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- VERIFY PARENTS, Generations or so, TO BE CONFIRMED. (2017)
. In 1860, 1880 Maine & again in the 1890 Apr 20 Census Washington, DC. son Adelbert B Simons, Sr., says his father was born in Connecticut.
1813 - Private Bildad Simsons from Massachusetts, work on Dundas Street, & sere in 1814. York Militia, 2nd Regiment, from Nelson Twp., Halton Co.
Ref: Lorne Scots Regimental Museum, Brampton, ON.
Note1: Is this an error? or did Bildad live/visit from Mass. before coming to Upper Canada?
. UC Sundries, Abstract of Petitions for Lands, No. 332. Bildad Simons., Application prepared in Council, 1806 Jun 16th. Common Applications*
Ref: p915, C4503,
Note1: Common applications or otherwise, no complications. On the other hand it doesn't mentioned he wanted a location in the Mississauga Purchase, as many other 1806 petitions did. - PJA
. UCLPetition 27, p579, S Bundle 8, C2809.
Bildad Simons of Saltfleet, Potter & Ramor.
Petitioner has been near 7 years in the Province [1799] & has a family of a wife & 4 children. Property in the amount of £50. Taken the oath of allegiances. He wants 200 acres located in tract lately (Govt.) purchased. He is prepared & undertakes to pay within 3 days of Order in Council for land. He will pay all Survey fees in the same period. He will also attend the Secretary of the Province within 21 days to take out the deed. [i.e. he will get started without delay.]
Signed, Bildad Simons, York, 17 June, 1806.
. 1806 This certifies that Bildad Simons of Saltfleet in District of Niagara, has lived in my neighbourhood some years, he is industrious & a well behaved man.
York,18th June, 1806. Robt. Nelles.
. 1806 Jun 18, Receipt of the above: £6 9 shillings & 4 pence sterling. Peter Russell, Receiver General, Clerk of the Executive Council, Upper Canada.
. A land patent for Con 1, Lot 30 1 SDS (South of Dundas Street), was granted to him in 1806 as settlement duties had been fulfilled.
Entered into Land Book G, 78. Warrant 193, issued 19 Jun 1806 by the petitioner.
Note2: The Upper Canada Government had just recently purchased land in Trafalgar area from the natives. Some settlers were staking out the new farming land even before the negations were finished.)
Note3: Concerning his place of birth: There was a Bildad Simons living in Massachusetts but not enough information is found to drawn a firm connection. Or perhaps the Simons were living in the German Valley of New Jersey along with the Teetzel, Hagers, who came to the excellent farm land of the Trafalgar area. The name of Bildad's wife is unknown. -PJA.
. 1809 Jun 11, Town of York, General Quarter Session of Peace holden at Town of York. The Grand Jury called & severally Sworn as follows.
1. Bildad Simons & 12 others: Philip Triller, foreman, Benj Smith, David Albertson, David Taylor, Joseph Alolet, Henry Schuck, Stiles Stevens, James Hinton, Joseph Osier, Edward Decow, Abraham Markle, Absolom Willcocks, Allan Robinet, Joseph Silverthorne, Philip Cody, James Wyant & Isaac Willcocks.
Prosecution of Esther Ruggles Vs. Henry Hale, Indictment Assault & Battery, Verdict Not Guilty.
Ref: Toronto Sundries, Home District Quarter Session of Peace, Minutes, City of Toronto Archives.
Note4: This would imply that Bildad was actually living in the Town of York by 1806 to at least 1814, otherwise he would have been called for jury duty in Trafalgar, a rather long distance to travel by foot or horse. Most men on jury would be well known men from near by on Yonge St., York Twp. It is further noted that Bildad filed various Marriage Bonds & Land transactions himself dated in Toronto, rather than the common method of mailing in these requests.
Trafalgar Township:
. York Militia 2nd Regiment., commanded by Serjeant Duncan McQueen, Working the roads on the Dundas Street (now Hwy. 5) between the 16 & 12 Mile Creek [i.e. between Oakville & St. Catharines, Ontario]:
. 1813 Oct 26 - Nov 4, Ten days: Private, Bildad Simons, Paid 6s.
Signed, Richard Beasley. Ref: Doc. 293.
. 1813 Oct 25 - Nov 24, 10 days, Private Bildad Simons, 2YM, commanded Serj. Duncan McQueen working the roads on Dundas Street. Signed, Richard Beasley. Ref: Doc 298.
. Second York Militia Regiment, Capt. Thomas Merrigold's Detachment:
. 1814, Sept 25 to Nov 1. Private Beldad Simons, 7 days. Signed, Capt. Thos. Merigold. [Privates earned 6 pence a day.]
. 1814, Dec. 1st -1815 March 1st - A Return of fines Collected in the 2nd Regiment of York Militia. Failure to report for muster (15 men):
Bildad Simons, Amount in fines: £5 paid. Signed, Richard Beasley.
Ref: Doc. 10-25, Upper Canada Militia Records, V16, Second York, Militia. Ref: Documents 196 & 197, UC Returns, Nominal Rolls & Pay Lists C10383, p1048.
Note5: Very interesting this item. Why did Bildad not serve? Was there some sympathy for the American cause? or not actually willing to fight against his fellow Americans? Could it have anything to do with his wife's murder? (Date unknown). Or perhaps, more simply, was Bildad more preoccupied with providing for his family in wintertime? - PJA, 2011.
Note6: 1814 Jun 22 York. To R R Loring, from J McGill. Requests a list of several Quakers, Mennonites or Tunkers resident in the province form 812-3, to enable him to collect money due from them for exemption from Militia service. Letter attached, p 8523-26.
- Tunkers are a variation of Quakers who refused to take up any arms during wars, & paid a fee for militia exemption. - which may be consisted with living in Enfield, Conn., & the Shaker community. - PJ Ahlberg.
. 1816 Assessment Census, Trafalgar Twp., Halton Co.:
Bildad Simons. 100 acres, 70 A. Uncultivated, 30 cultivated. Frame house under 2 stories.
Note6: Log cabins were not taxed so not listed.
. Census 1831 Palermo, Trafalgar Twp., Halton County, SDS (South of Dundas Street): Bildad Simons:
10 cultivated acres, 40 uncultivated. 2 males over 16 & 1 female over 16.
Note7: His daughter, Mary Lizy Elizabeth Simons was married the previous year to Richard Lawrence; Daughter Clarissa married in 1831.
Note8: Only one female over 16 implies his wife may or may not still be alive. - PJA.
. 1842 & 43 Census, Lot 1, Con 2, P, Trafalgar Twp., Ontario,
Bildad Simons & Sons: John, Asel & Joseph Simons, {that is, adjacent the farms of his in-law Teetzel. - PJA
Note9: Due to the extreme poor quality of these census rolls its difficult to say if Bildad Simons is present in more censuses years. - PJA
Note10: *Suggest the Patent year here may be a transcription error, as the above is COPY from the Land Registration office. On 1806 Jun 16 Bildad received a receipt for Lot 30, Con 1. This would have implications where his last children were born & indeed probably also, Mrs. B Simons died. - PJ Ahlberg, 2018.
- (Modern 2016 location is between 2327 Khalsa Gate, Oakville & Baronwood Drive, V-ing off Bronte Road, Palermo, Bronte Creek.)
. Ontario Provincial Park (2015) comes up the south back corner of Bildad Simons Lot 30, Con 1. Ref: Crown Lands Map A24, Trafalgar Twp.
. Daughter Elizabeth Mary Simons married 14 Oct 1830, at he house of William Simons, Palermo, by Rev. Mr. King, Presbyterian Clergy. Many of her family were present.
Ref: Michigan War Widow Claim 1864.
. 2018. The 3195 Bronte Road Demolition . A home was recently demolished, leavng members with many questions. Tom Murrison reports that tyhe believes thas was the home of Mr Mrs Bildad Simons, that had been at the SE corner of Bronte & Dundas, wehre the medical building now stands. This house was moved in Jan 1955 as per our archives photos. It is beleived based on the birthdates of thier children, that this is an early 1800 built home & that the back part was liely a hewen timber frame. This home was not on the heritage registry so there were not extra steps in place for when the owners requested the demolitions permit.
Ref: Trafalgar Township Historical Society.
. Palermo Parsonage. This house on Bronte Road, just north of Dundas Street, was the Methodist parsons for the Palermo Circuit for some 50 years. It was the responsibility of the Ladies Aids of the Circuit to furnish & decorate the parsonage. With Methodist ministers changing every 2 or 3 years, It was almost a continuing task. When the parsonage was moved to Bronte about 1912, this house was sold. It is still lived in today, 60 years later, 1907. Most of the early settlers in the Palermo community were participants in the beginnings of Methodist in Trafalgar Twp.
HISTORY OF ENFIELD, CONNECTICUT, Complied from all the public records:
Select Men's Account 1714-1805:
. 1785 Nov 29th - to Rufus Smith for ringing the bell & taking care of the Meeting House clock which pays this to ye 24th of this month, £3.16.2
.1787 Nov 16 - Hezekiah Parsons June, for rope for the Meeting House last year, 10s 6p; [i.e. Shaker Meeting House].
. 1793 Nov 26, Bilddad Simons, Rate 4 shillings 6 pence. (Page 1237);
. 1794 Jun 10, Enfield payment to: Bildad Simons 4s 45 pence, Elijah Terry 3/6;
. 1794 July 9 - Select Men's Account. Eliphalet Terry, Treasurer,
Bildad Simons 4 shillings 4.5 pennies, Elijah Terry 3s 6p. Asher Simons 4s 4.5 pence, John Reynolds, Esq.,Treasurer. Obadiah King, for part pay for Ringing the bell this present year £2. (Page 1242).
. 1794 Nov 26, Eliphalet Terry*, Treasurer, by an order to sundry persons, Bildad Simons, Rate: 4s 6pence.
Ref: The History of Enfield, Connecticut, 1900.
Note1: Eliphalet Terry, b24.12.1742 Enfield, CT-2.11.1812.
Enfield, on the Great River, Connecticut, Town plan shows 2 plots granted to William Simons dated 1687. In 1689 the Town purchased more land from Indian sachem Noatuck & they reserved the right of fishing & hunting. There were Meeting House for the Baptists & the Strict Congregationalists. The people of Enfield were nearly unanimously in favor of the American revolution & their Independence. In 1780 the Shaker System of Religion was introduced into Enfield.
. SIMONS, William first settler on the Lot 6 south of Ferry Lane - died 1738 aged 79, left sons, viz:
John b 1695 In. Sarah Greer 1722 - died & left numerous descendants most of whom have removed from town:
. sons John, b. 1724;
. Paul b. 1726, - Ebenezer 1731 - Asahe1 1734, - Edward . 1740 - Titus 1744.
. William b. 1696. m Hannah Randall 1711 - m Margaret Pasko 1717 died left a family of one.
. son William b. 1718 - Timothy b 1720, Stephen b. 1723, Joseph b. 1729
Benjamin b. 1731 settled & died in Enfield in 805.
. James b 1699 - m. Dorcas Foster 1730 - settled in East Windsor
. Philip Simons b. 1702 m. Martha Bement 1727.
Philip son of Philip born 1734 - Abel son Philip 1742.
. Caleb Jones in. Esther Simons D. of Philip Simons 1759.
. One daughter married Joel Meacham.
The original settlers of Enfield were destitute as they were of the rich alluvial tracts that afforded such facilities [they] only subsisted. They sometimes experienced great privations for the want of the necessary means of subsistence & were often obliged to resort to the neighboring towns for supplies for their impoverished families & had it not been for annual supplies of shad & pigeons with which they were so abundantly blessed. The town had scarcely ever afforded more grain than was required for a home supply. The product of its droves was very scanty & its stock of horses cattle & sheep were not numerous or productive. From 1790 to 1800 Enfield lost more people by emigration during that 10 years than it ever did at any former period.
Ref: Historical Sketch of the Town of Enfield. By Francis Allen. 1900.
* 1806 Jun 28 - Map of 2nd Township purchased from Indians, shows Bildad Simons, residing at Lot 30, Con 1, SDS, Trafalgar, 3017 Bronte Rd., Map shows passage to adjacent Lot 30, Con 2 South Dundas St., which was empty at the time. His property is just on the south side of the Old York Rd. to Head of L. Ontario. (Now called Dundas Street.)
Ontario Land Registration, Halton Co., Abstract Trafalgar Book 24, p189
Lot 30, Con 1, SDS [3017 Bronte Rd., South side of Dundas St.]
* 1808 Oct 18, Patent, Crown, to Bildad Simons, 200 Acres.
. 1811 Apr 27, Bargain&Sale, Bildad Simons, to Chas. Teetzel, part 70 Acres Lot 30
. 1812 Apr 20, B&S, Bildad Simons, to Joseph Smith, 10 A. on NHlf
. 1824 Feb 16, B&S, Bildad Simons, to Joseph Simons, 20 A on SHalf
. 1828 Apr 3, B&S, Joseph Simons, to Daniel Becky?, 30A
. 1828 Apr 3, B&S, Bildad Simons, to Daniel Becesy?, 10A
1836 Mar 1, B&S, 1 xx, to Lawrence Hagar (Sr)
. 1850, B&S, xx, to William H Hagar ...
. 1852 July 16 1852 - 1873 Apr 22, William Teetzel.
. 1875 Aug 10 - 1875 Aug 10, Jonathan Hagar.
. 1920 May 2, Grant, Trustees of Palermo Congregation of Methodist Church to Lawrence Hager.
Lot 30, Con 1, NSS, North Dundas Street, Trafalgar Abstract Book 34, p 398-9
. 1808 Jan 30 - Patent, Crown, to John Shaw, 200 Acres
. 1828 Apr 3 - B&S, Daniel Becay, to Bildad Simons, 100 Acres South Half
. 1830 May 10, Registered 1830 Oct 20, B&S, Bildad Simons, to Joseph Simons, 50 A, Half of S Half
. 1830 May 25, B&S, Joseph Simons, to David Hager, 1 Acre
. 1832 May 10, B&S, 1831 Feb 25, Joseph Simons, to Chas Teetzel, 50A SE Quarter
. 1833 Apr 10, B&S, Reg. 1846 Apr 1, Joseph Simons, to Abigail Ward, widow, Quarter Acre.
. 1833 Jul 18, B&S, Chas Teetzel, to Mathias Teetzel, 25A EQuarter
. 1835 Aug 4, B&S, Joseph Simons, to John Adueir?, Half Acre, of Lot 30.
. 1835 oct 26, B&S, Joseph Simons, to Jarvis Dyse, 23.5 Acre S
. 1835 Oct 27, B&S, Joseph Simons, to Walter O'Reilly, 1 Half Acre.
. 1835 Oct 28, B&S, David Hager, to Joseph Simons
. 1834 Jun 17, B&S, Jospeh Simons, to Lawrence Hager
. 1834 Mar 3, B&S, Joseph Simons, to Wm. Ableson, 1 Half Acre
. 1839 Oct 22, B&S, John R Hart & wife, to Walter B Simons, 1 Acre
. 1842 Jul 30, B&S, Mathias Teetzel & Wife, to Alphonse King, 25 Acre
. 1842 Jun 23, B&S, Walter B Simons, to Dan. Stanton, 1 Acre
. 1864 May 3, B&S, Francis Wilkinson & Wife, to Lucinda Wilkinson wife of Ezra Winchell, 1 Acre1.
. 1875 Apr 22, conveyance, Wm. Laidlaw & Wife, to Trustees of Church at Palermo, Half acre, Lot 30.
Research & transcriptions by PJ Ahlberg. Thank you. - - - [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]