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- Colorado Springs Directory
. 1924 - Hamilton, Herman A (Pearl A) sec. Elton Oil Co., h. 22 E San Miguel.
. 1927 - 1828 - 1929 - Herman A Hamilton, 22 E San Miguel; Mrs Pearl A Hamilton, mustchr 22 E San Miguel, r. do.
. 1938 - Hamilton, Herman A (Pearl A) sec- treas Investors Motor Oil Co., Elton Oil Co., h. 22 E San Miguel. Mrs Pearl A Hamilton, mustchr 22 E San Miguel.
. 1939 - Hamilton, Herman A (Pearl A) secretary pres. Am. Flueorspar Corp, Investors Motor Oil Co., Elton Oil Co., h. 22 E San Miguel.
. 1942 - Pearl A Hamilton (wid. Herman A) mus. tchr., 22 E San Miguel h. do.
. 1891 Feb 13. Durand, Fred Hamilton, a former resident of tis place, but now of Bay city, has been visiting friends intern this week. [Verify this Fred Hamilton.]
. 1891 Mar 20 - Fred Hamilton, of Bay City is visiting in town this week.
. 1891 Mar 27 - Fred Hamilton returned to his home in Bay City this week.
Ref: Owosso Times Newspaper, Michigan.
. 1894 Apr 20, Ithaca. Fred Hamilton was in Frankfort Tuesday. Ithaca is to have a new jewelry store, also a secondhand store.
Ref: Alma Record Newspaper, Alma, Michigan
News-Palladium & Daily Palladium Newspaper, Benton Harbor, Michigan:
. 1897 Oct 2 The reception at the residence of Rev James Hamilton has evening was attended by a large crown. The occasion was a very happy one & the evening passed very pleasantly. Music provided by Fred Hamilton, with the cornet & Art Pianist.
. 1898 July 2- MARRIED IN DETROIT, Herman Alfred Hamilton & Miss Pearl Alta Blue, Wed. Herman Alfred Hamilton, the well-known clerk in Haydon's jewellery store & son of Rev. James Hamilton of St. Joseph was married to Miss Pearl Alta Blue of Elm, Michigan. Wednesday morning in Detroit: Only the immediate relatives were present at the ceremony. The happy couple arrived in Benton Harbor Wed. evening & Mr. Hamilton, who is better known as "Fred" is receiving congratulations from his friends.
Both young people are highly esteemed by all their acquaintances.
. 1905 May 5 - Rev. James Hamilton of Grand Rapids is the guest of his son, H A Hamilton.
. 1899 Sep 23 - Messrs. Teetzel & Hamilton will open another store in St. Joseph Oct 1, of which Mr. H. A. HAMILTON will have charge. Mr. Teetzel remaining in the store here. The stocks of both stores are to be filled to meet all demands.
Note: Chas. W Teetzel is the 2nd cousin of Herman Hamilton. - PJA
. 1899 Dec 12 Advertisement: Teetzel & Hamilton, Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Two stores, well filled, new stocks, all novelties, latest in everything, Benton Harbor & St. Joseph. - We are closing out C E Bowman's line of musical instruments cost.
. 1900 June 21 - Dissolved Partnership. The firm of Teetzel & Hamilton formally dissolved partnership today. Mr. T retains the store in Benton Harbor & Mr. Hamilton takes the St. Joseph business. The dissolution is the result of the increase & growth of the firms business & seemed advisable for the mutual interests of the parties. Mr. T has for many hears been engaged in the jewelry business in this city & his success is note with satisfaction of his friends.
. 1902 Aug 15 - Mrs. James Redner & son of Battle Creek arrived this morning & will visit at the home of H A Hamilton until Sunday.
. 1903 Mar 23 - Co. Elects Officers. Kenneth MN Ransom chosen head of Boat Building concern. St. Joseph Herald, Stockholders of the St. Joseph Boat Manufacturing Co. 1st annual meeting Sat. night. KMR. St. Joseph, Ernest F Smith, Chicago & H. A. Hamilton (Sec, Treasurer) of this city were chosen directors for the ensuing year, co. ...several contracts.
. 1903 Jan 5 - Mrs. Fred Hamilton who has been quite is much improved.
. 1903 Jan 7 - Mr. Fred Hamilton is confined to his home with influenza. Mrs. Hamilton, who has been ill, is able to be up.
. 1905 May 27 - THE NICKEL CLUB. The E A Graham home was the scene of a pretty gathering last evening it being one of the meetings of the Nickel card club. The tables were all named for cities in Michigan with the exception for Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, which is the home city of the guest of honor, Mrs J K Ross. The tables were named & presided over by the following ladies, Fond du Lac, Mrs J K Ross; Detroit Mrs. H A Hamilton; Grand Rapids Mrs I W Riford; Niles, Mrs F A Woodruff; Battle Creek, Mrs J FJ W Fletcher; Benton Harbor, Mrs. G M Bell & St. Joseph, Mrs. Mary Ransom. Detroit was the successful table, capturing 16 flags, the ladies who won were Mesdames H A Hamilton, I C Travis, O O Jordan, N, C Sanbier, A Velie & L Schultz. The prizes were beautiful china plates & the guest of honor was presented with a pretty sugar bowl & creamer by the hostesses Mesdames Hull & Graham, assisted by Mrs. Lewis Schultz, served lemon ice & cake.
. 1903 Oct 2, Rev JH of Grand Raids has arrived to visit his children, Fred Hamilton & Mrs. Kenneth Ransom.
. 1905 Oct 20 - Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hamilton left yesterday afternoon for the eastern part of the state where they will visit friends for two weeks. Mrs. Hamilton will then leave for Colorado Springs, but Mr. Hamilton will return to this city for a few days before leaving for his home in Colorado.
. 1931 Oct 17 - Rev. James Hamilton & Walter Hamilton of Grand Rapids are guests of H A Hamilton.
. Fred H Hamilton, son, 5 yrs /1875 born MI, Father b Canada, Mother, born Penn. - - - [1, 2]