Ann (Antoinette ) CHIASSON WARD

Female 1824 -

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  • Name Ann (Antoinette ) CHIASSON WARD  [1, 2, 3
    Born 1824 
    Gender Female 
    Person ID P14021  Toni Walker Family Tree
    Last Modified 22 Jan 2025 

    Father Paul CHIASSON
              b. 3 Jul 1773, Miscou Centre, Gloucester, New Brunswick, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 1818, New Brunswick, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 44 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Family ID F5559  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family ebenezer (Ann Antoinette Chiasson) WARD, MG
              b. 1816 
    Married 1842-3  Gloucester, comtĂ© (Bureau de SantĂ© de Bathurst), Acadie (Nova Scotia and New Brunswick) Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
     1. Anne WARD
              b. 1843, Bathurst, Gloucester, New Brunswick, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [natural]
     2. John WARD
              b. 1844, Bathurst, Gloucester, New Brunswick, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [natural]
     3. Hannah WARD
              b. Abt 1844, Bathuist New Brunswick Find all individuals with events at this location  [natural]
     4. Abenezer aged 5 years WARD
              b. abt. 1845  [natural]
     5. Margaret WARD
              b. 1846, Bathurst, Gloucester, New Brunswick, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [natural]
     6. Henry WARD
              b. 1855, Bathurst, Gloucester, New Brunswick, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [natural]
     7. Elizabeth WARD
              b. 1857, Bathurst, Gloucester, New Brunswick, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [natural]
     8. William WARD
              b. 1858, Bathurst, Gloucester, New Brunswick, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [natural]
    Last Modified 22 Jan 2025 
    Family ID F4012  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Sources 
    1. [S675402300] New Brunswick, Canada, Marriages, 1789-1950,, ( Operations, Inc.), Provincial Archives of New Brunswick; New Brunswick, Canada.

    2. New England Historic Genealogical Society; Boston, Massachusetts.

    3. [S688197657] Acadia, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1757-1946,, ( Operations, Inc.).

    4. [S670604804] Acadia, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1757-1946,, ( Operations, Inc.).