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- ADDR: farmed on conc.1 at Beveline South of Leamington and at Elsie, Michigan OCCUP: farmer, store owner, banker, grist mill owner RELIG: Baptist
John and Lucretia married at Regular Baptist Church, Gosfield Twsp. on May26,1835 by Rev.C. Stewart (witnessed by John A. Wilkinson and Morris Peterson). Farmed at lot 9, Conc.C, Mersea Twsp. and at Elsie, Clinton Township, Gratiot County, Michigan.
John was raised by Francis Wilkinson family after John's father left.
!DEATH: paralysis of the nerve centre.
BIRTH: 1861 census for Gosfield Twsp. says born Isle of Wight?.
John owned lot 2 conc 10 in Mersea, 100 acres,(applied 1839 for lot, sold to Michael G. Fox 22 Dec 1854.
BIOGRAPHY: lived in frame house- 1 1/2 stoeys on 1/4 acre. Owned grist and saw mills valued at $6,000, 2,000 logs at $2,000, steam powered, employed 5 hands, 400,000 ft. of sawn lumber at $32,000. Grist mill employed in custom work. 1.John purchased land from Jane Piggott(widow) of Gosfield Twsp. on Mar. 1, 1842 of 100 acres- witnessed by Francis Wilkinson and Benjamin Lidale (price 125 pounds). John mortgaged land for 62 pounds,10 shillings with interest at 3% to Jane Piggott on Apr. 7, 1842- discharged by Alexander K. Piggott on behalf of deceased Jane in Dec.24, 1847.
2. John purchased land in Mersea on Talbot Rd. West (200 acres) Apr. 20, 1833. 3. John purchesed southern half of Lot 271 Gosfield Twsp.on south side of Talbot Rd. West- other part owned by Theodore J. Park- on Nov. 20, 1846. 4.John purchased Lot 2, Northwest of Talbot Rd.,Conc. #10 south.
4.A destructive firo occurred in Leamington, Ont, yostorday morning. Tho firo broko out in tbe millinery store of Van Zant, which resulted in a terrible conflagration, spreading east and west along South Talbot streot, sweeping tho entire row of a dozen stores, including tho now Union block on tho corner of Talbot and Erio streets, which was occupied by Setterington's drug store, Dening Bros.' dry goods store,Crank's boot and shoe store, Fuller's bank, the telegraph and several other offices. Tho flames were communicated to tho buildings across Talbot on the north side, sweeping the entire business part from the Methodist Episcopal church on Talbot street to tho town hall on Erio street, about forty rods of continuous frame stores and shops, including tho Scott house hotel. The fire then communicated with tho large brick block on tho northwest corner of Erie and Talbot streets, occupied by Pulford's carriage factory and Bee's dry-goods store, totally destroying it, and. spreading northward the entire length of tho block, destroying Truax's store and The Post printing office, with several other buildings. It was only by tho greatest efforts that tho Deming House and Wigle and Son's store were saved. Tho old hand fire engine would not work till most of tho property was destroyed. Tho firo might havo been prevented from spreading at all, but the excited management of tho hose ( by some raw hands burst tho suction pipe,and before it could be fixed the destruction was complete.Tho loss is estimated at $150,000.