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- Thomas Stevenson, Jr. after 10 May 1704 married Sarah Jennings, b 10 Apr 1679, Aylesbury, England.
. Their seven children:
Ann Stevenson b: 6 Dec 1704 in Middletown, Bucks Co., PA
Sarah, b: 6 Jan 1705/06
Samuel, b: 25 Jun 1708 in Middletown, Bucks Co., PA
Abigail, b: 1710 in Middletown, Bucks Co., PA
Elizabeth, b: 1712 in Middletown, Bucks Co., PA
Alice, b: 1714 in Middletown, Bucks Co., PA
Edward Stevenson, b: 1715 in Middletown, Bucks Co., PA.
. Thomas was in a land dispute with Mahlon Stacy. Thomas had a prior claim to land Mahlon wanted. Mahlon attempted to negotiate but Thomas would not give in.
. 1715 Apr 30 - Samuel Reading writes in his journal:
"Thomas Stevenson having gone toward Pequannock & Mahlon Stacy being newly come ... their lots not being fixed we surveyed none this day. Cox, Bull, Haywood & I went for Ryerson's; we met with Stevenson & George Ryerson at H. Davis, upon Rockaway River, where Stevenson seemed to fix upon a lot, but by reason of his unreasonableness we did not proceed." "May 4, I surveyed.... we met Thomas Stevenson who pitched upon a lot. I went along with him to Paulus Vanderbecks upon Peguannock River, where we lodged all night."
"May 5, they went to run Stevensons' lot, but he seems to have been very hard to suit & would not take it."
"May 31, surveyed along Musconetcong River".
"June 1, we traversed the river still higher with intention to lay out a lot for Mahlon Stacy & completed the same, when after our arrival at our houses, Thomas Stevenson & Samuel Green (a surveyor) came up the river in quest of us, & told us that our labor there bestowed upon the river was all in vain for they had surveyed that l& before us. In the end it proved that they had laid out a lot which was prior to ours & interfered with Mahlon's. We discoursed for an accommodation, but Stevenson would not condescend, so after a multiplicity of words pro & con we went together down the river, where they had left their provisions with another hand & an Indian called Pishot when we came the Indian was gone." The result of this land-hunting trip, thus so graphically described by Reading, is to be found in the books in the Surveyor-General's office.
The family record of children & grandchildren of Thomas is given in a deed recorded in Trenton & dated July 1, 1773, viz: "Thomas Field of Bucks Co., Pa., eldest son of Sarah Field, daughter & devisee of Thomas Stevenson, late of Bucks Co, deceased & grantee of Thomas Biles (& wife Abigail) oldest son of Ann Biles, who was a daughter & devisee of said Thomas Stevenson as will more large appear by deed from Edward Pennington, heir-at-law to Sarah Pennington (nee Jennings), late Stevenson, surviving trustee of said Thomas Stevenson, deceased; Matthew Hughes, son & heir-at-law of Elizabeth Hughes, daughter of said Thomas Stevenson, deceased; Sarah Ann & Rachel Stevenson, daughters & co-heirs of Edward Stevenson, son & devisee of Thomas Stevenson, deceased," convey land in Morris County, NJ to Samuel Ogden, Esq.
. 1710 Nov 10 - WILL of Thomas Stevenson, Co. of Bucks.
Wife Sarah 1/3 of real & personal estate absolutely. Lands in NJ & Pa. to be sold.
Sons Samuel & Edward (minors).
Daus Ann & Sarah, so much as will make their legacies from their grandfather Jennings £50.
Daus Elizabeth & Aliss. Bros William's & John's children.
Wife & Joseph Kirkbride exrs.
Wits: Anna Marriott, John Oxford, Benj. Field. Codicil 1719 Apr wife Sarah & Jos. Kirkbride, Trustees to sell land & hold proceeds for use of wife & children.
Wit to codicil John Jones, Charles Brockden & Joseph Fox.
Proved 1719 Oct 19.
Research & transcriptions by PJ Ahlberg. Thank you. - - -