Titus Geer SIMONS, UEL [.1st]

Male 1743 - 1829  (86 years)

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  • Name Titus Geer SIMONS 
    Suffix UEL [.1st] 
    Born 7 Jun 1743  Enfield, Hartford Co., Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Alt DOB: Jan 1, 1743. Belong to Parish of Rev Dr Samuel Peters.
    Gender Male 
    Died 19 Aug 1829  Flamborough East Twp., Wentworth Co., Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Bullocks Corners
    Buried Christ Church Flamborough Cemetery Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I2884  Richard Patterson NJ & ON
    Last Modified 15 Jun 2020 

    Father John SIMONS, .1
              b. 24 Jan 1694, Enfield, Hartford Co., Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 27 Jan 1781, Enfield, Hartford Co., Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 87 years) 
    Mother Sarah GEER
              b. 5 Jan 1704, Enfield, Hartford Co., Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 20 Jul 1751, Enfield, Hartford Co., Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 47 years) 
    Married 1 Dec 1723  Enfield, Hartford Co., Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F2058  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 1 Mrs. Sarah (Titus.1) SIMONS
              b. 1740, East Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 14 Jun 1771, East Windsor, Hartford Co., Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 31 years) 
    Married 20 Jan 1763  Enfield, Hartford Co., Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location 
     1. Titus Geer SIMONS, Jr. (.2nd)
              b. 30 Jan 1765, Enfield, Hartford Co., Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 20 Aug 1827, Flamborough West Twp. Wentworth Co., Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 62 years)
     2. Jerusha SIMONS
              b. Est 1775, Enfield, Hartford Co., Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 1847, Frederisburg, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 72 years)
     3. Polly [Mary?] SIMONS, .1
              b. 1780, Enfield, Hartford Co., Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location
     4. Tiney SIMONS
              b. Est 1782
     5. Elizabeth ELIZA JANE SIMONS, .1
              b. c 18 Jun 1782, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
     6. Sophia Augusta SIMONS
              b. 1783, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
     7. John Kingsley SIMONS, .3
              b. 20 Feb 1786, Kingston, Frontenac Co., Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 28 May 1832, West Flamboro, Wentworth Co., Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 46 years)
    Last Modified 8 May 2019 
    Family ID F2061  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 2 Jerusha KINGSLEY
              b. 17 Sep 1743, Windham, Vermont Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 3 Mar 1798, Niagara-On-The-Lake, Lincoln, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 54 years) 
    Married 1 Feb 1774  Hartland, Cumberland Co., Vermont Find all individuals with events at this location 
     1. Mary Ann SIMONS
              b. 1783, Hartford, Windsor Co., Vermont Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 10 Aug 1830, Belleville, Hastings Co., Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 47 years)
     2. Walter William SIMONS
              b. 1793, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 23 Jul 1834, West Flamboro, Wentworth Co., Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 41 years)
     3. Amelia Anna SIMONS
              b. 7 May 1793, Kingston, Frontenac Co., Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 14 May 1837, Dumfries, Brant Co., Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 44 years)
    Last Modified 8 May 2019 
    Family ID F2070  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Notes 
    • Births, Titus Simons, s/o John Simons & Sarah his wife, was born June ye 7th 1743.

      . Immigrated to Montreal, Kingston & then to West Flamboro about 1780. Married twice: 1763 to Sarah Simons (his first cousin); & again in 1774 to Jerusha Kingsley.
      moved to Hertford, VT
      . FA4: 1778 property confiscation in the old county of Cumberland, VT
      Religion: belonged to the parish of Rev Dr Samuel Peters
      . FA1: AFT 1770 purchased property in Hertford, VT
      . A1: 1777 trial documentation
      Commission for Loyalist Losses.

      . Titus Simons, Quarter Master, Peters Corp of Queens Loyal Rangers, on the Burgoyne campaign.1777 June Lt. Gen. Burgoyne.

      . 1791 March Census, Mecklenburg District, Kingston & Ernestown:
      Titus Simons, Age 46 /1745, Married
      Tabitha Simons, age 36 /1755, Married
      Tabitha Simons, age 16, /1775 single; Titus Simons, Age 14, /1777, Mary Simons age 11, /1780,
      Elizabeth Simons, age 9 /1782, Sophia Age 6 /1785, John Simons Age 4 /1787, Ann Simons Age 2 /1789.
      Ref: The Loyalist Gazette.

      . UCLPetition 107, S Bundle 2, C2806, p849. To Gov. John Graves Simcoe, Petition of Titus Simons, Newark Twp., Upper Canada
      Your Petitioner settled in Province of Quebec in 1777 with his family & resided in Upper Canada (Ontario) since 1788. Has a wife & 9 children, 6 born before 1788. Requests family lands.
      Signed, Titus Simons, Niagara, 14 Jun 1796.
      . To Certify Titus Simons was appointed & mustered in the year 1777 in the British Camp at Stillwater, as Quartermaster in Queens Loyal Rangers Corps, commanded by Lieut. Col John Peters, later incorporated with other Loyal Partisans, under Major Edward Jessup in 1781. Signed, Capt. Justus Sherwood, J. French LKR, NY, Lt. James Parret, Loyal Rangers, Capt. David McFall. True Copy 14 Jun 1796, T Ridout.
      Granted 500 Acres for himself & 350 A. for his family.

      . UCLPetition 126, S Bundle 3, C2807, p402.
      Petition of Titus Simons, late Quartermaster in Corps of Loyal Rangers, serving to near the end of the war, until his regiment was incorporated into others & he then receive a pension. He has received 410 A. in the Eastern District in a warrant for 850 acres of which 350 A. was for his family. 1797. Please grant him land due to a Quartermaster. Niagara, 13 July, 1797. [no actual signature.]
      Titus Simon granted 2,000 Acres. [ ! ]

      Note: Signature Comparison: The signature of the father Titvs Simons, UEL, is distinguished in Titus, by the two ts are crossed together as one, also Titvs is in a print-like script, whereas his son Simons is completely written & underlined.
      The signature of son Titus G Simons is completely in script & likewise, in Titus the ts are also crossed with a single stroke. Most distinguishing is GSimons is signed, as one word. - PJ Ahlberg, 2017.

      . 1797 July 22nd to the 23d Nov 1797, M. Titus G Simons, Printer, amount of his account, £24.8.half shilling. [ i.e. owed to him. - PJA]
      . 1799 between Jan 30 and 30th June, inclusive: Lieut. Governor's office for Print, $37.10.
      Ref: UC State Land Book B, p120, 391.

      . 1807 - Lot 113, South West corner Duke & Caroline streets, Toronto, Owned, but scheduled as not resident.

      . 1826 Aug 10, WILL of Titus Geer Simons:
      In the name of God, Amen, I Titus Geer Simons of Flamboro West in the Gore District & province of Upper Canada, being sound of mind & memory for which blessing I thank My God, do make & publish this my last will & testament & request that it may be received by all Concerned as Such:
       After the payment of my funeral charges, which I request may not be extravagant, & all other just debts, I give & bequeath to Mrs. Hannah Simons, Lot number 23 in the third concession of the Township of Nissouri in the London District containing 200 acres of land  more or less & to her heirs & assigns forever, & also the bedstead, bed & bedding & curtains on which we usually lay, & one third of the table linen, & 6 cups & saucers, teapot, milk pot, & 6 plates & 6 knives & forks & 3 silver teaspoons, one dining room Breakfast Table & 3 chairs, 1 frying pan. 1 common pot, 1 tea kettle & 1 milch cow, order to be given her as full compensation for all further charge or claims on my estate in the way of living or any other whatsoever.
      I cannot help mentioning in this place, although I have long since forgiven her cruel, unfeeling unmother like treatment to my poor motherless daughters, in advising & encouraging them to their destruction, thereby entailing on me sorrow, mortification & unheard of trouble, in return for my having brought up & educated her Children & without making any charge against them for it, God forgive her?
       2nd. To my Grand Son Titus Markle, $50 to be laid out in sheep & cows, as may seem just to my executors, & to be paid out at interest or share to some reputable farmer until he shall become of age, when he is to receive the whole but in the event of his death while still a minor this legacy is to be divided among his brothers & sisters of the same mother.
       3 . To my nephew Titus Cummings, $25 to be laid out in sheep & cows & to be put out on shares for him until he should become of age, when he is to receive the whole, & in the event of his death while a minor the legacy to go to his sister Hannah.
      Fourth I give & bequeath to my nephew Titus Simons (my brother Walter's son) $25 to be laid out in sheep & cows & to be put out in shares for him, until he shall become of age, when he is to receive the whole, but in the event of his death while a minor, the legacy to be given to his sister Eliza.
      5. To my namesake Titus G. Simons Neville, $25 to be laid out in sheep & cows & to be put out for him on shares until he shall become of age when he is to receive the whole, & in the event of his death to be given to his youngest sister.
      6. To my brother John K. Simons, my double barreled gun, reticule, flask & shot bag.
      7. To my brother Walter William, my favourite mare, Nell, saddle & bridle, & in the event of her death, another horse.
      8. To my daughter Charlotte Markkle, Lot number 24 in the 3rd concession of the Township of Nissouri in the London District being 200 acres, to her heirs an assigns forever, I also give her 2 cows & 4 sheep.
      9. To my daughter Elizabeth Jane, Lot number 1 in the Concession 6 & also the south half of number 4 in the same concession of the Township of London making 300 acres to her, her heirs & assigns forever.
      10. To my daughter Matilda, my piano forte with all the music, all my pictures, map & History of England & a horse with saddle & bridle.
      11. To my daughter Hannah, my Encyclopedia & Atlas, bedstead, bed & bedding, my 2 mirrors, & one half of my estate, a horse saddle & bridle.
       12. I give & bequeath to my daughter Bell Gore, the residue of my library, spy glass, pier glass, bedstead, bed & bedding, side board & the remaining half of my estate. The table, chairs & kitchen furniture to be equally divided between her & my daughter Hannah & I give to my daughter Bell Gore my favourite case of pistols, my watch bearing my initials with gold chain & seal, the seal with my initial, I hope she will keep while she lives, & I also give her my own picture, & request that my military maps be equally divided among my last 3 daughter named. My best sofa to my daughter Bell Gore, & also the chest of drawers -- with pleasure sleigh & waggon & horses. My poacher's gun I give to my grandson Titus Markle, & my holsters to my brother John K. My fishing tackle to my nephew Titus Simons, (Walter's son).
       13. I give & bequeath to my son-in-law Alex Robertson, my Rifle & gun cleaning traps with case & my military bridle & martingale.
       14. To my sisters Jerusha, Mary Elizabeth & Anna, 100 acres of land each of them, to each of their heirs & assigns forever out of my military tract - being in the Township of Eramosa & to my sister Sophia I gave her husband's note of hand dated Sept 14, 1822 for £60 10s 7p which is more than I have been able to give another of my affectionate & dear sisters.

       15. I put & place the residue of all my property real & personal after the payment of all my just debts, my Executors to equally divided, as near as may be, my 6 children namely Charlotte, Alexander (transcribers note: he is a nephew, but treated as son) Matilda, Hannah, Bell Gore & Elizabeth Jane, & the others to have an equivalent in money or other property as may be agreed on by the parties.
      It is my earnest wish that the homestead Lot No. 4 in the 2nd Concession of Flamboro West (Flamboro Cottage) should be kept in the family, for on it I have spent the vigor of my youth in rugged industry to make a small pittance for my dear children & relatives, & it has pleased God to bless my labors & increase my share & for which I feel truly thankful.
      I could wish that Charles Slaven, a brute in the Shape of Man, who aided & encouraged by my wife, seduced from the path of duty & from a fond father's protection, my poor & unthinking motherless infant Elizabeth Jane, should not anticipate any of the property given to my dear child, if my Executors can possibly prevent it & as I have before mentioned I wish Lot 4, Con 2, Flamboro West known by the name of Flamboro Cottage with all its mills should be kept by one of my 3 children, namely Matilda, Hannah & Bell Gore or by the whole of them with share & share alike in the profits thereof if agreed, not to be sold out of the family if it possibly can be avoided & should it be so managed that the said Flamboro Cottage be kept by one of my said children or more. Or in money as may be agreed on by the parties concerned.
       I particularly request of my said Executors, & enjoin it upon them, that the do immediately after my death take appropriation of my Estate real & personal & a faithful inventory of all within as well as without doors & give a Copy of same to my daughter Hannah, for I have been so often robbed by those whose duty it was to protect me & my property, for I believe some advantages will be taken of my death as heretofore been done of my absence to carry off property & given to those whom I have only received the basest ingratitude, the world knows what I have done for them, & I advise my children to shun their dwellings, if they value their own peace & happiness.
      Executor: John K. Simons, W.W. Simons & Alexander Robertson Esq. my true & lawful Executors & my daughter Hannah when she shall have attained the proper age my executrix.
      Witness: 10 August 1826, Alexander Robertson Esq. & Matilda his wife guardians of my infant children Hannah & Bell.
       Signed, Titus Geer Simons to be his last Will & Testament.

      Ontario Land Registry, Toronto Book 683 p272
      Town of York Lot 13 South Side Duke St [now Adelaide St.]
      1803 May 14, Grant, Crown, to Titus Geer Simons, 66 ft S of Sherbourne St.
      . 1810 Bargain&Sale, Titus Geer Simons, to John Macdonell, All land.

      - Transcriptions above by PJ Ahlberg, 2017. Thank You. - - - [1, 2]

  • Sources 
    1. [S123] .

    2. [S105] Ontario Archives.