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- James Parker was the only child of John Parker, Senior.
. James Parker was the only child of John Park, Jr. & was a man of all stature & large frame, possessing a mind of more than ordinary strength & vigor. He entered NJ provincial military service in 1746. He was in mercantile company bases in Jamaica with Beverly Robinson & Andrew Johnston. To remain neural during the Revolutionary War he moved his family to his farm "Shipley" located in Bethlehem (Union), Hunterdon Co., NJ. He was confined at Morristown in 177 for some time. When the war ended in 1783 they moved to New Brunswick, NJ for two years. Ref2: Parker in America,1630-1910.
. 1757 Dec 8 - On the first day of August last were published a New American Magazine, to be published Monthly, by Sylvanus Americanus. The said magazine shall contain a new & complete history of the Northern Continent of American from the time of its first discovery to the present, compiled with the impartiality & regard to the Truth which becomes a faithful Historian. ...those who are willing to encourage this undertaking, are desired to give in their names to the following persons, viz. James Parker, Woodbridge who is proposed to be the printer of this magazine; Mr. Boudinott, Postmaster, Princetown; Mr. Thomas Leonard at Freehold; Der. Newell, at Allen Town, Mr. John Lawrence at Burlington. Note: Many are related to the Lawrence family.
Ref: Pennsylvania Gazette.
. 1765 Feb. Benjamin Franklin & David Hall Partnerhsip: Ledgers examinations . It was followed by other examinations on June 13, Aug. 22, 1765, Jan. 17, and Feb. 1, 1766. Parker signed the accounts on the date of each inspection. In the following analysis the information in the ledger, from which a number of pages are missing, has been supplemented by Parker's report, especially in the matter of dates and amounts.
Letter's To & From James Parker & Benjamin Franklin [ long letters abridged]
. 1766 Jan 4, Burlington, NJ.I purposed to go to New-York in the Spring, God permitting: I observe what you say about the Office in the Custom-House: and indeed I think as you do about my son But alas! he has been sick now above 3 months, The 20th of last month an Express arrived to me from him, that he lay a-dying, given over by the Doctors, I was unable to go myself having the Gout too hard upon me: My Wife and Daughter both went, tho' very cold Weather. They found him alive yet, but so low, as to have small Hopes: it has pleased God, however that the last News I had of him3 Days ago, that there were some Hopes Still of his Recovery: The cold Weather sets in apace, & this River is so full of Ice there is no crossing, otherwise I expected to hear again as this Day: My Gout has held me the longest this Time that ever I had it: I mend now but very slow as soon as I am able I shall go to Philadelphia to proceed with your Business as far as I am able. My Illness has detain'd me here upon cost, or I had been with all my family at Woodbridge by this time; I have not but a wench and 3 young people with me: all the rest are at Woodbridge.
.1767 Jan 7. an. 7. This Day heard from Woodbridge, my Son then alive yet and some sanguine hopes of his recovery
.1767 Jan 12. Jan. 12. Two Days past moderate Weather, the Ice almost thaw'd, but to Day cold again: the Ice fixed, but no crossing the River or expected to hear from NewY ork, &c. Your Daughter in Burlington was to go home 2d ays ago, but no crossing the River: since; I still remain under the jurisdiction of the Gout, tho' I am well tired of the confinement, as well as the pain: It tyrannizes over me at a hard rate, nor is my situation the best suited for it, as it might be, but I can't get away, tho' I very much want to. Perhaps I have by this time almost tired your Patience, & as I hope the next news I hear will be the arrival of the Packet. Signed, James Praker.
Parker managed to go to Philadelphia on January 16 1767 to complete his work on the accounts of the Franklin and Hall partnership.
Ref: Founders. Archives. Gov. Documents.
. 1770 Nov 23 - Inventory, £106.15.10, made by Charles Ellet & James Parker. Lib. 15, p. 212.
. 1777 -Parker, James, Hunterdon Co., oaths refused, jailed, bound over. (M.C..S. 117, 122; 9 Coll. Hist. Society of NJ. 1730.
Ref: New Jersey Historical Society, Volume 12.
. 1777 Aug 20 -Morristown, NJ. James Parker, Esq. appeared before the Council, pursuant to citation & after being examined it was resolved, that the said James Parker, Esq. & Walter Rutherford, be confined as persons disaffected to this State, until an equal number of our subjects captivated by the Enemy be released, or other order be taken therein. Ref: Minutes of the Council of Safety.
. 1777 August ye 21st, Thursday. Walter Rutherford & Jas. Parker, Esq. appeared before the Board & executed a Bond £2,000, conditioned to remain at the Court house in Morris County, or within one mile thereof, until further order be taken therein, & the Bond committed to Mr. Condict.
. 1777 Oct 16, Pittstown,. Agreed that the President write to Maj. Gen. Dickinson to propose to General Skinner that the president & Council of Safety will released from their confinement, Jas. Parker & Walter Rutherford, Esq., exchange for nine others & other be exchanged.
. 1777 Nov. 17, Monday. Whereas James Parker & Walter Rutherford, Esqs. were by an order of the Council of Safety taken up & admitted of their Parole in Morristown, in order to induce the enemy to release Hon. John Fell, Esq. & Winsant VanZant now in confinement in NY & treated with the greatest severity ... exchange has not not as yet been effectuated agreeable to the intentions of this Board...aforesaid. Parker & Rutherford be committed to the Common Gaol in Monmouth.
. 1777 Nov 20th, Thrus., Princeton. Agreed that instead of exchanging these prisoners, that whenever Mr. Vanzant & Fell are released from actual imprisonment & enlarged to NYC or Long Island Isl. than, Mr. Parker entered in to a bond to remain with a mile of Morristown Court house. Mon. 26 Nov 1777, Princeton, Rutherford & Parker to be confined in a private room nearest to Court house for 3 weeks from now.
1777 Dec 31, Rutherford & Parker to be discharged from their present confinement in Morristown & suffered to return to their places of abode until Feb first, then re-confined till prisoners are exchanged.
. 1783 Dec 30, Tues. an act to enable james Park, one of the Electors of the last Will and Testament of doctor Lewis Johnson, deceased, in conjunction with Bowes Reed, to fulfill the purposes of the said will.
Ref: New Jersey Gazette Newspaper, Trenton, NJ.
. 1784 Mar 20. To be Sold, a very convenient & well built room HOUSE, in Perth Amboy; with large garden spot & an exceeding fine spacious water lott adjoining it, where a dock may be made with very little expense for a convenience of vessels of any berthed. Also several water loots & town lots, were fit for building upon & several Lotts fit for ruffurage? & mowing ground. Whoever inclines to purchase may apply to James Parker at New Brunswick who will give an indisputable title of the same, New Brunswick,
. 1785 Jan 4, To be sold by James Parker, At the corner house next the Market House: A parcel of cheap forest cloths & 7/4 Broad cloths, coatings, white lead, yellow taker, spainsih brown, but & Black paints found in oil, Black &white beaver & castor hats, Ravens duck, mores of a variety of colors, durance ditto, Plain & figured lastings, ribbed & plain denims, satinets, black cause aprons & handkerchiefs, Black riddle & trimmings gauze, white soufflé aprons, Ditton handkerchiefs & shawls, a variety of spotted & striped gauze, black fatten & moles, The best Hysons teas etc. New Brunswick. Published New Brunswick, Sep 27, 1784.
Ref: Political Intelligencer Newspaper, NB, NJ, Pub 1784.4.6 to June 29th.
. 1785 May 18, To be sold by the subscriber, the house in which he now lives with spacious lot whereon in stands, water lotts & new what of 78 feet front, it is known to be as good a stand for business. Likewise house & lot on Water St. adjoining Col Taylor. A number of lots & after lots on Water St. & River Rarity bet. Dr. Cochran's house & the mine pits, with a number of lots on Albany St, Ne St & others. Also freehold right to sever lots & house in Albany St, upon ground rent.
city of New Brunswick is perhaps more advantageously situated for an inland trade, in being a thoroughfare bet. Philadelphia & NY, head of navigation of R. Raitan for 60 miles, 35 M. by land, Stage wagons, except Sunday. No place better for storekeepers, mechanic & Mfg. About 12 miles from Perth Amboy…James Parker, State of NJ New Brunswick, Mar 1 1785.
Ref: Political Intelligencer & NJ Advertise, Elizabeth, NJ. (slightly shortened for repetition.)
. 1785 May 3 - James Parker, who encountered great difficulty in collecting rents from the tenants of Sir Robt. Barker, reported in 1785 that the tenants were "boisterous, licentious & abusive." Letter from James Parker to Sir R Barker.
Ref: James Parker Papers. Rutgers Univ., Alexander Library.
. 1786 Jan 23, Mon. the subscriber, having built a commodious store & wharf for the storing & lading all kinds of country produce & having proper boats for transporting the same to NY, which sail from this place twice a week, gives this public notice & engages to receive into his store & carry to NY, all ins of cask goods, at 5 pence per barrel for flour & in that propositions for all larger casks. The farmer, country trader & miler are reminded of the expense they have for 2 winters last past, been at in removing their flour, flaxseed & other articles of land from New Brunswick, after they had been there stored, in order that they might be exported from hence NY, the navigation of the river Raritan having been for a long time entirely obstructed by the ice.
The prospect they have to dispose of their produce here at the NY market price, by which the whole commission on the sales will be saved & the certainty of getting their produce to market immediately upon the intelligence of an advance price at NY, cannot but be matters worth their consideration. Signed, James Parker, Perth Amboy, Dec 1 1785.
. 1787 Nov 28 - In the press & speedily will published, Conductor Generalis, or the office, duty & authority of Justices of Peace, High sheriffs, corners, constables, gaolers, jurymen, by James Parker, Esq, Late Justice of Peace in New Jersey. A treatise on the law of descents in fee simply,
Ref: New Jersey Journal, Elizabethtown, NJ.
. 1797 Sept 19 - James Parker Jr. City of Perth Amboy, WILL: Wife Gertrude use of real & persons during her life.
Eldest son John, to be discharged from all debts owed by him to estate.
After wife's decease, divided estate between sons James & Cortland Lewis Parker,
Daughters: Elizabeth Parker, Jennet Brinley, (wife of Edward Brinley of Shelburne, Nova Scotia), Gertrude, Parker, Maria Smith (wife of Andrew Smith of NY), Susanna Parker & Catharine Montgomery Parker.
Electors: Wife Gerturde Parker & sons James & Cortlandt Lewis Parker.
Wit: Joseph Marsh, Lambert Barber & W. Taylor.
Will Proved Oct 18, 1797.
Ref: NJ Lib 36, p509, file 8993-98L.
St. Peter's Church, Perth Amboy, Warden James Parker 1832 -55 - 1797 & in 1785 James Parker purchased new Pews 24 & 26 in St. Peters.
JOHN PARKER (1729-1762) John Parker (1729-1762), James' younger brother, served for five years (1745-1750) as a midshipman on board the British vessel Chester, & soon after sailed to Jamaica, Virginia, & Newfoundland. He then earned the rank of colonel through his service in the campaigns against the French in 1755 & 1756, & at Fort William Henry in 1757. In 1761, he was taken prisoner at Martinico, where he died on February 15th of the following year. John Parker never married.
JAMES PARKER (1766-1868) James Parker (1776-1868), son of Gertrude Skinner & James Parker (1725-1797), was born on March 3, 1776 in Bethlehem Township. He graduated from Columbia College in 1793, & was elected to the New Jersey Assembly in 1806. During his lifetime, James Parker was a director of the Delaware & Raritan Canal Company, a United States Representative, a member on the board of trustees for Rutgers College, a business executive, a philanthropist & a president of the New Jersey Historical Society.
CORTLANDT PARKER (1818-1907) Cortlandt Parker (1818-1907) was a prominent Newark lawyer & active in Whig (later Republican) politics.
Ref: NJ Historical Society. - - - [1, 2, 3, 4]