Rockford Gazzette, publish date 16 Mar. 1871. A photocopy was sent to us by Art Moore of Janesville, WI.

Source Information

  • Title Rockford Gazzette, publish date 16 Mar. 1871. A photocopy was sent to us by Art Moore of Janesville, WI. 
    Short Title Rockford Gazette 
    Publisher Rockford Gazette, Rockford, IL 
    Repository Personal files of Jay Moore 
    Source ID S11 
    Text In a column entitled "Died" :

    "Suddenly, on the 3d of March, 1871, at the residence of her son, in Ogle County, Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, aged 86 years, 10 months and ?? days.

    "Mrs. Moore, with her husband and family, emigrated from Canada in the year 18?? (perhaps 1840) and arrived in Illinois in July. Her first residence in the State was in Ogle County, in the vicinity of ??? (perhaps Oregon) where, the following August, she was called to part with her husband by death. In the spring of 1841, she removed with her children to New Milford, Winnebago County, which place remained her home until her death. The deceased was a diligent reader of the Bible, and a firm believer in the doctrines taught by the Redeemer. Thus, we trust, she is now past the dark waters, and safely landed on that shore where the weary ???? from trouble and the faithful are at rest. - - - B.M." 
    Linked to Enoch MOORE
    Elizabeth SMITH