge either by the great or any other way as the ye Committee shall think or judge best for the town it is to be understood there is to be but one Bridge over Scantick River.
. 1752 Apr 2 - An order to pay unto John Simons, lt Beament & Saml Pease of building ye Bridge dated June ye 10th, 1752, £142 8s 1p,
. 1753 Dec 10, Enfield Town Meeting, John Simons Junr., Surveyor of Highways. Voted have liberty to set up a horse house in the street.
. 1757 March - Money the town treasurer received on John Simons Junior, note of £3 3s5p.
. 1757 Oct 13, Paid by John Simons Jr. on his note, £1 11s 7p.
. 1757 Dec 5, John Simons Junr., closed Surveyor of Highways.
. 1761 Mar 1st. Enfield Town to Ephram Terry Treasurer: To an order to allow John Simons £2 5s 3s. Enfield Treasurer's Book.
. 1762 March 1st. The Select men say J must wait on John Simons Jun. for 9s 4p. Test. E Terry etc. Enfield Treasurer's Book.
. 1763 Dec 5, Tithing men, John Simons Jur. & Thomas Hale. John Simons Jr. Grand jurors.
. 1764 Feb 3 - Order to pay Ben Simons 7 shillings. Ephr. Terry, Treasurer, Enfield Treasurer's Book.
. 1766 Dec 1, Enfield Meeting, Surveyor of Hwys. & Grand jurer.
. 1768 Dec 5, Enfield Meeting, School Committee, John Simons Jr.
. 1769 Jul 3 - by an order to John Simons Junr. it being for ye old timber at Scantick bridge, £1.
. 1687 Enfield, Puritan Colonist.
. 1718 Towne of Enfield to sundry payments made to sundry persons: Willm. Simons, Senr. & Willm. Simons, Jr., 3s. ea.
. 1775 Jul 30 - To paying John Simons Jun' Interest on the order he had for building Scantick Bridge by Desire of the Select men some time ago, £1 7s.
. 1765 Nov 25 - By fine from Ashael Simons, 6s. Enfield Treasurer's Book.
. 1767 Feb 3. Recd. 1 bushel, 3 pecks wheat of Ben. Simons gave order to Isaac Pease. Collector to pay B. Simons for said wheat. Enfield Treasurer's Book.
. 1770 Jul 17 - By order returned on which you paid Abel Simons, 5s 3p.
. 1770 Dec 3 - Enfield Town Meeting, John Simons, Jun., School committee.
. 1771 Mar 12 - Order to pay Ensign Simons [John] 6s.;
. 1771 Apr 10 - Order dated March 25, to pay Ensign Simons, 6s.
. 1771 Apr 10 - to Set John Abbe for 7 days work done at repairing Scantick bridge
& saving sd. bridge in ye flood & for liquor & teem all , £1 2s. 5p; &
to Aaron Simons of work at sd. bridge. 3s.
. 1771 Octor 28 - By an order returned on which you paid Ensign Simons, 6s.
. 1772 Jun 11 - to order to pay John Simons, £1 7s.
. 1772 Aug 11 - Order to pay Jno Simons, £1 8s.
. 1772 Dec 1 - Order to pay John Simons, £2 19s 6p. Enfield Treasurer's Book.
. 1772 Mar 11 - By order to wait on you for Sundry Rates, viz. John Craw, Phineas Lyman, Israel Hale, Lyman Israel Hale, Shubael Geer, Asahel Simons, Titus Simons
& Cortland yr. Rates in all sd. order is Dated January 20 1772.
. 1772 Jun 12 - to M* John Simons for keeping widow Chub 5 weeks from the 7th
day of May last, 17s.
. 1772 Dec 1, by an order to John Simons for keeping wd. Chub 17 weeks which pays him for keeping her to the 3rd day of this month, £2 19s 6p.
. 1772 July 12 - By money towards Asael Simons Rate which the Selectmen ordered to wait for, Now Paid 5s 3p. Enfield Treasurer's Book.
. 1773 Dec 6 - Ensn. John Simons 2nd & Nathl Chapin were chosen grand jurors. Voted that the Treasurer shall wait on Isaac Kibbe for Asahel Simons's fine till further orders from ye Town. [No follow up recorded. PJA]
. 1774 Nov 15 - By order returned on which you paid Simons, £1 11s 6p. Isaac Pryor Collector to Enfieldtown. Enfield Treasurer's Book.
. 1775 Jun 15th - Order to pay John Simons on acct. of Obadiah Hulburt, 13s 5p.
. 1776 Jun 29 - By an order Returned on which yd John Simons by 4 Bushel wheat in May, 13s 5p. Enfield Treasurer's Book.
. Ensign John Simons for making the Gate to the pound of the same date the sum of 6 shillings.
. 1777 Nov 19 - Eliph Terry, Treasurer. To cash paid Sundry persons belonging to the Town of Enfield who Enlisted Into the Continental Army agreeable to a Vote of the Town of Enfield before the first day of May Last as per 34 Receipts. inc. To Isaac Simsons & Benjn Simons, £12.
. 1778 Feb 18 - Soldiers Enlisted into the Continental army rom Enfield, Benjn. Simons Junr., £12.
. 1778 Mar 15 - By an order to Isaac Pease for Provision wood &c for Isaac Simons family, £10 15s 6p.
. 1778 May 4, By an order to Isaac Pease for Provision wood &c for Isaac Simons family, £12.
. 1778 Sep 16 - To Isaac Pease for Provision &c for Isaac Simons & Family, £11.6.
. 1781 Dec 3rd - Surveyors of Highways, Joel Simons, Benjn. Simons.
. 1783 Dec 1 -Surveys of Highways, Joel Simons.
. 1787 Dec 3, 9 o'clock. & again 1788 Dec 1: Haywards Benjn. Parsons Jr & Joel Simons. [Warden in change of inspection of hedges & fences around the town common.
. 1790 Jun 24, Pair of Shoes for Wm. Simons, 6s. Enfield Treasurer's Book.
. 1796 Dec 5 - Packers of beef & pork & of fish, Asahel Simons.
. 1799 Nov 4 - Tythingmen, Silas Simons; Key keepers Levi Meacham & Benjn. Simons.
. 1819 - Meeting of the Electors of the town of Enfield legally warned & held at Enfield on the 5 April 1819. Persons admitted to the Oath of Electors, Luke Simons.
. Phillip Simons Survey & laid out to him 20 acres W side of Scantic R.; half a Common right made over to ye Commoners by his father William Simons;
Ref: The history of Enfield, Connecticut, 3 Volumes.
. 1790 CENSUS Heads of Families in the First Census of United States,
Connecticut, East Hartford Town:
John Simons: 1 Free Males 16>; 2 Males < 16, Free Females 5, All others nil;
Joseph Simons: 5 Free Males 16>; 1 Males <16, 9 Free Females;
Connecticut, Enfield Town:
Asahel Simons: 5 Free Males 16>; [Nil children or females];
Joel Simons, 1 Free Males 16> 2 Males <16, 3 Free Females;
Benjamin Simons: 1 Free Male, [Nil children or females];
Benjamin Simons Jr: 1 Free Males 16> 5 Males <16, 4 Free Females;
Enfield Town Records 9th Mass Reg. com Sep 25, 174x, Richard & Daniel Abbe, Philip Simons, in Capt. Isaac Colton's Co.
. French Wars, Expedition of 1755, against Cron Point & embraced the Battle of Sept 8, 1755. Philip Simons, April 26 - Dec 2.
. 1756 Mar 26 - Dec 1: Mr. Gen. Phineas Lymans 1st Reg. 1st Co. Corp Philip Simons, Wm Collins, Paul Kibbe, Israel & Stephen Markham, Mose, Joel Pease, Jacob Terry Jr. [as can been seen also residents of Enfield, Conn. -PJA 2016]
Each of the above served from 27 to 35 weeks. Original roll badly damaged.
. 1757, Battle of Fort Ticonderoga, Maj Gen Phineas Lyman 1st Reg. 1 Co. Feb 21 - Dec 2. Johnathan Bement, Jos Booth, Solomon & Roger Griswold, Ben Hurlburt, Warham & Eldad Parsons. Muster roll at Fort Edward 1757 Oct 17 adds Asael Simons.
. 1757 Mar 25 - Campaign, Time of Enlistment: Joseph Simons;
. 1757 Aug 1757 - Militia under Command of Capt Sam. Dunxx, Fort Wm. Henry: John Simons.
. Colony of Connecticut to Cap' Joseph Morgan & Company for Service starching to relief of Fort Wm. Henry at Alarm August last. Ref: Collection of The Connecticut Historical Society.
. 1757 AUG. - Muster Roll that went with Capt. Jonathan Pettibone's Company to fort Edward, Following names are those that belonge to Enfield: Lieut. Jonathan Terry, Corp Isaac Kibbe, Eldad Phelps, Joel Pease & Abial Pease, Benjamin Simons. Each of the above served 17 days.
. 1858 Expedition was successful in taking Fort Ticonderoga & Crown Point. Maj Gen P Lymans 1st Co., 3rd Reg. Including, Ensign Nat Terry, Ser Jos Parson, Serg. John French, Corp Thom. Abbe, Jonathan Terry, Silas Kibbe, Stephen Pease, James Simons, May 25 - Nov 15; 1st Reg. 9th co. Eli Simons, Apr 17, Nov 15.
. 1759, Expedition engaged in the reduction of fort Louis at Oswego & the capture of Montreal. Major Gen. Phineas Lymans Reg 1st Co., inc. Lt. N Terry, Lieut. Shubael Griswold, Aaron Simons, Apr 16.
Ref: New England Historian Genealogical Registers, Vol XXIV, p375. Reprinted in: The history of Enfield, Connecticut.
. 1776 June 4, Hartford - We the subscribers bing append by the Hon court of Probate for the district of Hartford,Commissioners to examine & adjust the claims of the creditors to the estate of William Simons, late of Hartford, deceased, represented insolvent, to hereby give notice, that we shall attend that business at the house of the deceased, on the first Tuesday of July & August next at 1 o'clock afternoon. Signed, Daniel Marsh, Jun., Elisha Buckland, Commissioners.
. 1802 Feb 5, East Harford, Six months from he date being allowed by Hon Court of Probate, Hartford district for the settle of the east of William Simons of East Hartford, deceased: All persons bring demands on said east are notified to exhibit them within said time or they will not be allowed, Signed, Sam. Kenndy, Adminr.
Ref: Hartford Courant Newspaper, Conn.
- Research & transcriptions by PJ Ahlberg 2017. Thank you. - - - [1]
- PROBATE RECORDS, ENFIELD for further research:
. 1743 May 19 - William Simmons, Timothy Simons made guardian unto Joseph Simons a minor under 14 years of ages son of William Simons, late of Enfield,
. 1746 Apr 8 - Joseph Markham of Enfield chosen to be guardian to Benjamin Simons, a minor over 14 years of age & one of the heirs of William Simons late of Enfield, decd.'
> 1735/6 Mar 22, WILL of William Simons
Wife Margaret,
Children, William, Stephen, Hannah, Margaret, Joseph,
"to Timothy my well beloved son £20 to be paid by John Allen Jun. when his time is out.:
Wit. Ed. Collins, Jos. Pease & John Sons, book 7, Leaf 37. -.-
. 1805 Oct 29 WILL of Benjamin Simons, presented 1805 Nov 16.
Children, Benjamin, Isaac, Edith Fargo Silas
Wife Anna Simons, dec, her wearing apparel given to Benjamin's children.
[Terry relationship?]
. 1730 Dec 12, presented WILL dated, Capt. Samuel Terry, Probated 9 Mar 1730/31,
Wife Martha,
Children: Samuel, Ebenezer, Hannah Bement, Rebecka Pasco, Jacob, Isaac, Benjamin, Ephraim, Jonathan.
Executors: Ben, Ephraim & Jonathan Terry, sons of testator.
Wit: Ephraim Terry, Mary & Jos. Pease.
Inventory of real estate £113, 10s. additional £172.3s 5p. Taken 7 Jun & 9 Sept 1731 by Thomas Jones, Ben Gains & Joseph Pease.
Additional inventory £38.5 dated 1733 Mar 28. Additional inventory £32.10 dated 1749 May 16.
. 1772 Aug 18, WILL of Ephraim Terry, presented for Probate 1787 Oct 8.
ed 18 Aug. 1772, presented 8 Oct. 1787.
Children, Samuel, Ephraim [junior], Elijah, Mary Pease, Ann Kellogg, decd, Lucy Barrett, Sibbel Chapin, Nathaniel, & Elephant, Wife Anna.
Executor Eliphalet Terry, my son.
Wit: Jacob Pease, David Chapin, Oliver Hall.
. WILL of Joseph Warriner, dated 1697Apr 21, presented for probate 1697 oct 7.
Son Ebenezer. Wife & daughters (not named). Executor son Ebenezer.
Inventory 1697 May 7, £109. 9s. 8p.
sworn to by Sarah ye relict of Joseph Warrener.
Addition inventory 1698 Ma4 2, Amt. £62. 10s.
Probate Records Hartford:
. Ebenezer Warrener, Will dated 1751 Aug 16, presented 1751 Oct 1,
Wife Mary, Children, Sam & HannahWarren. Grandchildren, Dorcas Addams, Zadoc Addams, Isabel Addams & Elizabeth Adams
Ex. son Saml Warrener & John Gains;
Wit: Ephraim Terry, Jos Parons, Ann Terry.
Enfield Graveyard:
. Anson, s/o Benjamin& Martha Simons, who died 1792 May 23, Aged 7.
Mrs. Edith Simons, consort of Ben Simons, who died 1803 Sep 4, aged 81y.
. Silas Simons, b 1771 Jan 4 - 1833 Oct 28, .Sibyl his wife Born Jan 3 1765-1803 Sep 14.
. In Memory of Miss Ama Simons [Anna?] d/o Benjamin Simons Jr & Mrs. Alma Simons, who died Sept 13,1803 / aged 27y [b1776].
Inclosed within this sacred urn, Here virtues favorite lies. Follow the path she trod & find The way to reach the skies.
. Mary wife of Alva Simons, d. 1840 Jan 4, aged 37.
. Hannah consort of Silas Simons died 1844 Mar 2, 1844, aged 68.