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- WARD COUNTY TX: BIRTHS 1917-1918 from Draft Registration Cards
Andrew Jackson Sitton, b 7 Jan 1882 Res. Ward Co.
. 1908 December 22 - he married Adelia Banks, daughter of W. W. & Ida Banks. They became the parents of 6 daughters & one son.
. 1909 July 21 - Dallas Morning News
Pyote Organizes a Commercial Club
Special to the News.
Pyote, Tex, July 20 - A commercial club was organized at Pyote for the purpose of advertising the town & tributary country. Officers elected: H L Johnston, president, A J Sitton, secretary. The club will hold regular weekly meetings.
. 1910 Apr 03 - Forth Worth Star-Telegram
Prominent Men At Congress Here, will discuss Problem of Importance to the State.
Dry farming & irrigation are 2 of the subjects on Program.
When the Texas Conservation Congress convenes in Fort Worth, Tuesday, some of the most prominent men in Texas will assemble to discuss problems of all interest to the state. ... Gov. T M Campbell ... About 1,000 delegates have been appointed by county judges, commercial clubs & different organizations over the state. In the reception room of the Board of Trade a wooden frame 16x16 feet is being erected. This frame is to contain a monster map of Texas, which was used at the St. Louis Exposition. The frame will slanted as the Board of Trade reception room is only 14 feet in height.
Ward County, A. J. Sitton, Pyote.
. 1912 Feb 7 - Pyote, A J Sitton, who has been secretary of the Pyote Commercial Club has been secretary of the club since its organization 3 years ago, was continued [elected] as secretary.
Dallas Morning News. Texas.
. 1915 Sep 12- WWII Registration Card Andrew Jackson Sitton, born 7 Jan 1882, Residing, Pyote, Texas.
. 1916 Dec 1924 - Fort Work Star-Telegram
Real Estate For Exchange, Equity in 6 lots in Evans-Pearson Westwood addition for automobile or other trade of equal value. A J Sitton, Pyote, Texas.
. Died at Sunset Haven Nursing Home, 2 Year stay. Cause of death Hypostatic pneumonia, due to acute pyelonephritis and severe arteriosclerosis.
. 1918 Mar 8 - Maxwell Truck. Boquor Motor Co. Southwestern Distributors, Dealers: A J Sitton, Pyote, Texas.
Ref: El Pasco Herald Newspaper.
. 1928 Feb 19 - Fort Worth, Texas. Oil Town is Looking for C. of C. Secretary for its chamber of Commerce. A J Sitton postmaster, was elected President. A year ago Pyote was just a wide place in the road, & now due to the oil activity, it isa town of more than 4,000 inhabitants. It has been decided to put a $150,00 road bond issue to a vote to improve the highway leading into the Winkler County oilfield. Peyote also boasts a 100 room hotel.
. 1929 Apr 5 - At a meeting of business men here steps ere taken to correct the residence shortage at Pyote. It was decided to organize an investment company to erect a number of residences, losing less than $1,500. A J Sitton treasurer.
. 1935 JULY 18 - Ripleys Believe It or Not, [Carton drawing of] Catfish for 4 legs, caught by A J Sitton, Pyote, Texas.
Ref: Oregonian Newspaper, Portland, Oregon. and Repository Newspaper, Canton, Ohio.
. 1939 Feb 13 - School book figures on Murders, Editor, herald Post:
In view of the discussions pro & con relative to the death penalty, I wish to call attention to a chart given on page 91 of Book 3, Exploring New Fields, a 7th grade book taught in the public schools of Texas & endorsed by the State Board of Education. this chart gives the number of murders per 100,000 in each state. An examination of this record shows that there are several ties as many murders committed intros states having the death penalty as intros that do not. Wisconsin, a non-death penalty state has 1.1 per 100,000. Texas, a death penalty state has 18.2 more than 16 times as many. Michigan the tightest of the non-death penalty states as 3.3 & Alabama, the high-test of the death penalty states has 34.5.
If the death penalty is necessary to prevent murder than will some death penalty advocate explain these figures. Signed Pyote, Texas, A.J. Sitton.
. 1939 Dec 12 - SideBar Remarks, by E M Pooley. Pecos Bill that tough old cyclone buster who was written up i the America Mercury this month & some of whose exploits were mentioned her a few days ao, arouses mixed emotions. A J Sitton of Pyote holds him in contempt, but Joe Evans recognized Pecos Bill as quite a top hand & goes him one better. "The Pecos Bill mentioned in Side Bar Remarks wa well known in this section, Mr Sitton writes. He located at Wink during the early part of the oil boom, but was son run out of town for being a jelly bean. Well bet Bro. Sitton helped to the running, too. …such years as those folks, are why people sometimes say you can't believe everything you read in the papers. But if anybody in these her parts thinks he can beat Bro. Sitton or Bro. Evans at stretching the trough, well, have at it, I'ill take the risk of printing same.
. 1941 Apr 4 -It appears that Adolf [Hilter] in starting into the Balkan country has about the same trouble that Wm. Allen White said what was the matter with Kansas: he started out to raise all & produced an over supply. We note that Matsuoka asks that the leaders of the belligerent countries et together at a peace conference. If Adolf & Churchill get together in the same room I could have the same desire to see it that a try had in trying 2 men for participating in a fracas in Oklahoma in an early day. the evidence showed that one participant had a shotgun, a pitchfork, a butcher knife & an ax, while his opponent had a rifle, six shooter, a hatchet & crowbar. The jury, after hearing the evidence treated & immediately returned with averdict: We the jury would have given $5 to have seen the fight. A J Sitton, Pyote.
. 1943 Mar 10 [Abbreviated version] By A J Sitton the Encyclopedia authorities of 20 years ago we find Finland was Fascist before Italy or Germany. Finland secured its independence from Russia in 1917. Baron Mannerheim, of the Finnish Army was dissatisfied the The Social Democratic part & called upon Germany for air to overthrowing the govt.
. 1943 May 3 - Re Millonaire Relief Bill now before congress. …I lost everything in the 1929 crash & have been trying to stage a comeback since that time. All my profits except living expenses were applied on debts of many years standing so the tax money was had to raise, yet I have gladly paid the tax. Wha is the the interest of the country is to may interest.
. 1943 Oct 19 - Some Advice for Preachers, by A J Sitton. a preacher in Memphis before commencing his Sunday services made this announcement: Borhters & Sisters, I am now abut to pass the collection plate. Before doing so, I wish to state there is a brother in the audience who is paying too much attention to atoner man's wife, & unless there is a $5 bill in the plate when it returns, I am going to mention his name. when the plate returned it contained 19 $5 bills & one $2 bill with a note attached, Will pay you the balance Saturday. Pyote, Texas.
. 1944 Jan 24, A J Sitton, article about Franco & Spain.
. 1945 Jan 1, A J Sitton article about Polish officials on the Czechoslovak Frontier on Sept 28, 1938.
Ref: El Paso Herald Post Newspaper, Texas.
. 1947 Oct 24 - Austin Court of Criminal Appeals upheld the Ward Co. district Court in its conviction of half S Haigh of burglary & a sense of 2 years confinement. Haigh was invited of burglarizing the store of A J Sitton in Pyote on Jan 1 1946, in the course of the burglary, stilton shot Haigh, while another person escaped. Haight contended he had not entered the store by force, as the door hd been closed, it was necessary to shove it open to obtain entrance. the court ruled it was not necessary that the door or lock be broken open to constitute forcible entry.
Ref: Odessa American Newspaper., Texas.
. 1948 Jan 5- By A J Sitton. Jude J D Kugle, Pyote farmer, lawyer & oil producer owns extensive farming interests in the Big Valley south of Pyote, noted that artesian water had been struck in a number of wells over a distance of about 9 miles & decide to make a test of the water. Oil drillers were not interested in water & cased off the flow in search of oil. After a number of heartbreaking accidents, Judge Kyle finally struck a sea of water at 1160 feet that estimates indicate will irrigate more than 80 Acres. Four other tests are scheduled. Pyote.
Ref: El Paso Herald Post Newspaper.
. 1955 Jul 3 - Letters from readers: Truman Baiters. We trust Truman baiters & isolationist took note of how the Reds at San Francisco tried to keep Truman from speaking to the conference. Truman & Acheson have been pet haters of the Reds since the Truman Doctrine stopped them from overrunning Europe. They also stopped them in Korea as long as they were in office. A J Sitton, Pyote, Texas.
. 1959 Feb 10 - Letters from readers: TEXAS PEYOTE TEA IS POTENT DRINK
In your issue of Jan 27 you have a writeup of Pyote. The name originally was spelled Peyote, but when the post office was established in 1907 the department spelled it Pyote & established the office. Came here from North Texas in Mary 1907.
I am familiar with the social actions of the Kiowa-Comanche Indians, as I are up in that country. They used the shrub by boiling it into a tea & drinking it. It gave them great endurance when they went on the warpath. After the Comanches were moved to the reservation in Oklahoma they sent a delegation to the Rio Grande to gather a supply of the shrub for use in their sun & rain dances.
I have heard it report that during one of their celebrations a jack ravin that the been chased all over Western Oklahoma by predatory animals slipped up to one of the pots & drank several swings of the peyote tea. Immediately he decided to wreak menage on his tormentors. In a short time he cleans up on 3 wildcats, 2 coyotes & one lobo wolf. When last seen he was chasing a mountain lion down Beaver creek at a mile a minute. This stuff was potent. A J Sitton, Pyote Texas.
Ref: Dallas Morning News.
. 1961 Apr 2, Mayor A J Sitton is unopposed in his bid for another term. Ref: Odessa Am. News.
Note: Many other political newspaper articles are not recorded here. P J Ahlberg.
. Uncle Jack (John Sitton Lucas) told me that Worttie had stolen money from the post office. AJ Sitton took the blame for it so she would not have to go to jail. Worttie was his wife's sister. Eventually, he did get a pardon from Roosevelt. I have not verified this story yet.
Ref: Lucas Family Tree, by cindlyluc1, date 2018.
. 1936 Sep 24 - Franklin D Roosevelt, President of USA, Andrew J Sitton was convicted in US District of Texas on an indictment charging the embelsament of Post office funds, sentenced to imprisonment for 3 years in US Industrial Reformatory at Chillicothe, Ohio, fined $5469.19. Pardoned.
. 1973 Mar 4 - Services for Andrew Jackson stilton Sr., 1, a longtime Pyote resident who died about 4:39 PM. t
Thursday in an el Paso nursing home after a long illness, were 3P =M Sat. in Pyote Baptist Church. burial Pyote Cemetery. Born Jan 7 1882 in St. Joe Ark., Sitton has been a merchant in Pyote.
Surviors include a son A J Sitton, Jr. of Fort Stockton, 5 Daughters Mrs Ida Ludas, Mrs Fay Kleban & Mrs Virginia Fisk, all of El Paso, Mrs. Frances Turner of Austin & Mrs Hazel Strickland of Phoenix, Ariz.; a brother, Fitz Sitton of Pyote; 22 grandchildren & 14 great grandchildren.
Ref: Odessa Am. News.
.Transcriptions by PJ Ahlberg. Thank you. - - -