Notes |
- Charles Wesley is the son of Hester Lawrence & John Teetzel.
. 1877 Michigan Gazetteer: Benton Harbor: Teetzel, C W.
. 1880 Jun 5 Census, Benton
Charles Teetzell, b 1853, age 27, jeweller,
Note: A few farms away is his in-law Daniel T Lawrence. Charles is living with his brother-in-law, Andrew, Canada, b 1832, Ireland, wife Elizabeth, b. Canada 1838,
Their children:
Willis E, Canada, b 1863, Mich., Mary, b 1866, Mich.
. 1878 Polk Directory, Benton Harbor & St. Joseph's Directory: Teetzel, C., Res. N. Water street.
. 1896 Teetzel, Chas. W, jewelry, res 183 Empire ave, cor Broadway, wife.
Ref: Benton Harbor, Michigan - City Directory.
. 1891 Dec 12 - Benton Harbor: short advertisements: Fancy clock's, Rae diamonds, Everything in silverware, See those exquisite gems at Teetzel & Haydons.
Fraternal Notes: CW Teetzel was introduced into the mysteries of the KOTM last night.
the jewelry Opening. Teetzel & Haydon, the jewelers, are having their grand holiday opening this afternoon. The store is prettily decorated in terms, palm & smilax & is overflowing with dainty things for the holidays. Music is being furnished by a music box, the strains mingling with the murmur of many callers who are received by Mrs C W Teetzel, Mrs. C T. Warner & Miss Grace Northrup. They are serving chocolate & wafers. Each lady is being presented with a souvenir in the form of a pretty bouquet of carnations.
Ref: News Palladium newspaper, Benton Harbor.
. 1887 Atlas of Berrien County, Michigan: C. Teetzel 15 Acres, Madison Lane at Empire Ave.
Michigan State Gazette 1875, Benton Harbor, Mich., Enos & Teetzel Jewelers, Main, Also entry for: Enos & Teetzel, agts. American Express Co., Main.
The History of Berrien County states he was born Toronto, Ontario. Perhaps this is given as a nearby, better known location (?) He accompanied his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Teetzel to Berrien Co. At the age of 16 Chas. W. became an apprentice to Henry Enos, a jewelery man of Benton Harbor, where he continued to for for forty years.
. 1888 Feb 14, US Patent Office, Charles W Teetzel of Benton Harbor, Michigan
Holdback for Vehicles, Letters Patent # 393,797, Dated Dec 4, 1888, Application Filed Feb 14, 1888. To all whom it many concern, be it known that I Charles W Teetzel of Benton, Berrier Co., Michigan, ave invented a new & useful improvement in Safety Holdback Strap Attachments, of which the following is a description [much abbreviated]
it consists of a metal case or shell to be attached to the shaft or thill, on one side of which case is a flexible metallic spring, the action of which spring holds in position within a slot in the case a loop attachment have a T shaped lug, which loop attachment holds firm when bulled backward, but which detaches itself well pulled forward… Accompanied by drawings. ...the holding back attachment holds firmly; but should the strap pull forward, because of the horse becoming detached from the whiffletree, the holdback strap will become detached from the thill & the horse go free, thus avoiding an accident by the dragging of the hills upon the ground. Charles W Teetzel, Witness A J Kidd, F G Worth.
. 1898, Fifty years ago: 'Brownie' is going to the Klondike. Brownie is Mr. & Mrs. C W Teetzel's Big Newfoundland dog which figured so prominently in court not so long ago. Mr. L Bashford is going to take the handsome animal with him to the Alaskan gold fields & Brownie's shoes & blankets are being made ready today. - Republished 1948 Feb 6th.
. 1899 Sep 23 Sept 1899 Messrs. Teetzel & Hamilton will open another store in St. Joseph, Oct 1, of which Mr. H. A. HAMILTON will have charge. Mr. Teetzel remaining in the store here. The stocks of both stores are to be filled to meet all demands.
. 1899. Dec 12 - Advertisement: Teetzel & Hamilton, Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Two stores, well filled, new stocks, all novelties, latest in everything, Benton Harbor, & St. Joseph. - We are closing out C E Bowman's line of musical instruments cost.
Mr. C W Teetzel has accrued a place in the room adjoining the post office for his jewelry store & will not leave Benton Harbor. He will move his goods there at once. Mr. Geo. Alger will have his jeweler's bench here also.
. 1900 Jun 21. Dissolved Partnership. The firm of Teetzel & Hamilton formally dissolved partnership today. Mr. T retains the store in Benton Harbor & Mr. Hamilton takes the St. Joseph business. The dissolution is the result of the increase & growth of the firms business & seemed advisable for the mutual interests of the parties. Mr. T has for many hears been engaged in the jewelry business in this city & his success is note with satisfaction of his friends.
. 1902 Mar 4. FOR RENT: 8 acre farm near town. Enquire of C W Teetzel, next door to post office.
. 1902 Jul 31 , A Happy Midsummer Occasion at Home of Mrs. Teetzel. The ladies of the GAR ... at home of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Teetzel, Wed. under the maples tees bedecked with the stars & stripes, a long & bounteous spread table was places & amid the twittering of birds, surrounded by the tall & stately hollyhock & fair gardens, the company did enjoy a free & happy hour at 12 o'clock.
. 1902 August 5 - A pair of silver rimmed spectacles in a case marked O A Carr, Wabash, were found Monday night & left at Charles Teetzel's jewelry store.
. 1902 Dec 4 - Benton Harbor. Mr. John Teetzel of Ottawa, who has been the guest of his brother, Mr. Charles Teetzel, has gone to Allegan where his wife is at present visiting relatives.
. 1904 - 30 Years Ago - C W Teetzel, the oldest jeweler in the twin cities, who has been in business as any other man in this city, ill consolidate his stock with that of Geo. D Alger under the firm name of Teetzel & Alger. Mr. Alger has been located in this city for 10 years. The Alger stock will be moved to the room in the Graham block where Mr. Teetzel has been located for the fast year.
Ref: The News Palladium, published 1934 Feb 22.
. 1897 Dec 12, Thus. ...a dependable article here is a store that gives you a square deal any day in the year Diamonds, Watches, Clocks , Jewelry ware both solid & plated, Novelties of all kinds & description.s TEETZEL ALGER Jewelers & Opticians. 02 Witter Street. Watch I Inspectors for Big 4.
. 1906 Jul 23 - Obituary, Benton Harbor. Chas W Teetzel died at his home Sunday evening at 6 o'clock, the result of a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. Teetzel was stricken while taking a bath about 10 am. He was found in an unconscious state by his wife who summoned help & the mantas carried to his bend where he passed away without regaining consciousness. deceased leaves 4 sister: Mrs Wm. Smith, Mrs NG Kennedy of this city, Mrs Brunson & Miss Hester Teetzel of Chicago, George & John Teetzel, the later of South Bend. Mr Teetzel has been a prominent jeweler & business man of this city years & he will be missed from the active circles of the community. funeral arranges have not yet been made.
Ref: Herald Press, Saint Joseph, MI.
. 1908 Dec 3, Advertisement: TEETZEL & ALGER JEWELERS. - Are you skeptical concerning our advertising? Are you on who believes it's just talk? But when we say "we have the best CHRISTMAS JEWELRY stock in town you'll admit that your lack of knowledge on the subject is not proof that it is not so.
There are no secrets in this store. Our prices are marked in plain figures. These are no superficial temporaries. Our goods are genuinely good. & impartial public common sense seems to recognize intelligent & honest salesmanship. TEETZEL & ALGER Jewelers, Benton Harbor, Mich., 102 Water St.
. 1908 May 21. Probate. Estate of Charles W Teetzel, deceased, final accounting. The Weekly Press, Saint Joseph Mich.
. 1908 Jan 22 - injure prompt attention please have your order early Everything in the of cut flowers & funeral also palms for rent. Manager J JEWELERS A souvenir spoons tx G M fleet spoons Teetzel Alger line of souvenir spoons. As to our special G M fleet spoons elusive sale A large line of glass & hand painted ccxx class...
Ref: News Palladium.
. 1910 Jun 14, Tues. - birthday & wedding gifts And our best efforts are aimed at quality & diversity we a ways keep price consideration well in mind It is these three factors that are making the Teetzel Alger store a synonym for safe trading THE REFLEX INVERTED LAMP throws the light down where you want it. It throws 99 candle power...
. 1909 Jul 21, Wed. - number & a gold filled watch with case guaranteed for 20 years to the lady receiving the fourth largest number watches will be on exhibition at the 108 Pipestone Street Haydoits 117 street Teetzel Alger 102 Water street & Hamilton Bros Co 105 East Main street Pitchers old stand The pianos will be in a short time...
. 1910 Aug 10, Sat -Birthday & wedding gifts & while our best efforts are aimed at quality & diversity we always keep price consideration well in mind It is these two factors that are making the Teetzel Alger store a synonym for safe trading High Price for Relic A oak Jacobean cabinet which had been used as a medicine chest in...
. 1915 Advertisements of business houses appear in this first number of The Daily Palladium as follows:
- C. W. Teetzel, Jewelry.
History of Benton Harbor & Tales of Village Days, 1915.
Further research, which Charles Teetzel's marriage: TEETZEL, CHARLES W & FRANK, AGNES M TEETZEL, TUSCOLA,- 24 FEB 1884.
. Research & transcriptions by PJ Ahlberg. Thank you. - - -
- * History to Berrien County: CHARLES WESLEY TEETZEL:
The life of Charles W Teetzel was so varied in its activity, so honorable in its purpose, so far-reaching in its effects that it became an integral part of the history of Benton Harbor & he also left an impress upon the annals of this portion of the state. In no sense a man in public light he nevertheless exerted an immeasurable influence upon the city of his residence & in business life as a financier & promoter of important industrial & commercial enterprises; in social circles by reason of a charming personality & unfeigned cordiality; in political circles by reasons of this public spirit & devotion to the general good; & in the development of those actions which ameliorated had conditions of life & of the calling forth of benevolences & liberality. Thus it was that he became known as "one ob Benton Harbor's leading mean & best beloved citizens.
At the time of his death Mr. Teetzel was the oldest business in BH in years of continuous connection with its mercantile circles. He was born in Toronto, Ontario, Sep 23, 1851 & in his youth accompanied his parents, Mr & Mrs. John Teetzel, to Berrien county, his father being a pioneer of this section of the state. The public schools afforded his educational privileges, & when 16 y. of age he put aside his text-books & entered the business world, where for many years he figured prominently & honorably. He became apprentice to Henry Enos, the pioneer jewelery man of BH & eventually he purchased the business of his employer & continued therein up to the time of this death, covering a period of almost 40 years.
During the latter part of the time he was associated with Geo. D Alger, under the firm style of Teetzel & Alger, this connection continuing for 2 & half years. A for a period he was associated with Fred Hamilton, conducting stores in BH & St. Joseph. He was a man of progressive spirit & ever desired to attain the highest degree of perfection possible in the conduct of his businesses interests. At the same time he was thoroughly reliable & trustworthy.
In 1890 Mr. Teetzel was united in marriage to Jennie E Teetzel & their was largely an ideal married life. congenial by nature their companionship was strengthened with the passing years & it was the effort of each to promote the happiness & welfare of the other. Many there were who benefited by the efforts & liberality of Mr. Teetzel, the poor & needy always found in him a friend & no appeal was ever made to him in vain by one who really needed air. It has been said of him that he often deprived himself of pleasures he might have enjoyed were it not for the open-handedness to persons in times of distress. He gave freely, generously & unostentatiously & oftentimes no one know of his benefactions save the recipient. In fact he shunned & avoided all publicity in connection with his many kindness but be builded for himself a monument in the gratitude & love of whom he assisted. Public measures, too, received his endorsement when he felt that the purpose was to benefit the city or promote its material, social, intellectual, political of moral welfare. He was a life long & ardent Republican in politics but never held a public office, although the opportunities to do so were numerous. He held membership in the Knights of the Maccabees & the Patricians.
His death came suddenly & was a great shock to his fellow citizens. In fact he had won so prominent a place in public regard by reasons of his long & active connection with business life, his co-operation in public affairs & his efforts in behalf of the poor & needed that this death came as a personal bereavement to nearly all who knew him. e passed away July 22, 1906. He was a man of most congenial affable & jovial nature, & shed around him much of the sunshine of life. He was also a great man because of the use he made of his talents & opportunities, because his thoughts were not self-centered but were given to the mastery of life's problems & a fulfillment of this duty as a man in his relations to his fellowmen & as a citizen in his relations to his city, his state & his country.
Ref: A Twentieth Century History of Berrien County, Michigan by Orville W. Coolidge, 1906. page 956. - - -