Notes |
- . Date of Birth Estimates:
Parents married about 1786 in New Brunswick, at Miramichi.
. 1797 Town of York Minutes Census: Two female children (= Elizabeth, then Margaret Lawrence. Possibly brother John Lawrence is older than them).
Ref: UC Land Petition 1819, if 21y, she was born 1798.
. Married 1813, if 18 years old she was born 1795.
Notes1: Why did relatives Wm. Lawrence & John Willson sign a marriage bond for her, & not her father Richard? Was Richard away with the War of 1812 duties then? - PJA.
. Elizabeth Lawrence & Elisha Tarbox founded Caledon East, first called Tarbox Corners in 1821.
UC Land Petition 1819, if 21y, she was born 1798.
. 1813 APR 26, both York Twp., Lawrence, Elizabeth married William Osborn.
Witnesses: *William Lawrence & John Willson,
By special license at St James Cathedral, Toronto.
Notes1: Why did relatives Wm. Lawrence & John Willson sign a marriage bond for her & not her father Richard? Was Richard away with the War of 1812 duties then? - PJA.
Note2: *Witnesses to her wedding are likely Uncle William, UE & either her Grandfather or Uncle John Willson. - PJA.
. 1819 Sep 10 - Notice is hereby given to all those persons who have orders for Land & who expected to procure locations in the southern Township of Chinguacousy: Locations will be open for Settlement on the 9 Sep, consisting of 288 Lots of 100 acres each.
Surveys of Albion, Caledon & the north part of Equesing, are daily expected & will be thrown open for all Settlers, those who have larger grants as well as others,
Signed, John Small, Executive Council Office.
Ref: Kingston Chronicle Newspaper, Kinston, Ontario
. UCLPetition 99, T Bundle 12, C2834 p896-9.
1819 October 13 -To Lt. Gov. Pergrine Maitland, Petition of Elizabeth Tarbox of Markham Twp. Petition is a daughter of Richard Lawrence now of Southwold Twp., but formerly of York Twp., an UE Loyalist. Wants a grant of 200 Acres.
Appeared at York Court House, General Quarter Session on 1819 October 13 & made oath she was formerly married to William Osborn, deceased, & is now the wife of Elisha Tarbox of Markham & she never received any land from the Crown. Signed, Elizabeth Tarbox, York, 13 October, 1819.
Elizabeth Tarbox personally appeared at the General Quarter Sessions of Peace & is recognized to nee a daughter of Richard Lawrence. She was formerly wife of the late William Osborn, deceased, who did his duty in defense of the Province during the late Ware [of 1812], now wife of Elisha Tarbox to whom she married since the War. Signed, Grant Powell, Chairman & Stephen Heward, Clerk of the Peace, Court House at York, 13 Oct 1819.
Envelope: Received 1819 Oct 14. Granted 200 A., 6 Oct 1819 Entered Land Book X /F? K?, page 282.
. 1819 Sep 10 - Notice is hereby given to all those persons who have orders for Land & who expected to procure locations in the southern Township of Chinguacousy: Locations will be open for Settlement on the 9 Sep, consisting of 288 Lots of 100 acres each.
Surveys of Albion, Caledon & the north part of Equesing, are daily expected & will be thrown open for all Settlers, those who have larger grants as well as others,
Signed, John Small, Executive Council Office.
Ref: Kingston Chronicle Newspaper, Kinston, Ontario
. 1819 Oct 15 - Elizabeth Tarbox, Residence Markham - Caledon, Lot 4, Con 6 ECR [east Credit River],
Over the years the village has had various names, the first one being Tarbox Corners, after its first settlers Elisha & Elizabeth Tarbox, who arrived in 1821. As the daughter of United Empire Loyalists, Mrs. Tarbox had been granted 200 acres of land on the Caledon-Albion town line, at the junction of County roads 7 (Airport Road) & 22 (Old Church Road) & about 25 kilometers northwest of Brampton. The address is now 4 Rocker Road. (at Airport Road) earliest settlers of Caledon came about 1821. At that time the township was covered with thick forest & swamp.
. 1851 Census Caledon East, Peel Co., Ontario:
Elisha & Elizabeth Tarbox & John Osborn age 7, (Grandson of Elizabeth). 1 story log cabin.
. 1851 Oct 9 - Registered 1864 Apr 2, Grant, Elisha & Elizabeth Tarbox, to James Walker of Caledon, 5 shillings, Remarks: full rights, title, & privilege of using for passing through a certain road which is to be one and a half rods wide. Making of about 40 or 50 rods of a fence in the east half of Lot 4."
The road, which seemingly is to be built by Walker, cuts southwest across the east half of Lot 4 to the west half, north of the south boundary of the lot. It became known as Walker's Lane, now Walker Road West:
To commence at the east end of said lot adjoining the township line between Albion & Caledon to commence between the house now occupied by the said Elisha Tarbox & the house occupied by Henry Christorphenson to continue a southwesterly direction through the whole length of the said lot until it extends to the west half of the said Lot 4, without let or hindrance or molestation of the said Elisha & Elizabeth Tarbox his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns.
Wit, James Walker, Senior, Caledon, farmer & John Maguire, Albion, blacksmith.
. Land granted to Elizabeth Lawrence was Lot 4, Con 6 EHurontario South, Toronto Twp. - at what is now the intersection of Airport Road & Walkers Line meet in Caledon East. They were the original settlers and the town was first named Tarbox Corners after Elisha & the village was later renamed Caledon East. In his WILL, Elisha left some land to John Osborn, the grandson of his wife, Elizabeth Lawrence.
Ontario Land Registry
Abstract Book Caledon Twp., Peel Co., p41-2.
Lot 4 West Half, Con 6,
. 1821 Dec 1821, Patent, Crown, To Elizabeth Tarbon [Name transcript errors continue], 200 Acres;
. 1822 July 10, Bargain&Sale, Elisha Torbay & spouse, to Wm. Higgenson, £12:10s, Westerly part;
. 1829 Mar 25, B&S, Wm Higgenson & spouse, to Jos Milburn, £50, Westerly part;
. 1844 Oct 21, B&S, Elisha Tarbon & Spouse, to James Warbrick, £6:15s, 4.5 acres;
. 1854 Mar 31, Indenture, Elisha Tarabon & Spouse, £200, to Jos McDougall;
. 1854 Jul 13, Release, Elisha Tarbon & Spouse, to James Munsie, 5 shillings;
. 1854 Jul 13, Mortgage, Jos McDougall, to Elisha Tarbon, £150;
. 1854 Jul 13, Release, Elisha Tarbon & Spouse, to James Munsie et all, 5 shillings, 3.5 Acres;
. 1861 Mar 26, Discharge Mortgage, Elisha Tarbon, to James Munsie;
. 1864 Apr 2, B&S, Elisha Tarbon etux, to James Walker, 5 shillings, other consideration Road Privilege;
. 1865 Jan 4, Indenture, Elizabeth Tarbon, to Sam Allison, $1600, NEHalf excepting Walkers Road.
. Elisha Tarbox, bearing a historical plaque may be found at 4 Rocker Rd, at Airport Rd. (which is the first line) Caledon East, Ontario.
. 1869 Caledon East - population 100.
. Elizabeth Tarbox Park, 37 Borland Cres., Caledon East
Early Caledon settler Elizabeth Tarbox was issued the west half of Lot 4, Concession 6 EHS, Caledon Township in 1819, receiving the formal Crown patent for the entire Lot 4 in 1821. Elizabeth & her husband, Elisha, sold the west half of the Lot to William Higginson in that same year. The Tarbox family remained on the east half of the lot, subdividing the portion of the property within the Caledon East village boundary into building lots. Caledon East was originally known as Tarbox Corners.
Ref: Heritage Caledon, 2014.6.3.
For further research:
. Wednesday, 11 March, 1812, by License, William Lawrence & Mary Holiday, both of the Township of York.
Witnesses, Colin Drummond & Elizabeth Lawrence
Note3: Verify identify of this Wm. & Mary Holiday - PJA & information on:
(More history in the printed Richard Lawrence, UE book in the North York Public Library, Toronto. PJA.) - - - [2, 3, 4, 5]