The hospital, located at 1 Hyde Park Place, W2 2LH, London, operated from 1916 to 1919. An early 19th century townhouse on the Bayswater Road was obtained to provide additional hospital accommodation for officers. Colonel and Mrs A.E. Gooderham of Toronto paid for its conversion from a residence into a hospital for Canadian officers. It would be run under the auspices of the Imperial Order of Daughters of the Empire (of which organization Mrs Gooderham was President), while the Canadian Red Cross would be responsible for its maintenance.
The Daughters of the Empire Canadian Red Cross Hospital for Officers was officially opened by Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyle, on 11th May 1916, even though it had already received its first patients in February. Although intended for Canadian officers, other nationalities were also received. The Hospital had 25 beds – 15 in a large ward and the remainder in four smaller wards.
The officer in charge was Captain Creighton of the Canadian Army Medical Service, while the nursing staff consisted of a Matron and five nurses, of the Canadian Army Nursing Service, with six or seven orderlies to assist. The Hospital closed on 20th September 1919, with its few remaining patients being transferred to the Petrograd Red Cross Hospital for Officers.

Read the Record of Service: