Henry Herbert MILLIE

Male 1863 - 1917  (54 years)

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  • Name Henry Herbert MILLIE 
    Born 06 Jan 1863  Ballymooney, Geashill, Kings (Offaly) County, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2, 3
    Gender Male 
    Died 22 Oct 1917  Kelowna, British Columbia Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Buried 24 Oct 1917  Municipal Cemetery, Kelowna, British Columbia (Row 7, Grave 13) Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Person ID I5327  Bob-Millie Family Tree
    Last Modified 22 Jan 2025 

    Father Henry MILLIE
              b. 16 Sep 1819, Dundee, Angus, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 07 Jan 1891, Ballymooney, Geashill, Kings (Offaly) County, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 71 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Mother Mary Jane DEMPSTER
              b. Abt 1830, England Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 20 May 1899, Ballymooney, Geashill, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 69 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Married 31 May 1851  St. Thomas, Dublin, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
    Family ID F2581  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Caroline Sarah MILLS
              b. 13 Jul 1879, St Catherines, Lincoln County, Ontario Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 25 Nov 1961, Los Angeles, California Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 82 years) 
    Married 06 Feb 1900  Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [7
     1. Emma Lilian MILLIE
              b. 06 Mar 1901, Carmen, Manitoba Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 01 Jan 1940, Long Beach, California Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 38 years)  [natural]
     2. Margaret MILLIE
              b. Aug 1907, Okanagan, Kelowna, British Columbia Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. Aft 1911, Butte, Montana ?? Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age > 5 years)  [natural]
     3. Alice Kathleen MILLIE
              b. 02 Mar 1911, Okanagan, Kelowna, British Columbia Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 21 Sep 1911, Kelowna, British Columbia Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 0 years)  [natural]
    Last Modified 22 Jan 2025 
    Family ID F2583  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Photos
    Immigration: Ship Ontario
    Immigration: Ship Ontario
    Ship Oregon; Boucher & Hy Millie
    Ship Oregon; Boucher & Hy Millie
    Ship Laurentic
    Ship Laurentic
    Ship Laurentic; Henry & Caroline Millie
    Ship Laurentic; Henry & Caroline Millie
    1891 Battleford, District of Saskatchewan, Territories Province, Canada
    1891 Battleford, District of Saskatchewan, Territories Province, Canada
    1891 TOP: Battleford, District of Saskatchewan, Territories Province, Canada
    1891 TOP: Battleford, District of Saskatchewan, Territories Province, Canada
    1891 BOTTOM: Battleford, District of Saskatchewan, Territories Province, Canada
    1891 BOTTOM: Battleford, District of Saskatchewan, Territories Province, Canada
    HH Millie Land Grant
    HH Millie Land Grant
    Lot 15, Town of North Battleford
    Lot 15, Town of North Battleford
    Carrie & Harry Millie Wedding
    Carrie & Harry Millie Wedding
    HH Millie
    HH Millie
    HH Millie
    HH Millie
    HH Millie & Carolina Sarah Mills
    HH Millie & Carolina Sarah Mills
    Part 1, 1901 Carmen, Manitoba: Henry Millie
    Part 1, 1901 Carmen, Manitoba: Henry Millie
    Part 2, 1901 Carmen, Manitoba: Henry Millie
    Part 2, 1901 Carmen, Manitoba: Henry Millie
    1911 Okanagan, Kelowna, British Columbia : HH Millie
    1911 Okanagan, Kelowna, British Columbia : HH Millie
    1911 Blo UP: Okanagan, Kelowna, British Columbia
    1911 Blo UP: Okanagan, Kelowna, British Columbia
    HH Millie Death Certificate
    HH Millie Death Certificate
    HH Millie WW1 Medals
    HH Millie WW1 Medals
    HH Millie Medals
    HH Millie Medals
    HH Millie Medals
    HH Millie Medals
    HH Millie Grave
    HH Millie Grave
    Lake Okanagan
    Lake Okanagan
    Dillworth Mountain
    Dillworth Mountain

  • Notes 
    • NOTE 1./
      Melanie Maasdam e-mail 5-16-01: HH Millie travelled to Liverpool England in 1912.

      NOTE 2./ Ancestry. com Message Board: Melanie McGarrity Date: 26 Jan 2001 7:18 PM

      Hi, Harry Millie was my great grandfather, my fathers mothers' dad. My fathers' mothers name was Emma Millie. They were all from the British Columbia, Canada area. Harry Millie put the first telegraph line in up there and Emma his daughter was the operator. She married Joseph P. McGarrity and they moved to California, the Los Anglelas area and had one male child my father Larry Patrick McGarrity. I have no idea if these Millie's are related and I would have to search out some dates to get things more pinpointed. Harry Millie lived with the Cree Indians also and I have some old Indian artifacts that have been handed down to me. I also have many letters from Ireland dated late 1800's. I would be interested in finding out more. Melanie McGarrity Maasdam

      NOTE 3./ 1891 Battleford Subdistrict, District of Saskatchewan, Territories Province, Canada census

      Name: Henry H Millie
      Gender: Male
      Marital Status: Single
      Age: 28
      Birth Year: abt 1863
      Birthplace: Ireland
      Relation to Head of House: Brother
      Religion: Free Church
      French Canadian: No
      Father's Birth Place: Scotland
      Mother's Birth Place: England
      Province: Territories
      District Number: 200
      District: Saskatchewan
      Subdistrict: Battleford
      Archive Roll #: T-6426

      Household Members: Name Age
      Charles T Millie 34
      Henry H Millie 28
      Samuel B Millie 22

      NOTE 4./ 1901 Census Carman Village, Lisgar District, Manitoba

      Surname Given Name Relationship to Head of Household Birth Date Birth Year Birthplace Immigration Census Year Location Film # Division # Page # Entry # Family #
      Millie Henry H head Feb 8 1863 Ireland 1882 1901 Carman T-6432 2 6 26 63
      Millie Carrie wife Jul 13 1879 Ontario - 1901 Carman T-6432 2 6 27 63
      Millie Emma C daughter Mar 6 1901 Manitoba - 1901 Carman T-6432 2 6 28 63

      Name: Henry H Millie
      Gender: Male
      Marital Status: Married
      Age: 38
      Birth Date: 8 Feb 1863
      Birthplace: Ireland
      Relation to Head of House: Head
      Spouse's Name: Carrie
      Immigration Year: 1882
      Racial or Tribal Origin: Irish
      Nationality: Canadian
      Religion: Methodist
      Occupation: Watch Maker
      Province: Manitoba
      District: Lisgar
      District Number: 7
      Sub-District: Carman (Village)
      Sub-District Number: J-2
      Family Number: 63
      Page: 6

      Household Members: Name Age
      Henry S Millie 38
      Carrie Millie 21
      Emma L Millie 0

      It is interesting to note that in the 1901 census, Henry lists his heritage as Irish, but in 1911, he is enumerated as being of Scottish heritage. (BBD2008)

      NOTE 5./ HISTORICAL reference: The Fourth National Census, 1901

      The first census of the young nation of Canada was taken in 1871, four years after four colonies became Canada. Manitoba and British Columbia joined Canada in 1870 and 1871 and therefore missed being included in the census. By 1901, the year of the fourth census, there were seven provinces, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, and British Columbia, and the Territories, a vast area that included what became Saskatchewan, Alberta, the Yukon, and Northwest Territories.

      Government officials planning censuses increased the number of questions every time; for example, there were twelve columns to be completed on the form in 1891 and thirty-one in 1901. All the additional information is a benefit to genealogists, although I wish two columns from 1891 had been retained--the ones asking for the birthplaces of the individual's father and mother. Their absence is partially compensated for by the addition of questions about origin, nationality, and date of immigration. Also useful for genealogy is the addition of columns for date and place of birth, as well as another for the exact date of birth. The 1901 census also seeks information about the work or employment of each person and how much they earned.

      Beginning with the name of each person enumerated, this is the list of columns:

      Name of each person in household 31 March 1901
      Relationship to head of household
      Single, married, widowed, or divorced
      Month and date of birth
      Year of birth
      Age at last birthday
      Country or place of birth (If Canada, include province and add "r" or "u" for rural or urban.)
      Year of immigration
      Year of naturalization
      Racial or tribal origin
      Racial or tribal origin
      Profession, occupation, or trade
      Living on own means
      Employer, Employee, or Working on Own Account
      Working at a trade in factory or in home
      Months employed at trade in factory
      Months employed at trade in home
      Months employed in other occupation than trade in factory or home
      Earnings from occupation or trade
      Months at school in the year
      Can read
      Can write
      Can speak English
      Can speak French
      Mother tongue

      It is of significant interest to read the point on the 1901 form about using "r" and "u" to indicate whether the Canadian birthplace was rural or urban.

      NOTE 6./ 1911 Okanagan, Kelowna, British Columbia census

      Name Home in 1911 Province, District, Sub-District Birth Year Birthplace Relation

      Henry H Millie British Columbia, Yale and Cariboo, Okanagan, Kelowna 1862 Ireland Head
      Carrie Millie British Columbia, Yale and Cariboo, Okanagan, Kelowna 1879 Ontario Wife
      Emma Millie British Columbia, Yale and Cariboo, Okanagan, Kelowna 1901 Manitoba Daughter
      Margarette Millie British Columbia, Yale and Cariboo, Okanagan, Kelowna 1907 BC Daughter
      Alice Millie British Columbia, Yale and Cariboo, Okanagan, Kelowna 1911 BC Daughter
      William Mills British Columbia, Yale and Cariboo, Okanagan, Kelowna 1890 USA Lodger (brother in law)
      Jerrett Johnson British Columbia, Yale and Cariboo, Okanagan, Kelowna 1862 USA Lodger

      Name: Henry H Millie
      Gender: Male
      Marital Status: Married
      Age: 48
      Birth Date: Feb 1862
      Birthplace: Ireland
      Family Number: 267
      Relation to Head of House: Head
      Spouse's Name: Carrie
      Immigration Year: 1884
      Tribal: Scotch (Scotish)
      Province: British Columbia
      District: Yale and Cariboo
      District Number: 14
      Sub-District: Okanagan, Kelowna
      Sub-District Number: 43
      Place of Habitation: Elles St
      Census Year: 1911
      Page: 24

      Household Members: Name Age
      Henry H Millie 48
      Carrie Millie 31
      Emma Millie 10
      Margarette Millie 3
      Alice Millie 2/12
      William Mills 21
      Jerrett Johnson 49

      NOTE 7./ e-mail from Melanie Maasdam 3-28-2007 (See .jpeg photos of below descriptions)

      I was doing some cleaning on a collage Mom put together many years ago from the Millie clan and their endeavors in Canada. I got out the magnifying glass to see what was etched on the back of one medal and thought it might be of interest in your excellent record keeping. It is a brass medal, very worn and smooth. In the first photo, it is the one in the center.

      Here goes, exactly as it is hand etched;
      Presented to
      The Battleford Rifle Association by A. MacDonald 1885

      (This part below looks like it might have been added later, it is less worn)
      Won or (Worn) by H.H. Millie
      Some of the other medals say;
      ü The 14th PWO Rifles Canada NUNQUAM CEDE
      ü Rocky Mountain Rangers 102 Kloshe Nanitch
      ü 72 Cuidich`n Rich Overseas Battalion
      ü 172 Overseas CANADA Battalion Cameron Highlanders of Canada
      ü 2nd C.M.R. (B.C. Horse ) CANADA
      ü Royal Northwest Mounted Police MAINTIEN LE DROIT
      Some don’t say anything and are crowns and various other symbols and numbers.

      Sounds as though HH Millie was an adventurer and showoff of sorts. You can even see it in his photos, a proud and haughty look, boastful. (That was always what his wife Gram sort of told my mom)
      I think Gram was irritated and possibly disgusted with HH, always off on some adventure to a foreign country or living with the Cree Indians and playing around with the squaws, very naughty! Take a look at that one photo of the squaw and the endearing caption about her! “What a beauty” or something to that effect.

      NOTE 8./ Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1935, "Electronic," Name: H H Millie
      Gender: Male
      Age: 20
      Estimated Birth Year: abt 1863
      Date of Arrival: 11 Sep 1883
      Vessel: Ontario
      Port of Arrival: Quebec, Quebec
      Port of Departure: Belfast, Ireland; Liverpool, England
      Roll: C-4533

      Ship Information
      Ship Name: Ontario
      Years in service: 1874-1896
      Funnels: 1
      Masts: 3
      Shipping Line: Dominion
      Ship Description: Built by Archibald McMillan & Son, Dumbarton, Scotland. Tonnage: 3,175. Dimensions: 335' x 38'. Single-screw, 11 knots. Compound engines. Three masts and one funnel. Iron hull.
      History: Maiden voyage: Liverpool-Quebec-Montreal, July 15, 1874. Transferred to Avonmouth service in 1885. Scrapped in 1896. Sister ship: Dominion.

  • Sources 
    1. [S1646] HH Millie Death Certificate.
      Born in Ballymooney, Geashill, Ireland, per his death certificate which gives his birthdate as 1-6-1863. Note that his headstone reads birthdate as 2-6-1863.

    2. [S864] 1901 Calgary Manitoba Census Image, 1901 Calgary Alberta Census.
      Age 36, Gives HH Millie birthdate as Feb. 8, 1863, a jeweller, born Ireland (just Ireland, nothing more), resident in Carman (but married in Winnipeg). His parents are listed, as we knew, as Henry Millie (spelled Miller) and Mary Jane Dempster

    3. [S1835] Manitoba Province, Canada: Immigrants extracted from the 1901 Census.
      Name Age Year of Record Comments Source Reference

      Henry MILLIE 38 1901 Extraction of only those who were born outside of Canada National Archives of Canada, Ottawa, microfilm reel no. T6432, District No. 7 - Lisgar, Sub-district B16(B2), page 06

    4. [S1217] British Columbia Death Index: 1872 to 1979.
      Name: HENRY HERBERT MILLIE : Gender: Male ; Age: 54; Death Date: 22 October 1917 ; Place of Death: KELOWNA ; Registration #: 917-09-208794 ; BCA #: B13112 ; GSU #: 1927140

    5. [S1217] British Columbia Death Index: 1872 to 1979, http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=britcoldeath&cres=33;14%2c34;140%2c35;12%2c37;18%2c38;81%2c40;1%2c42;619%2cpallotm;26%2c&prox=1&submit=search&gsfn=&gspl=3256%2cnon%2dus&gsln=millie&gl2=allgs&sourceid=00306601886582815454&rc=locale%7e&us=0&gss.
      Name Gender Age Death Date Place of Death Registration # BCA # GSU #
      MILLIE, ALICE KATHLEEN Female 0 21 September 1911 KELOWNA 1911-09-198364 B13110 1927138
      MILLIE, HENRY HERBERT Male 54 22 October 1917 KELOWNA 1917-09-208794 B13112 1927140
      MILLIE, UNKNOWN Female 80 2 February 1930 QUATSINO 1930-09-014229 B13361 1983211

    6. [S1220] British Isles Vital Records Index CD #2, David Thompson.
      MILLIE, Henry Age: 30 ; Wife: Mary Jane DEMPSTER Age: 21 ; Marriage Date: 31 May 1851 Recorded in: St Thomas, Dublin, Ireland ; Collection: Civil Registration ; Husband's Father: Thomas MILLIE ; Wife's Father: Charles DEMPSTER ; Source: FHL Film 101326 Dates: 1851 - 1851

    7. [S1834] Manitoba DETAILED Marriage INFORMATION.
      REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1900-001557
      MARRIAGE DETAILS Place of Marriage: WPG
      Date of Marriage: 02/06/1900
      Last Name: MILLER Last Name: MILLS
      Given Names: HENRY HERBERT Given Names: CAROLINA SARAH