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- . Unknown Relationship, is near by neighbor
Elisha Tarbox, Box 1782 US, resided Caledon East, Ontario. Canada not too far from Elisha Tarbox. Caledon East.T arbox is too rare of a surname to be coincidence.
Requires More Research.
. George Tarbox, c 1815 to c1869, Con 6, Lot 4 Caledon E,
Niagara X Terry, Jane, 1819 May 21-1847 Feb 15, Winter Quarters, NE. Surely Tarbox is too rare of a surname to be a coincidence. (PJA 2010).
. Their son: Elisha Terry Tarbox (1844 Sep 9) or born NY on 1837 Jul 22-1906, San Francisco. California.
Census 1900 June 1: Washington St., Occ: Clerk, Father Born NY & Mother born New Jersey, X Mary Galighan & Julia A, Born NJ in 1848 Jan. Father born New Jersey, mother born NY. - - -