Welcome to Ontario Family History, an Ontario Ancestors site.
Ontario Family History is intended to assist the genealogical community by providing a permanent home for various Ontario based genealogy/family history related websites. We are currently the home of:
Canadian Families, a gedcom site hosting family trees containing more than 30 separate family trees and more than 174,000 individuals;
Brick Street Cemetery, originally associated with the neighbouring Brick Street Church (Methodist Episcopal), is one of the oldest cemeteries in London, Ontario. It began as the burial ground for some of Westminster Township’s earliest pioneers who arrived in 1810, with interments dating from 1813. In 1994, the cemetery was designated a provincial heritage site. Stewardship and restoration of the cemetery, as well as genealogical research on associated families has been undertaken by the Friends of Brick Street Cemetery (FBSC).
S.S. Nerissa, a website providing the story of the only troopship to lose Canadian troops en route to England during World War 2. Torpedoed by U-552, the S.S. Nerissa lies about 100 miles northwest of the coast of Donegal, Ireland. All but 84 of the ship’s complement of 290 passengers and crew were lost in the sinking. Read news, official and eyewitness reports of the sinking, as well as the full passenger and crew list.
Port Hope Ontario, A Living Past, features local historical and genealogical resources for the town of Port Hope, Ontario and Hope Township. Developed by Peter & Barbara Bolton, Ontario Ancestors is proud to provide free hosting services to ensure the long-term security of this valuable resource under the continued administration of Peter and Barbara.
CanadianHeadstones.com, Canada’s largest headstone photo and transcription site with records for more than two million individuals. CanadianHeadstones.com is a Canadian federal not-for-profit corporation and a Canadian registered charity. Donations though CanadaHelps.com gratefully accepted, and a donation tax receipt will be instantly issued.
Nursing Sister Connor provides the documentary and photographic story of one woman’s journey through the horrors of World War One
Granny’s Genealogy Gardens – This web site is permanently hosted in Fay’s Memory. The Site contains great information about Middlesex and Lambton Counties.
Phillip Gross’ family history site, providing genealogies of the Gross, Norcross, Fleming and Drake families.
The CanadaGenWeb Project was established in 1996 as a free central repository for Canadian genealogy. Over the past two decades hundreds of volunteers have contributed their time and expertise to build this 100% volunteer project. Ontario Ancestors is honoured to provide free webhosting to this important and independent Canadian genealogical resource.