Notes |
- . 1783 Sep 23, Princeton, NJ. Done in Congress, Elias Boudianant, President:
Lawrence Keen, Esq. is appointed Prothonotary for Northumberland county, in the room of Mathew Smith, Esq., resigned.
Ref: New York Gazetteer & Albany Northern Intelligencer Newspaper, published 27 Oct 1783.
. 1789 Jul 26 - Died on Sunday, the 26th instant in this city, Lawrence Keene,Esquire, Prothonotary of the Co. of Northumberland, after a long & painful illness; & Monday his rains are followed to the grave by a large & respectable number of his fiends & follow citizens.
His body was deposited in a vault in Christ Church Burying found, until it can be removed, agreeably to this own most earnest desire, to the town of Sunbury.
Ref: New York Daily Gazette.
. 1810 Oct 16, Tues. I will sell at private a Lot of Ground containing about 36 acres, with a quarter of a mile from Fells Point, granting on the road from Toon's Gardens to the Philadelphia road & immediately to the northward of a lot known by the name of Gilmours Gardens, formerly belong to Mr Gilmor. This'll be sold together or in lots as shall best suit purchasers. Any person wishing it, may be shown the hole of the property, by my son-in-law, Mr. Lawrence Keene, who lives with me, who has plats thereof. it will be offered for public sale on premisses, the 29th instant, at 12 o'clock in the forenoon. Luther Martin, Oct. 10th
Ref: Federal Republican Newspaper, Baltimore, Maryland).
. KEARNY, LAWRENCE, MSS, 1814-1844., 5 vols. Gift of J. Lawrence Boggs, 1937.
Two log books of the U.S. Ship Warren, 1827-29 & 3 letterbooks, 1814-29, 1839-44, kept by or for Kearny while in command of U.S. Brig Enterprize, frigates Potomac, US, Constellation & ship Warren.
Ref: A guide to the manuscripts collection of the New Jersey Historical Society.
Research & transcriptions by PJ Ahlberg. Thank you. - - -