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- Died intestate in England.
Wife & children Landed at Plymouth Mass on Sunday, 1635 Apr 2, on the ship "Planter".
Mouthmouth Co. From its Settlement to the Surrender of the Gov of NJ, to the Crown in 1702, by Hon Joel Parker, NJ Historical Society paper, extracted from a long article:
. 1609 Sep 3, Natives who lived in what is now Monmouth col, discovered a ship bearing toward the shore, He Half Moon, commanded by Hendrick Hudson, of Dutch East India Co, anchored in Raritan Bay, near Sand Hook.
. 1664 Apr 2 -James Duke of York, brother to Charles II of England gave Governor Col. Nicolls powers to grant land. The Monmouth patent granted Elizabethown settlers lands in Middletown, Shrewsbury & Portland Point (after called the Highlands). Each town had a law making body, & a board of Land proprietors, this was a pure democracy.
. 1667 Dec 12, General Assembly Officer shoes by Middletown Inhabitants & established by oath: Middletown: constable Rid Gibbons, Overseers J. Holmes, William Lawrence, Deputies Shem Arnold.
. 1668 May a law had been passed by the Elizabethtown Assembly levying a £5 tax on each town. Middletown & Shrewsbury refused to pay this rate because the Nicolls patent excepted them from taxes for 7 years. James Ashton, Jonathan Holmes, Richard Gibbens, Richard Stout, William Lawrence & Edmund Tartt were ordered to give answers the Governors men in the town's behalf.
. 1674 Jul 31 - King Charles give new grants & instructions to Sir Geo. Carteret. & Line was drawn between the two patents. Carteret disowned the Nicolls patent & order if the inhabitants did not take out new patents the Governor & Council should dislodge them.
Ref: Monmouth Inquirer newspaper, Freehold, NJ, publ. 1872 Dec 12.
Members of the NJ Provincial Assembly from Monmouth Co.
. 1707 Assembly -William Lawrence
. 1708-09-10 Elisha Lawrence
. 1716 Wm & Elisha Lawrence
. 1721 Wm. Lawrence
. 1743 to 49, 1751, 1752 - Robert Lawrence
. 1761-1772 Richard Lawrence.
. 1746-7, & 1754-58. Robert Lawrence was Speaker of the Assembly.
. 1789 - 1795, Elisha Lawrence, Vice President of NJ Legislative Council
Ref: Monmouth Democrat newspaper, Freehold, NJ, pub. 1873 Dec 4.
The Lawrence Estate in England
the supposed heirs of the Lawrence Estate in England are combining throughout the US to bring the question which has so long agitated the family, to a final test in the Court of Chancery in England. also a great many traditions among different members of the family as to the manner in which the heirship became vested in the Lawrence family.
Some claim the estate originated in the sequestration of the estates of Sir Richard Townley, by chapels the Second, in consequence of the part his father took against King Charles the first, & who was killed at the battle of Marston Moor.
Others that the estate originated in the adherence of Sir Richard Townly to Cromwell, he being a member of Cromwell's council which condemned King Charles to death, of which William Lawrence, (who is claimed by nearly all the Lawrence in America as ancestor) is said to have been President: & that upon the accession of King Charles the First to he throne, they were obliged to fly the kingdom, leaving behind them their estates, which were confiscated during their life times & reverted to their descendants after their death; & as their descendants have never taken any legal steps to recover them, they have remained in the court of Chancery ever since.
…advertisement of a meeting June 10, 1868 in Dayton, Ohio for all claimants of this person of immense fortune are earnestly invited to attend: signed W Lawrence Winchell, chain. Executive Committee, Box 210 Dayton, O,
Ref: Monmouth Democrat newspaper, Freehold, NJ.
Note: The claims of a fortune, was in fact a lawyers' scam to earn fees! Elisha Lawrence's family, of Ontario, were among the lost hopefuls.- PJ Ahlberg. 2018. - - - [1, 2]