Male Est 1784 - 26 Apr xx

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  • Name James Louis MONTAUDEVERT 
    Suffix Jr. 
    Born Est 1784  New York City, New York Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Died 26 Apr xx  New York City, New York Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Waterbury, NY [before 1815 Dec. 20.]
    Person ID I687  Richard Patterson NJ & ON
    Last Modified 15 Jul 2019 

    Father James Jacques Louis Ripaud De MONTAUDEVERT, Sr.
              b. 30 Apr 1754, New York City, New York Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 11 Feb 1791, Penzance Bay, Cornwall, England Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 36 years) 
    Mother Sarah WILSON
              b. 1757, New Amsterdam, New York Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 12 Feb 1851, Newport, Rhode Island Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 94 years) 
    Married 6 Nov 1784  Trinity Church, NYC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F302  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Notes 
    • Jacques-Louis (James) is the son of Sarah Willson & Jacques Louis Ripaud de Montaudevert.

      . 1786 NYC Directory: Jas. Montaudevert, merchant, 202 Queen Street.

      New York Gazette Newspaper
      . Seven thousand barrels Turpentine, in shipping order, deliverable at a convenient port in North Carolina, for sale by Cox & Montaudevert, 66 South St., Ref: Published 1815 Apr 21.

      . 1811 May 8 Co-partnership.
      Edward N. Cox & James L Montaudevert having entered into co-partnership, will transact business on commission at their Store, No. 60 South street (corner of Sough & Wall streets) under the firm of Cox & Montaudevert.

      . 1811 May 9 - 254 bales New Orleans Cotton, Landing this day, from Brig. Cannon, for sale by Sox & Montaudevert 60 South St. Corn of Wall St.

      . 1811 July 4 - New Rum. 50 hhds. first proof new Rum for sale by Cox & Montaudevert. 60 South street, e Wall Street. Ref: Published 1811 Aug 9.

      . 1811 Jul 14 - 1811 July 4 - New Rum. 50 hhds. first proof new Rum for sale by Cox & Montaudevert, 60 South St, E Wall Street. Havana Sugars. 50 boxes brown Havana Sugars of superior quality, landing at Jones's wharf, fro the Brig Almira - For sale by Draling & Deforest, 51 So. Str. (appears to be one advertisement). Ref: Published 1811 July 30.

      . 1812 Sep 2 - Extract of a letter from Midshipman Wm. S. Cox, prize-master of the ship John, dated Philadelphia, Aug 31.
      I have just arrive din the British ship John of Lancaster, prize to the US sloop of war, Hornet. The John was captured on the 24th Jul, on her passage from London to Martinique, in ballast. She is a staunch ship of 358 tons, bearing a commission as a letter of marque; mounting 16 & 12 pound cannonades. It may probably be a satisfaction to you to knob that all was well with the squadron, with the exception of from 12 to 20 men killed & wounded by the bursting of a gun on bard the President. Commodore Rodgers had his leg broken, but was in a fair way of recovery when I left the Squadron.
      The John is consigned, to Messrs. Cox & Montaudevert, prize-agents, of this City.

      . 1813 Jan 20 - NY Blockade of our harbor by a British squadron, consisting of 3 shops of the line, 3 frigates & a sloop of war, is now cruising off our harbour. Schn. American Eagle, Capt. I Herlitz, captured yesterday at11 AM 5 miles with the Light House. The Am. Eagle was laden with Malaga fruit. A new order in council was announced at Cadiz about the 1 Dec. authorizing American vessels which had brought provision to carry home the whole proceeds of Spanish produce. The commander of St. Domingo, now knowing this new order, captured A Eagle. The property belongs to Cox & Montaudevert.

      . 1815 Jan 13, Rhode Island American Newspaper: New York Jan 9th. The letter of marque schooner Jonquille, Capt. Carmen of this port, has arrived at Beaufort, NC from Port au Prince, 9 days passage, cargo, sugar, tortoise shell & a considerable amount in doubloons. She has captured during her voyage 4 prizes, maned one, ransomed another, gave up to the prisoners the third, & the 4th destroyed. Capt. Carman wrote to his owners in NY, Messrs. Cox & Montaudevert Port-au Prince that the only news at Port au Prince is that 2 ministers send out by the Court of France were received by Pres. Petition & Emperor Christophe. Their demands on the part of the King were, that the island & inhabitants should return to tier former allegiance. This was promptly rejected. Christophe seized the Ambassador ...Petition treated him with much courtesy & sent him in a small vessel to Jamaica (NY).

      . 1815 Mar 20 - Turtle Shell - 200 lbs. first quality just received for sale by Cox & Montaudevert, 66 South St.

      Marine List Arrived:
      . 1815 Apr 26 - The schooner Amelia, Stilwell, 7 days from Richmond, flour & tobacco, to Charles Richards, Cox & Montaudevert, C. Dubois & Homan, Primrose & Co. Left the Connecticut, Furlong, for N York, ready to sail. Spike in the River, bound up, sloop Frances Mary & Sloop Unity. Ref: Published 1815 Apr 26.

      NY Evening Post:
      . 1816 Apr 19 - French goods - A small voice of 50,000 Francs, consisting of
      Women's silk & kid Gloves, men's co.
      Plin & figured taffeta Ribbons, satin do.
      figured silk Shaws, plain do.
      Florences, Virginias, Levetines & Crapes, assorted colors. for sale by Cox & Montaudevert, 66 South St. Pub. 1816.4.26.
      . 1818 Mar 13 - Notice: The co-partnership between the subscribers, being dissolved by its own limitation, Edward N Cox, takes on himself the settlement of its concerns. Edward N Cox & James L Montaudevert.

      . 1818 Mar 13 - James L Montaudevert & Jonathan Otis Walker continue as commission merchants, at Port au Prince (St. Domingo) under the firm of Montaudevert, Walker & Co. Jas. L Montaudevert, Jona. Otis Walker. Ref: Published 1818 MAR 14.

      . Capt. Lawrence had written to just days before Captain Lawrence's death. Ref: Bulletin 1944.

      Be it known that in the 14 March 1818 before me Cadwilladen de Villey, Mayor of the City of New York personally appeared me. The above named James L. Montaudevert to me well known, who being by me duly sworn did declare & say that the above depositions by him sustained & the facts stated are true. In Testimony here of I have granted these persons subscribed the same & added the seal of the Mayoralty of the said City to be here unto affixed. SEAL, signed, Cadwallader D. Colden. [Mayor, NYC, 1818-1821.]

      State of New York - Be it known that Cadwilladen de Villey who hath subscribed the signing attestation & caused the seal of the Mayoralty of the NYC to be hereto affixed is mayor of the said city XX such & credit is xx acts as such -
      Where of an attestation being required, I have granted this under my hand & the Privy Seal of the State of New York. This one at the City of Albany the 4th March 1818.
      Signed, SEAL.Dewitt Clinton, Governor of the State of New York.

      . Service Record War 1812: PrivateJames L Montauevert, 2nd Artillery Regiment NY, Private & 11th NY Artillery Regiment. Ref: NY Roll Box 146 - 602.

      . The letter was addressed to Mr. James Montaudevert, his brother-in-law & was probably the last letter James Lawrence ever wrote:
      Dear James: By the enclosed you will perceive that (Capt.) Bainbridge & myself have had a serious difference. However, it is in a manner done away in consequence of an explanation had first evening. An English frigate is close in with the light-house & we are near clearing ship for action. Should I be so unfortunate as to be taken off, I leave my wife & children to your care, & feel confident you will have to them the same as if they were your own. Remember me affectionately to our good mother, Mary & Cox, & believe me, Sincerely yours, J. Lawrence.

      Notes1 Midshipman William S. Cox was court-martialed was onboard when Lawrence was wounded, someone then? Who is mother Mary?
      James Lawrence, Captain, United States Navy, Commander of the "Chesapeake," By Albert Gleaves. 1858-1937. Published 1904.

      . 1818 Feb 20 - Mercantile Advertiser. To let the 3 story brick dwelling, 27 Norfolk St., Enquire of Cox & Montaudevert, 96 Wall St-

      . 1818 Mar 18 - Notice: The co-partnership between the subscribers, being dissolved by its own limitations, Edward N Cox, takes on himself the settle of its concerns. Edward N Cox, James L Montaudevert.
      . James L Montaudevert & Jonathan Otis Water, continue as commissioner agent at Port au Prince, (St. Domingo) under the firm of Montaudevert Walker & Co., JAS. L Montaudevert, Jona Otis Walker.
      Ref: New York Evening Post.

      Albany Argus Newspaper, published 1822 May 7
      . 1822 Feb 22, By Order of Richard River, Esq., record of NY notice is hereby given to all the creditors of Edward N cox of NY, insolvent debtor, to shew cause if any they have before the said recorder at his office in the city hall, on 18 May next, 10 o'clock in the forenoon, why assignment of the said insolvent's estate should not be made & his person exempted from imprisonment, pursuant to the act entitled ' an act to abolish imprisonment for debt in certain cases, passed Apr 17, 1819. (& similarly:)

      . 1822 Feb 27, By Order of R Riker, Esq. ...to all creditors of James L Montaudevert, of NY debtor, insolvent ...why he should not be exempt from imprisonment. ...

      . 1823 Mar 1 - Amounts of settlements & delinquencies of prize agents. Communicated to the House of Representatives, May 22, 1824.
      J L Montaudevert, Residence New York, not in employ of US;
      Observations: Ed. N Cox & J L Montaudevert claim that they are entitled to the balance. When & for what object appropriations were made by Congress: July 13, 1813, capture of the British brig Peacock. Balance due on Mar 1, 1823 $13, 505.78 (i.e. half of the bounty)
      Ref: Treasury Dept., Fourth auditor's office, April 23, 1824.
      Research1: Husband James Lawrence captured the Peacock from Britain, however his commanding officer told Capt. Lawrence that he was entitled to half the share of the Peacock's purse. Midshipman William S. Cox tried to assist the dying Capt. Lawrence. The men on Lawrence's ship also asked about their shares & this was all happened as Lawrence put to sea to fight his final battle! - PJA

      . 1823 Mar 1 - Abstract of balances due from prize agents:
      Edward N Cox, Residence New York, purser in Navy, & J L Montaduevert, New York, not in employ of United States, July 13, 1813, capture of the British brig Peacock; Balance due & Remaining due: $13,505.78.
      Observations: Edward N Cox & J L Montaudevert claim that they are entitled to balance. Cox's pay has been ordered to be stopped.
      Ref: US Treasury Dept, Fourth Auditor's Office, April 23, 1824.
      Note3: E N Cox is married to James' sister, Mary Montaudevert.

      . 1823 Dec 27 - Jacob Dunham took charge of the Schooner Allen. She was a small sharp-built schooner, armed with a long 6 pound cannon, mounted on a circle, with a patent slide, & was well fitted for sea. My crew were 3 seamen, a mate & cook. We sailed from New-York the 29 December, & made our passage to the Island of Old Providence in 17 days, where we stopped & traded 3 or 3 days, & then proceeded to the Island of St. Andreas, ... & then sailed for Chagres... Panama, After a few days I received a letter from a Mr. Montaudevert, informing me that Mr. Craig, the consul had left Panama & departed for New-York on a visit, leaving him in charge of his business during his absence.
      In 3 or 4 days after I received his letter he arrived at Chagres & took lodgings on board with me. The next day he hired a large canoe to take the goods up the river to a place called Cruses, a distance of 42 miles, which is said to be the head of canoe navigation on that river. The provisions I had on board was all put up in half barrels for the customary mule transportation over the Isthmus, by slinging 2 across each mule's back, 2 half barrels being a load for a mule. After all our arrangements were made the canoe was hauled alongside of the Allen. When she made her appearance there I was struck with surprise at her length & breadth, she being some feet longer than my little schooner. I took up a rule & measured her breadth, which I found was 8 feet from one side to the other, & her length over 60 feet, being dug out of one solid tree, free from shakes or cracks.
      Mr. Montaudevert told me if I returned there in the Allen next voyage he would ship on board of her on freight, $30,00o worth of dust. This may show the reader that gold dust has been gathered in that region for many years; & if that country was as well searched as California is at this day, no doubt many beds of that valuable ore might be found. I remained in Charge 8 or 10 days, selling goods from the vessel at retail at good prices. Having four hogsheads of rum & brandy on board, which I found was a contraband article in that government, I entered them at the custom house for exportation, & afterwards sold them to an American captain, who agreed to meet me a few miles at sea, out of the jurisdiction of that government, where I delivered them & received my pay.
      I got under weigh & proceeded a few miles to sea, when I found the vessel lacked ballast, ... Island of St. Andreas, where I took Mr. Henry T. Smith, & his return cargo on board, consisting of four hundred pounds of tortoise shell, & 5 or 6 thousand dollars in gold & silver, which he had collected for the owners of the Allen. As my little schooner was a fast sailor, pilot-boat model, I beat to the windward, hoping to get sight of the Island of St. Domingo & sail through the windward passage. After a few days we succeeded in obtaining sight of that Island & sailed along under the lee of it; keeping a bright look-out for suspicious looking vessels. Knowing that my vessel had been taken from the pirates, I was fearful that some of the former gang who once had possession of her might capture me, when I could not expect anything but immediate death.
      Ref: Journal of Voyages by Jacob Dunham, 1850.
      Note4: Numerous more advertising may be found, cotton, sugar, Turpentine, for passengers on there ferry at Pine St. - PJA

      . Rec. 1824 Sept 1, County of New York, Mr. James L. Montaudevert of the City of NY, Merchant, being duly sworn doth depose & say that Captain James Lawrence late of the United States Navy was the brother-in-law of this deponent having married his sister & that the only surviving issue of that marriage is Mary N. Lawrence who as born on the 3rd day of May in the year of our Lord 1810 & further he saith not. J S Montaudevert.
      Note5: Mont au de vent is French for The Mountain of the Wind / Windy Mountain. - PJA.

      . Research2: Descendant James Montaudevert Waterbury 1851, NY who for years has been conspicuous in business, society & sports ...business office.

      . 1843 NY Passenger Arrived: In the ship Bazaar of Boston, from Canton, J L Montaudevert, of NY.
      Ref: NY Tribune Newspaper.
      Note6: Must have been quite an impressive trip from China for a man 50 or so years still sailing about the high seas! -PJA

      . 1845 Feb 24 - Report of the Commissioner of Expired Patents:
      Montaudevert, James L, Residence Charlotte, N.C. Gold, extracting from ore, Expired Patented April 30, 1831.

      . Maude Livingston married Apr 21 1900, Lawrence Waterbury, son of James Montaudevert Waterbury.

      . 1873 - Columbia University, Graduates in Arts: James Montaudevert, Jr. Waterbury, (m), A.M. 69 South St. , N. Y. City. Bache McEvers Whitlock, (l), LL.B. 187s, A.M. 1876. 4g Wall St..." - - - [1, 2]

  • Sources 
    1. [S45] NJ Historial Society, www.jerseyhistory.org.

    2. [S60] Archives of Ontario, Toronto, Canada.