Male 1857 - 1909  (52 years)

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  • Name William H WILLIE TEETZEL 
    Suffix .3 
    Born 13 Mar 1857  St. Joseph, Berrien Co., Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • However Mich. Death Cert. says born 1847.
    Gender Male 
    Died 3 Jun 1909  Benton Harbor, Berrien Co., Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Aged 52y 2m 21d (writing?) = 13 Mar 1857. General Paresis. Pariete Seizers.
    Buried 4 Jun 1909  Benton Harbor, Berrien Co., Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • at Morton Hill Cemetery?
    Person ID I322  Richard Patterson NJ & ON
    Last Modified 10 Jan 2019 

    Father Hiram H TEETZEL, Sr.
              b. 6 Sep 1817, Palermo, Trafalgar Twp., Halton Co., Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 6 Jul 1889, St. Joseph, Berrien Co., Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 71 years) 
    Mother Elizabeth BETTY HAGER
              b. 1819 - 1822, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. Between 1870 - 1880, St. Joseph, Berrien Co., Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 58 years) 
    Married 1839  Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F355  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Adella DELL SLOAN
              b. Jun 1870, Decateur, Macon Co., Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. Aft Jun 1909, Benton Harbor, Berrien Co., Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age > 39 years) 
    Married 25 Oct 1892  Benton Harbor, Berrien Co., Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • P J Mavert, Minister of the Gospel. Berren Co., Mich Reg # 1084.
     1. Bertha TEETZEL, .1
              b. 1876, Lynn Twp., St. Clair Co., Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 10 Aug 1900, Pontiac, Oakland Co., MI Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 24 years)
     2. M. CLAYTON Tryon TEETZEL
              b. 26 Aug 1876, Benton Harbor, Berrien Co., Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 29 Jul 1948, South Haven, Van Buren Co., Michigan Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 71 years)
    Last Modified 16 Oct 2011 
    Family ID F561  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Notes 
    • Member or the Watervliet Loge, Berrien Co., MI, No. 903, I.O.G.T., C F Teetzel & W Teetzel.

      . 1871 Teetzel, William H, druggist, 166 Main.
      Jackson Citizen Patriot, Jackson, Michigan.

      . 1871 Sept 26, Attempted suicide of George Gifford, son of the Proprietor of the Union Hotel.
      Our city as startled early Thursday evening by by the report that Mr. George Gifford, a young man about 28 years, had attempted to commit suicide by taking arsenic. Young Gifford is addicted to drink, & at times, after having been on a spree, becomes very morose & despondent. He works on the Michigan Central Railroad as a brakesman, & a short time ago left, & has been drinking. About 7 o'clock in the evening he went into Teetzel's drug store, over the river on Main st. & accosting the proprietor, asked for 10 cents worth of arsenic which which to kill rats at the barn. Mr Teetzel gave him 2 drachus, giving him the proper directions for its use, as Gifford requested.

      "Will, this is the last arsenic you will ever sell me."
      Mr. Teetzel's suspicions were immediately aroused that all was not right & he asked Gifford what he meant: "Nothing, only I'm going to see my girl," was the reply & he dart across the street.
      Mr. Teetzel went straightway to the hotel, & informed Gifford's father of the occurrence. Mr. Teetzel & another young gentleman immediately started in pursuit of him, to recover the poison before it was too late.

      Meanwhile, young Gifford had gone down Main St. to a saloon where he was known & asked for liquor. The proprietor refused, saying that he had drank enough already. George jumped over the bar seized a bottle & glass & rushed for the back door. A Gentleman attempted to stop him & he struck him in the face, knocked the bottle out of his hand. Gifford tore open the paper of arsenic with his teeth, & swallowed nearly all of its contents before any one could interfere.

      He was immediately taken to Union Hotel & medical assistance was summed. Drs. North, Bronson & McLaughlin attempted to administer the proper antidotes, but Gifford resisted with all this strength. Policeman Riley was obliged to handcuff Gifford with his hands behind his back. In the struggle while endeavoring to force some sweet oil down his throat, he knocked the glass containing in into Dr. McLaughlin's face & cut his nose. The antidotes were administered & the effects of the poison stayed.

      Friday morning he was out on the street, apparently as well as ever, complaining only that his stomach is a little hot. He says that he will kill himself yet in spite of the doctors.
      Ref: Jackson Citizen Patriot Newspaper (Extracted.)

      . 1873 Jan 24 - Vaccine Matter - Notice is given that Dr. McLaughlin has a good supply of fresh & pure vaccine matter, both from the cow & child, at his office in Teetzel's Drug store, No. 166 Main St.
      Ref: Jackson Citizen Patriot.

      . 1873 Mar 21 - Liquor Suites, Yesterday a summons was served on W H Teetzel, a drug store keeper on Main street to appear to Concord on the 8th of March, to answer to a complaint for selling liquor with satisfying himself that it was for medicinal purposes. Judge Videto says he has proof sufficient to prosecute every drug storekeep in the city. Whether he intends to do so or not we cannot tell.

      . 1873 Sept 23, Oct 30 & Nov 11-20 - Healthy childhood measures robust manhood. Feed your little ones on Ridge's Food, for sale by C E Webb & Bro. Mssrole & Green, J M Holland, Martin & Boylan, W H Teetzel & C B Colwell, 75 E. Main Street.
      Food for sale: W H Teetzel, East Main Street.

      . 1874 March 24. - W H Teetzel, dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery & Fancy Toilet Articles, Trusses, Shoulder Braces & Syringes. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully prepared at all hours.
      No. 166 Main St., Jackson, Michigan. Dr. McLaughlin's office at rear of store.

      . 1874 Aug 14 - Central City Brevities, Accident to a Drayman. Yesterday afternoon as Chas. Hayes, a drayman in the employ of Reuben Tingley, was loading some barrels of tallow in front of Dettman & Weber's meat market, on of the barrels slipped, & striking his fingers, inflicted a very painful wound. The flesh was completely parred from the bone in one or two places. The wounds were dressed by Mr. W H Teetzel, & although it will make Hayes unfit from doing any work for se little time, there were no bones broken.

      . 1885 May 28 - The following patents were granted to citizens of Michigan, bearing date May 19, 1885: W H Teetzel, Detroit, door check, patent 318323.

      . 1905 Jul 13, Kalamazoo, Mich. Blacksmith Becomes Insane. William Teetzel, 40 years old, a wealthy blacksmith, of Benton Harbor, & a brother of Coach Teetzel, once a great Michigan half back, was brought to the asylum for the insane here.
      Ref: Bay City Times.

      . 1905 Jul 13 - Roosevelts Relative - Benton Harbor Man Taken to Kalamazoo Asylum - wife distantly related to Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt. - William Teetzel, a well known blacksmith of Benton Harbor, was brought to the Kalamazoo asylum yesterday by Benton Harbor officers. Just what caused his insanity the officials refuse to say. Mr. Teetzel was one of the most prominent men in Benton Harbor, where he & his wife moved in the best society.
      Mrs. Teetzel is a distant relative of the wife of President Roosevelt. A brother of the insane man is Teetzel, the former star half-back at the University of Michigan & later coach at the Normal school in Ypsilanti.
      Ref: Kalamazoo Gazette.

      . 1906 Oct 8 - Van Burrien Co. Clerk's Office, Paw Paw. Report on Insane Case since Oct 1, 1905. William Teetzel, Decatur, public patient admit'd. May 18, 1906.
      Ref: The True Northerner, Paw Paw, Michigan published, 1907 Feb 8 . - - -